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There is much insight to be gained here into the Verdurian mind; not only from the distinctions of meaning available in the language, but in the classifications to be found in various semantic fields, from animal names to genres of writing. Explanations are provided where they may prove helpful, especially when some background explanation can illuminate a whole sequence of related words (see for instance the notes on the soul, and on types of physical substances).
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, that linguistic categories determine thought, is out of favor; but only the strong form need be rejected. There should be no doubt that the categories and concepts of language influence thought, and that the words, metaphors, and semantic fields of a language are a treasure-trove of cultural information.
Like any treasury, of course, it contains fakes and antiques. Often the information encoded is out of date and no longer believed. But even this is interesting; it not only tells us something about the history of the culture, but about what traditional formulations and ancestral conceptions the modern user of the language must struggle against.
Every attempt has been made to achieve accuracy; but conciseness has been preferred to completeness. Glosses are sufficient to identify the sense and distinguish it from closely related words, and no more. In most cases fuller explanations of meanings can be found in the Verdurian-English Dictionary, which should also be consulted for grammatical, stylistic, and etymological information.
Information more readily found or better explained elsewhere in the Research Series is not duplicated here. For instance, numbers, pronouns, prepositions, and affixes are already collected and explicated in the Grammar; geographical names are better read from the Gazeteer; historical names from the Historical Atlas; given names in the monograph on Verdurian Names; names of Cadhinorian gods from the material on Almean religion in Almean Belief Systems. The latter monograph is also the first place to look for further consideration of Verdurian thought and culture in general.
To save space, only one (usually the shortest) of a set of morphologically related words (e.g. gromne 'threatening', gromnec 'threaten', gromnát 'threat') are listed, unless the derivations could not be readily found in the Dictionary (e.g. büt 'goal', agbüte 'useless'). Predictable derivations with rho-, sam-, im-, oti- are not included. For the same reason names of professions are not listed, if they are derived transparently from a listed term (e.g. fäbát 'painting' --> fäbom 'painter'). Learners are advised, however, not to try to invent words this way; the derivations aren't always regular.
Words appear in multiple sections where they either have multiple senses, or direct relevance to multiple categories.
Metaphorical usages (e.g attróuen 'reach' for 'convince'; cipan 'boil' for 'be angry') are generally not cross-referenced, unless they have become so well-established that the metaphoricity has been lost (e.g. imlelen 'make to appear' --> 'publish'; melürec 'go from flower to flower, pollinate' --> 'shop'). The danger that the semantic resources of the language are thus understated must be offset against the considerable savings of space, and the predictability of such expressions.
Some colloquialisms have been included, when they seem not to be ephemeral; e.g. subu 'idiot' has been current for at least fifty years, pasetir in the sense of 'sleep with' for at least a century; and brurho 'belly' and gara 'breast' date back to Old Verdurian. The corollary, however, is that ephemeral slang, no matter how popular or amusing (cf. the early 34th century samelréë 'queenless' = 'out of control'), is not included.
Generally, each paragraph's worth of Verdurian words forms one semantic field. Where a superordinate term (e.g. 'fruit' for 'lemon', 'banana', 'orange') exists, it is listed first within the paragraph, separated from its subordinates by a slash (/). The same convention is used to indicate the unmarked nominalization referring to a graded category (e.g. 'heat' for 'cold, cool, warm, hot'). In either case a second slash sets off more remotely connected terms.
Fourth edition, January 2002
© 1997-98, 2002 by Mark Rosenfelder
Nonexistence. rhodembul - nonexistent; rhoicë - absent
Coming to be. dësan - come into being / imlelen - appear
Seeming: 26. Leria (Understanding)
Ceasing to be. ishshalean - vanish, cease to exist / islelen - disappear
Creation. creir - create; indësan - call into being; fassec - do, make; leprosan - invent
Manufacture: 47. Craft
Destruction. imnishan - annihilate; mautruir - destroy
Source. perzhano - source (place of origin); iseléaku - source material, raw material; rhizo - root, base; pol - basis, ground
Change. dheltan - change / adesan - become, change one's nature; ocan - get, become, change one's state; ulechen - evolve, develop; chichaumec - vary; mesmere - substitute
Lack of change. ilavren - stay, remain in stasis; leberhaner - maintain
Need. butosheo - need / fayir - be necessary; imfayir - logically require; luchen - miss, regret the lack; mancan - lack; siloran - need; toshen - suffice, satisfy; trometul - superfluous; zamancan - run out
Relation. meas - relation; celise - mutual; cellëc - connection; celmeas - intercourse
State. shircaora - condition; ocát - state, status; ilavri - stasis
Type. kest - kind, type, species; surkest - class, category (conceptually broader than a kest)
Nature. hecu - nature, character; ftacon - essence, inner nature; cöne - basic; onoterul - attribute, property, incidental nature; silireca - tendency
Systems. antau - system
1 hour or less
Day. dën - day / solial - sunrise, dawn; utro - morning; eldën - noon; proseo - midday break; shueza, plendën - afternoon; crefu - dusk; crefuselta - twilight; zakát - sunset; vëcher - evening; nochy - night; elnochy - midnight / tutan - daily
Today. vetra - yesterday; eludëno - today; zaftra - tomorrow
Week. hepdën - week; chilepdëne - weekly / days of week: scúreden, shirden, fidren, calten, zëden, néronden (market day), cedhnare (sabbath)
Month. iliazhyosh - month; chiliazhëe - monthly / spring: olashu, reli, cuéndimar; summer: vlerëi, calo, recoltë; fall: yag, zhelea, ishire; winter: shoru, frodhac, beshana
Season. zontor - season; zontorise - seasonal / demecha - spring; esta - summer; peleti - autumn; iveri - winter
Year. zon - year / zondre - yearly; zon kastenei - leap-year; kasten - leap-day; cäma - holiday
Century. scadhora - century
Epoch. ciy - epoch, age; ül - ancient, classical; shoruan - medieval; tëdene - modern
Eternity. chiam - forever, eternity; prochiame - everlasting; rhezy - eternal; sankeshe - endless
Use of time. cairo - opportunity, chance; fuáy - repetition, instance; horora - timetable; tibec - rush; horteleo - clock
Earliness. tardeca - lateness / frue - early; cairete - timely; tarde - late; mora - delay; sitre - immediate, sudden
Length. lengát - length / lenge - long; breve - short; didha - time interval; fuáyul - a while, a short time; lengul - phase
Novelty. lebesa - newness / lebe - new; bome - old; sfëz - fresh; pronunete - temporary; rhopronunete - permanent
Age: 18. The life process
Adverbs of time: 61. Adverbs
Days of week, months of year: see the Grammar
For the civil and religious calendar, see The Kingdom of Verduria
Occurence. zhanen - occur, happen / sylelen - allow to happen; bozhan - fare; zasatel - project; cozhano - coincidence
Cause. shesan - cause (+ verb, noun)/ faitan - render, make (+ adj); celftenen - arrange
Effect. subrel - effect / imsuvan - affect; imprenan - concern, affect, embroil; imfayir - entail, lead inexorably to
Possibility. otinimashát - probability / rhoeshshane - impossible; rhovizhiäm - unlikely; eshshane - possible; otinimashe - probable; vizhul - to be expected; sënul - certain / ulasen - may, might
Chance. bosa - fortune, chance, luck; malbosa - bad luck; abzhanka - accident; malbundrul - habitually unlucky person; adhtävel - disaster; sangaënát - relief; reprieve
Begin. debút - beginning, debutan - begin (+ noun); imocan - start (+ verb)
Continue. dénuir - continue, persist
End. keshen - stop (+ noun); deshen - stop, quit (+ verb); teplenát - completion; urokeshen - finish (emphasis on process of finishing; often no complement); desüen - prevent
Repetition. onfassec - repeat; ombezhir - resume; fuáy - repetition; cedel - habit
Frequency. chustát - frequency / macrete - rare; rhochuste - infrequent; chuste - frequent; pacpace - regular; sanceloshe - constant; celoshshe - intermittent
Purpose. büt - goal, target; zhuca - function, role; ftena - plan; otibruhe - useful; rhozadete - pointless; agbüte - useless
Energy. dunea - energy; benda - work, power; pegeo - force
Effort. razheni - effort / eseyer - try, attempt; surdosen - take on, shoulder
Efficiency. probenda - efficiency / probendre - efficient; malbendre - inefficient
Difficulty. fasil - easy; rhofasil - difficult; lonyolë - challenge; sadëzhea - stress
Danger. väreca - danger / muyo - peril; cisci - risk; shustanë - deadly, fatal, dangerous
Ordeal. rocura - adventure; adferien - bear, stand; lanca - trials, tribulation; lür - woe; tralirec - endure, outlast
Safety. zhore - safe, secure
Compulsion. copuyan - force; shesan - make to do, make to be
Trial. sënan - test, try, verify
Success. abbosan - succeed; imprilen - accomplish; trastoshen - excel, outdo
Failure. eshuir - fail
. pouzhe - location; chel - place; el - center; dör - outsideVerbs. zet tróuen be situated / barucir - lie, rest on; istrichec - protrude; mluzhir - loom, lurk; raspuyan - incline; redhunen - extend
Sides. cot - side / cos - left; dezh - right; fasad - front; dos - back; finta - top; fond - bottom; goly - face; surcot - top surface; syuer - outside surface; uer - outsides; kraita - insides
Directions. num - direction / er - south; tel - west; nan - north; sar - east
Relative height. altát - height / alte - high; base - low
Distance. retdimo - distance / pak - near; ret - far
Alignment. rhodedhëse - vertical; dhëse - horizontal; dedhëse - oblique; colënise - parallel; rhekise - perpendicular
Measurement: 7. Weights and measures
Size. dhol - size / bolyáshe - big; pidhë, pav - little; bombril - immense; mäzun - giant
Length. glinát - length / gliny - long; breve - short
Thickness. epesát - thickness / epese - thick; macre - thin
Width. larzhát - width / larzhe - wide; tesny - narrow
Depth. potát - depth / pote - deep; müguy - profound; erme - shallow
Height. hautát - height / haute - tall; breve - short
Area. redhunát - area / noróum - vast; cuda-dos - cramped / pote - square
Volume. dholdimo - volume; dholdimei - cubic
Extent. redhunát - extent; imretan, redhunen - extend
Amount. dimo - sum, amount; hicet - number / bolë - much; pav - little
Measurement of. merir - measure; podimo - rate; mecredimo - ratio; sybütë - accurate
Change in. mudhen - increase; muanen - reduce
Value terms. dimshuten - exceed; gimen - abound; toshte - sufficient, satisfactory; mancan - lack; siblir - fall short; bumushë - scarcity
Weight. pezy - weight / seshue - heavy; zhole - light / pezer - weigh
Solidity. chuzhát - rigidity / chuezhe - rigid; fëre - solid; terheme - firm, solid; dede - shaky; mense - loose; zetauve - flexible
Strength. zol - strength / zol - strong; cishitë - weak
See also 64. Quantifiers
Many of these measures are still, especially in the country, used quite informally: a carpenter used his own hand as a mano; an innkeeper calls the size of flagon he happens to own a dhuro. In the cities, governments have long attempted to enforce local standards; not only is contention reduced, but a lucrative source of fees and fines is generated.
Linear | ||||
eda | width of a scroll pen | .351 cm | .14 in | |
mano | width of a hand | 24 edî | 8.42 cm | 3.3 in |
chima | length of a man's stride | 9 manoi | .758 m | 2.5 ft |
proma | a unit used in racing, navigation, etc. | 2 chimî | 1.516 m | 5.0 ft |
cemisa | a thousand paces | 1000 chimî | 758 m | .47 mi |
dhënshadu | one day's ride by horse | 60 cemisî | 45.48 km | 28 mi |
Area | ||||
barhura | used to measure cloth, rooms, etc. | 1 chima potë | .575 m2 | 6.2 ft2 |
mechi | used to measure land | 1.136 ha | 2.8 acres | |
Volume | ||||
mika | 1/4 teaspoon | 1/2 miy | 3.358 ml | 0.7 tsp |
miy | spoonful | 6.716 ml | 1.4 tsp | |
verae | liqueur glass | 12 miî | 80.6 ml | 2.7 oz |
dhuro | flagon | 5 veraî | .403 l | 14 oz |
lazhna | wine-bottle | 10 veraî | .806 l | .21 gal |
gemár | pitcher | 10 dhuroi | 4.03 l | 1.1 gal |
luco | bushel | 9 gemárî | 36.27 l | 9.9 gal |
bechka | barrel | 4 lucoi | 145.1 l | 38 gal |
Weight | ||||
ris | the weight of a grain | 60.71 mg | .94 grain | |
hecur | two sheets of paper | 100 risî | 6.071 g | .21 oz |
süro | a standard cut of cheese | 100 hecurî | .6071 kg | 1.3 lb |
cucuri | for weighing men and animals | 10 süroi | 6.071 kg | 13 lb |
pavona | cartload | 288 cucurî | 1750 kg | 1.9 ton |
Fullness. plen - fullness / plene - full; shazhy - empty; boczhene - crowded; sanzhene - vacant
Components. tor - part / cäsel - piece, scrap; caucel - bit, small piece; inteno - ingredient, element; mutai - division; torom - member, component (emphasis on subsidiary status); tranel - segment, division; tusel - splinter; zhusë - member (emphasis on unique role) / intoran - divide
Containers. bechka - barrel; beza - bucket; cleura - cage; dosmishu - backpack, knapsack; dhash - pocket; fako - box; grimosh - drawer; mishek - sack, bag, pack; mishu - large sack or bag; sista - chest, trunk; uzhal - jar; vlagishe - sheath; yonora - basket / isfarhimen - let loose
Food containers: 51. Utensils
Vehicles: 12. Movement
Pile. oshora - pile; tabo - lump; tesha - mess, pile
Sets. ora - collection, group; ptoc - member
Open and close. uvir - open; cüzir - close; beran - lock; deberan - unlock
Fill. immishen - pack; faitan plene - fill; farsir - stuff; poshosh - padding
Edges. bordë - rim; cas - corner; cot - side; rhay - edge, limit, brim; bukrare - infinite
Shape. bulse - round; cardhise - curved; doly - hollow; istrichec - protuberant; dhëse - flat; tabose - lumpy; imlëne - straight; lukul - bent
Plane figures. tiel - point; lën - line; rhek - cross; car - square; caro - diamond; dhincota - triangle; laun - circle; anelo - ring; cardha - curve
Solid figures. boc - cube; brub - block; dhezgorat - pyramid; pula - sphere; muatëpula - dome
Point-like. pilke - ball; chuca - spot, mark; nozu - knot; tabo - lump
Line-like. alb - beam; bastón - stick, pole; belaca - rod; fil - thread, wire; string; glindrel - cord, small rope, belt; prosh - staff; proshásh - pole; punyo - stick; rozhek - peg; rhoca - hook; terhua - post, stake
Band-like. bres - band, strip; bresul - ribbon; cëmura - column; hizhena - row
Plane-like. fëon - platform; nivo - level; stage
Covering. shecu - hulk; chesha - shell, skin; surosh - cover; bushosh - stopper
Defects. punsa - flaw / bos - wrinkle; chira - crack; bruge - twisty; kud - hole; luka - bend; chunanul - stain; roful - groove
Links. lëc - link; gechë - net, web; tsep - chain
Although Verdurian scientists have discovered the spectrum (onoale), they have not yet realized that all colors can be described as combinatons of hue, saturation, and luminosity. They still speak of colors on and off the spectrum, and of the darkness (fuzhulát) of colors (which may refer to either saturation or luminosity).
Hue. orale - color, hue / mushorale - polychromatic
Saturation. fuzhulát - darkness, density of color / fuzhul - dark; faliöl - light / defucan - fade
Spectrum colors. onoalei - on-spectrum / ruzhe - red; narnë - orange; flave - yellow; verde - green; azure - blue; tire - purple
Other colors. is onoalen - off-spectrum / fale - white; grise - gray; mlake - black; rhase - rose, pink; brune - brown; brunsus - umber; verdúran - deep green
Skin colors: The following table gives terms typically used for skin color and the Almean and (as closely as possible) terrestrial peoples who typically have that color. Note that religion, not skin color, is the typical basis of prejudice on Almea.
brune 'brown' Verdurians Arabs, mestizo Hispanics
gríshshue 'greyish' Dhekhnami, Monkhayu no close equivalent
rúzhzhue 'reddish' Westerners, Téllinorese Amerindians
chaise 'tea-colored' southerners, Eluyet Greeks, Italians
fale 'white' Xurnese, Skourenes Germans, Scandinavians
fuzhul 'dark' Nanese, Moreo Ashcaian Africans
azhurshue 'bluish' Uytainese no close equivalent; a dark olive color
Hair colors. Among Verdurians, hair colors range from a dark brown (yonte 'toast-colored') to black (mlake); or of course fale 'white' in old age. Westerners and southerners are often chasne 'chestnut' or rose 'red-haired', there are also in-between shades like rosbrune 'auburn', roscashne 'maroon'; while many Xurnese and other far-southerners are lenocse 'blond'. Uytainese and Nanese have hair of a glossy black texture, called mlakon 'coal.
Push. puyan - push / nozhen - squeeze; nozhulen - pinch; geshan - crush
Hold. curec - hold / dëzhen - tug; griman - pull
Put. metan - put / imbarucir - lay down, set down, put; immetan - stick; imborden - frame; symetan - juxtapose
Arrange. imchelan - arrange; imlëdan - straighten, arrange; immezinen - set in order, clean up; acodhir - separate, sequester
Disarrange. dechelan - displace; delenden - disorder, disarrange, scramble; teshe - disordered, messy; berhe - sloppy; celchelan - switch, replace; ulgash - chaos
Order. mezinen - set in order; izhlädan - precede; suvan - follow / sazhise - subsequent
Search. ishan - search; tellen - seek; tróuen - find; ishshelec - lose; pertróuen - discover
Deform. lukan - bend; dshiren - rip; piser - fold; depiser - unfold; shciir - tear, rip
Break. brisir - break; cäcian - break off; brisete - fragile
Cut. tranen - cut / cäcian - chop; detranen - cut off, sever; findan - split
Pierce. prozen - pierce; shninan - prick
Dig. imsusan, indolir - dig; impochen - bury / tobban - tunnel
Wrap. incruyan - wind, coil, wrap; imbresen - wrap, bandage
Unwrap. ischeshen - peel, shell, strip; issirec - unroll
Throw. gechir - throw / fezhir - hurl, hurtle; lechir - fling; arhelir - pelt
Use. bruhan - use / izhmetan - prepare; maubruhan - abuse
Renew. imleben - renew, renovate
Copy. plican - copy
Destroy. mautruir - destroy / gasfir - waste; gashir - ruin
Mutual relation. bretir - suspend, hang; cumprenan - include; forhan - hang; ferien - bear; raspuyan - lean, incline; situran - surround; traforhan - overhang
Unite. imanen - unite; abnozir - attach; cometan - join, sew; dechir - bind, restrain; meclir - mix; oligec - tie, fasten, link; surmetan - add; nozu - knot
Disunite. azhprenan - remove; deuligec - untie, unfasten
Stick together. glichir - stick together, glue; cruy - tight; mense - loose; glishy - sticky
Departure. lädan - go / azhfäsir - forego, leave; defasadir - set out from; delädan - depart; enalir - go away; fäsir - leave, abandon; isuven - go out, leave; fasadir - advance; dosadan - retreat
Path. evede - course, route; ban - way, passage; berda - path, trail
Roads: 48. City
Guidance. proven - guide; numonten - direct, give directions; zet ishshelec - lose one's way
Arrival. zhanen - come / appakan - approach; adzhanen - arrive; attróuen - reach, attain; voitec - enter, enter into
Stop. keshen - stop, halt / keshashden - pause; keshnáe - camp
Lack of movement. nozhuven - stay, remain; hotonen - stay at or with
Return. onzhanen - return; dosadan - turn back
Source. perzhano - source, place of origin; usoter - spread
Destination. bankesha - destination; numontu - address
Relative motion. prezuir - pass; rhekan - cross; siblir - miss; suvan - follow; azhbezhir - withdraw p>Restraint. urhanel - limitation, restraint
Pursuit. prosuvan - pursue, chase; atäpan - catch
Escape. ishisir - escape / isvarëcan - rescue; spasian - save, rescue; derhaner - unleash
Rotations. orivan - turn / dosadan - turn around; foraven - swing; iripan - turn upside-down; royir - spin; siireo - roll; launiven - rotate; brugiven - twist
Vibration. fifir - flutter, flap; friser - shake, shudder, tremble; mener - wiggle; dede - shaky
Speed. ruk - speed / chachë - slow; sfute - quick; rurhy - fast / tibec - rush, hurry; härer - dawdle, slow
Ascent. irlädan - climb / lialan - rise; sevan, lialuan - raise
Descent. hiplädan - descend, climb down / tombir - fall, drop; valitan - tumble, be knocked down
Jumping. soter - jump / tocan - bounce; surpochen - land
Walking. prosan - walk / cumprosan - parade, march; prosiec - stroll, promenade; prosulan - pace; tomprosan - march; vezhaen - run
Other types of motion. bedorcan - stumble; clas - swing; crusan - stretch; glisir - slide; nuotan - swim; rappan- crawl; isecaiven - flee; sisir - slip; siturian - circle; trazhen - drag; urulan - slink; yenevan - squirm
Vehicles. pavona - wagon, car; pavonora - train, caravan; glispava - sled; shadosh - carriage; tracca - cart, wheelbarrow
Boats. 17. Water
Carry. nasitan - carry / accesten - deliver; adezhen - fetch; ametan - bring; deliver; färan - ferry / naschura - burden, freight; nasitel - cargo
Take. prenan - take / azhprenan - take away; carpuan - snatch; colir - gather, receive; curizec - grasp; deprenan - remove, steal; ingriman - draw, receive; irzovec - win, gain; lazhec - get, acquire, obtain / otitene - available
Discard. leman - get rid of / azhmetulî - garbage; lemäm - scrap
Possession. tenec - have
Ownership: 44. Law
Give back. ondan - return, replace; onlazhec - regain, get back
Send for. desider - order; voyir - send; izhdesider - reserve
Mezinë describes the world as ordered by the gods, similar to the Greek cosmos, what is arranged. And so Dimo and so Fsë simply conjure up the enormous, miscellaneous collection of things that are.
Everything. prilora - reality; mezinë - Divine Order; priroda - nature; prirode - natural; so Dimo, so Fsë the Cosmos; naurondise - global, universal
Verdurians carve up the astronomical phenomena according to strictly visual criteria. Thus points of light are curulî; unless they move, in which case they are dunalálî; objects with a visible disk are called syelaunî. It seems perfectly reasonable to a Verdurian to call a comet a dunalál and to call Ënomai, the sun, a syelaun like the moons.
For more on Almea's solar system, see The system
The sky. syel - sky / syele - celestial; altásh - zenith; akaltásh - nadir; kascia - eclipse
Stars. curulë - star (fixed point of light) / lialan - rise; zaker - set; curulëra - constellation; obela - nebula
Planets. dunalál - planet (moving point of light) / Hírumor (Kírumor), Ishire, Vlerëi, Caiem - planets; dunalál tshurec - comet; syelchaska - meteor
Moons. syelaun - moon (moving disk of light) / Ënomai - Almea's sun; Iliazhë, Iliacásh, Naunai - Almea's moons
Almea. Almea - Almea, the world; hipsyele - earthly
Ground. pocha - ground, surface of earth; hippocha - underground; sfelunca - cavern; parnahireo - earthquake
Plains. etald - plain / irenzha - savannah, veldt; sablia - desert; lutuli - meadow
Forests. silva - forest / güsce - jungle; leusia - marsh; dharimac - wilderness
Hills and mountains. cima - hill, parna - mountain / kent - plateau; mëriparna - volcano; parnora, rilë - mountain range / cruy - steep
Valley. dolina - valley / corzhe - canyon; falez - cliff; mügu - abyss; rof - ditch
Rivers. selë - river / boruna - torrent; fana, yore - stream, brook; fanka - brooklet; gué - ford; meban - channel; suetlen - meander; surselne - riverine; boemo - riverbank; sezuë - spring, source; imchor - confluence; nagana - delta; zolmey - rapids
Seas. zëi - sea / etani - lake; etama - pond; gerak - strait; shutea - puddle; tas - bay / zëte - marine
Sea-girdled land. bordë - coast; surbordne - coastal; hundochi - peninsula; müsa - cape; nezi - island; neziora - archipelago; strana - beach
See also 16. Substances
Temperature. calo - heat / froe - cold; anizhe - cool, chilly; toshe - warm; cal - hot / immorzen - freeze
Conditions. belfassec - be fair; brum - fog; gläca - puddle; grel - hail; füzer - mist; neyzhe - snow; nush - frost; obleme - cloudy; pluy - rain; pluyshel - shower; pluyeshui - drought
Storms. orazh - storm / ádhorazh - hurricane, tornado; nezhura - snowstorm, blizzard / mólnia - lightning; grom - thunder; onoale - rainbow
Objects. obika - cloud; dhac - wind; tuli - breeze
Seasons. zontor - season / demecha - spring; esta - summer; peleti - fall; iveri - winter
ur | clay | men | practicality |
për | rock | elcarî | determination |
mey | water | iliî | benevolence |
endi | wood | pizî or icëlanî | delicacy |
gent | metal | gdeonî (giants) | calm |
tshur | fire | ktuvokî (demons) | energy |
shalea | air | vyozhî (spirits) | intellectuality |
Substance. ftacon - element (type of substance), essence; eléaku - substance (subcategory), material, composition; beh - spirit, distillation; deyon - matter (as opposed to energy or spirit); deyodimo - mass; shoz - stuff; bidracon - atom (smallest unit you can have of a substance)
CLAY. ur - clay
Clays proper. binges alumina
For building. ladriyo - brick; sevúr - mortar / chana - pot; ledli - porcelain; përmáco - cement; sesüza - glaze; dhëska - tile; dhësura - paving; sisna - gravel; sisna përmácula - concrete
Ashes. kef - ashes / fulyo - soot; kef lezüny - sodium carbonate (soda ash); kef steklei - potassium carbonate (potash)
Crusts. rhecuam - crust / teb - rust; civru verdul verdigris; përnápa - saltpetre
Powders. prak - powder / sably - sand; steklo - glass; hasifa - sulphur; puil - dust; krhumprak - black powder, gunpowder; ricorek - talc; yeshore - kohl; rhoga - gypsum
Calxes. chuél - calx / creza, tshurprak - lime; chuél camside - arsenic trioxide (white arsenic); chuél choshave - mercuric oxide; chuél mlakonei - coke; chuél plomei - white lead; erüzula ogudula - lead oxide
Salts. sel - salt (esp. sodium chloride) / sel imelirec - smelling salts; sel Mirashcarei - Epsom salts; sel sheveië - sal ammoniac; sel vinnape - cream of tartar; selembre - natron; selkare - borax; (sel) elcarin - iron sulphate (blue vitriol); verde (sel) elcarin - copper sulphate; brunarë - alum
Earths. sus - soil, earth / chusë - mud; leut - slime; përshruma - bitumen, coal tar; sëm - tar; shruma - pitch; gitlesheli - phosphorus; fale brisgent - bismuth oxide
ROCK. për - rock / dhumë - stone; përs - rocky
Minerals. camsida - arsenic trisulphide (orpiment); crezapër - limestone, chalk; crifpër, mole plom - graphite; crifpër Benécë - molybdenum disulphide; erüza - cinnabar); evranka - arsenic disulphide (realgar); fladhomë - slate; grisruda - pyrite; mira plomei - galena (lead sulphide); mlakon - coal; mlakon brisgentei - bismuth sulphide; mlakon yeshorei - antimony trisulphide (grey antimony); murca - magnet; pattea - zinc carbonate (calamine); plom pushul, erüzula - lead oxide (litharge); porute - marble; ricora - soapstone; rhena - flint; samplom - zinc sulphide (blende, sphalerite); shushchat mlakon - charcoal; stampër - tinstone
Gems. zhoya - jewel / azurda - sapphire; seslina - turquoise; berole - malachite (copper ore); camsidole - arsenic; crato - ruby; dadhusha - jade; iluti - quartz; lazar - lapis lazuli; lökol - manganese dioxide; moshtol - feldspar; retparna - amethyst; rinde - emerald; tánulac - zircon; tsísia - diamond; yatar - amber
Mining. eucarana - mine
METAL. gent - metal
ruda - ore / arzhent - silver; brisgent - bismuth; civru - copper; choshava - mercury; elnamë - platinum; emur - silver/tin alloy ; gent meiladei - cobalt; gent meuciborei - nickel; gent samplomei - zinc; gent yeshorei - antimony; kol - iron; kolë - steel; laitón - brass; meilad - cobaltite; meucibor - niccolite; orh - gold; plom - lead; plomul - pewter; selon - bronze; stan - tin; zhuranami - wolframVerbs. uter - refine; orhfäben - gild
FIRE. tshur - fire / chaska - spark; nizh - smoke; ogón - flame; push - puff
Verbs. tshuran - burn; fozhir - blaze; tshurulen - scorch
Electricity. syametát - electricity
AIR. shalea - air
Special terms. scaleia - gas; nüt - scum, foam; puza - bubble; cipulan - effervesce
Airs. shalea cipulátei - carbon dioxide; shalea michii - ammonia; zhivë shalea - oxygen; fäsula shalea '- nitrogen
WOOD. endi - wood
Organic materials. cauchuco - rubber; chuzhec - starch; dónia - wax; glitosh - glue; azipa - fat; maflosh - mafla opium; mey vezhë - sap; napa - dregs; sabun - soap; sima - resin; simula - varnish; stäv - straw; suf - cork; tshurprak - lime; genrhe - lacquer; zhezhoil - gelatine
Liquids. méyshue - liquid / beh michii - acqueous ammonia; beh elcarinei - sulphuric acid ; beh selei - hydrochloric acid; crezheca choshava - mercuric chloride; cüe Kare - petroleum; kefmey - lye; mashre mey - nitric acid; shobóst - brine; tos - dew; vimbeh - alcohol
Wetness. sesue - wet; sesul - moist; seshe - dry
Change of state. cipan - boil; duhe - steam; impitir - absorb; plavec - melt; ryot - ice; meplavec - dissolve; meplavë - solvent; meplavul - solute
Movement of water. choran - flow; klushan - splash; kopan - drip; lüvrec - run; sezir - pour, gush; ishshor - outlet; meban - channel; mena - wave; mebrugë - whirlpool; trochoran - overflow
Movement in water. nuotan - swim; sahiran - float; tramëzhen - dive; mëzhen - immerse, sink; noyer - drown; hiprhaner - soak
Cleanness. dhaule - clean / lavan - wash, clean; dessuan - wipe
Dirtiness. salë - dirty; veche - filthy, foul; veteme - nasty, smelly / veter - pollute
Pouring. leurec - draw off, pour; livan - pour; shuten - spill
Directing water. mepuyosh - pump; agban - dam; mebanul - gutter
Boats. lotka - boat / calnnavira - warship; dhëslota - barge; farlota - ferryboat; murna - dinghy; navira - ship; radhi - punt; remlotka - rowboat; cora - river trader; corona - military riverboat; tveremora - galleon; ftoremora - galley; peremora - small galley / culisa - fleet
Verbs. iripan - capsize; remir - row; duisir - steer; scafir - dock; traborden - (dis)embark
Parts. penda - stern; teba - bow; alb - mast; chinzheda - anchor; chirnu - deck; dus - rudder; nasinnáe - hold; orivosh - tiller; fel - sail; rem - oar; rheba - keel
Rivers and seas: 14. Nature
In Cadhinorian thought there are four ages (didhî) or stages of life: pidhát infancy; imfatë childhood; nacuy adulthood; and bosmeca senility. The transition to childhood is learning to speak; that to adulthood is the nacuy and redel ceremonies at puberty; bosmeca is marked by the loss of physical, mental, or temporal power.
Age. zonhicet - age / sulete - young; bome - old / zonir - age
Birth. nes - birth; midei - station in life; nesan - be born; neschena - birth ceremony; pidha infant
See also 40. Marriage; 41. Sex
Growth. creshir - grow (intr.); increshir - grow (tr.), make larger; nurir - develop; ikabe - stunted / imfát child
Maturity. nacuy - adulthood, maturity; nacuyád - manhood ceremony; redel - womanhood ceremony; plenuestu - adult; zonul - mature, grown up
Death. shushchan - die / bosme senile; noyer - drown; kekan - kill; impochen - bury; urokesha - grave; ferica - funeral; fant - ghost, phantom; rhozhive - dead (formal term); shustana - death (poetic), fate-appointed time of death; zetkekát - suicide
Killing: 37. Conflict
Corruption. cishuran - decay; frirec - crumble; mochir - rot; ocdurnen - deteriorate
Dasco is the general term for animal; sfer 'beast' excludes lesüasî, the intelligent beings. Note that the earthly opposition between 'man' and 'animal' is more complicated on Almea, where there are multiple intelligent races, not even belonging (by scientific standards) to the same genus. Most Almeans also believe in spiritual, non-divine beings which are rational, but cannot be considered animals; see 55, Religion.
Mammals. shomulo - mammal (excludes man)
Cats. ailuro - cat, fitrau - tomcat, koshka - female cat
Dogs. cuon - dog, rhes - male dog, betra - bitch
Horses. shual - horse, giuro - stallion, zhumeta - mare; rozhual - unicorn
Cows. boua - cow, bouan - bull, sbayu - calf; uol - ox, bison
Other Farm. dasco imutorul - domesticated animal / shucha - pig, verat - boar, truzha - sow; kapro - goat, koza - kid; mot - sheep, arni - lamb; osol - donkey
Predators. yagcrezhec - hunting animal / bardinó - coyote; barsúc - badger; chucul - leopard, panther; daush - tiger; dhise - bat; gurë - lion; lef - wolf; lupek - fox; obly - wild boar
Prey. sferul - small herbivore / egusfer - hedgehog, porcupine; gut - rat; köti - squirrel; lapis - rabbit; marsho - beaver; mesocrico - hamster, guinea pig; rislitno - rodent; suri - mouse; top - mole
Large. arkosha - tree cat, monkey; chiron - elephant; dhanvena - llama; gudun - antelope, gnu; kenek - camel; losu - moose, elk; nucha - seal; selëzëchu - hippopotamus; shipom - merman (sea monkey); urs - bear; ven - deer, gazelle; zëboua - walrus, manatee
Birds. uazo - bird / cececén - type of songbird; cirut - type of songbird; coec - crow, raven; cunya - swan; däri - seagull; falëpëzha - dove; fose - crane; hupibu - great tufted owl; ibu - owl; möca - sparrow; örn - eagle; fëzha, salyuazo - pigeon; rhurc - vulture; silui - type of songbird; sokol - falcon, hawk; tutua - parrot, toucan; yacura - partridge; zhirén - ibis / uazora - flock
Poultry. huyon - chicken, petúk - rooster, curka - hen; gäs - goose; ensheyne - duck; mémia - turkey / clachir - hatch
Fish. pazh - fish / akula - shark; anguia - eel; irzina - leech; morea - tuna;nodhony - salmon; seloda - herring; suesbrak - octopus; tizhapazh - catfish; vuchemu - flounder; colep, pache, lomo, cradh - types of fish
Insects. sezhlór - insect (including arachnid) / arasni - spider; arbek - locust; cicil - cricket; cusil - tick; chedesnaga - centipede; formica - ant; letusca - butterfly; mëlë - bee; molya - moth; musca - fly; pkekpe - mosquito; pusa - flea; rakan - cockroach; sotok - grasshopper
Reptiles etc. rappec - reptile (including other animals listed) / cäh - lizard; treka - turtle; domlim - snail; drac - dragon; estecäh - alligator; gambra - sea turtle; increzhosh - parasite; lim - slug; omár - lobster, crayfish; rak - crab; rana - frog; sidhdhi - serpent, snake; sravec - shellfish; yenev - worm / bumecho - pearl
Intelligent races. lesüas - rational being; dhuncrur - biped / elcar - dwarf, elcar; fleád - flaid; gdeon - giant; hupa - halfling; icëlan - icëlan; iliu - iliu; ktuvóc - ktuvoc, demon; múrtany - murtany; uestu - human
Man. uestu - man / sefo - boy; bubo - lad, lout
Woman. redelcë - woman / zhina - girl; medhina - tomboy; frälina - young woman
See also 41. Sex
Child. imfát - child / pidha - baby; see also 40. Family
On Almea's intelligent species, see also The descent of lesüasi
Monsters, mythical beasts. dhëfku - monster / shualom - centaur; ebdu - troll; fsizhemna, ftorlädec - doppelganger; ftacu - elemental; kushak - ogre; levuestu - werewolf; nise - gnome; piza, niza - pixie; ubir - vampire; uestuosh - homunculus, golem, android; uya - sprite; zëoshu - sea monster
Coverings. chesha - shell, skin; shomë - fur; chésula - scale; iëzhu - feather; srava - seashell
Parts. chironduri - tusk; goly - muzzle; köh - tail; ozhra - wing; rog - horn; püna - fin; sena - beak, bill; shaute - hide; undásh - claw; unyaga - hoof; zhuba - mane, crest
see also 21. The body
Activities. letan - fly; melürec - pollinate; nid - nest, lair, hive; trunir - swarm; trädan - graze
Noises. bruhu - trumpet (elephant); cici - chirp; coe - caw; cuéh - quack; cucurú - crow; ehehe - neigh; miu - miaow; mü - moo; muzho - roar; nidip - croak; rhaf - bark; rhun - grunt; rhur - growl; sui - squeak; süs - hiss; uhu - hoot; zuz - buzz
Products. chironduri ivory; dónia - wax; dhan - wool; süro - cheese; huvon - egg; korhu - leather; leme - milk; melosh - honey; posha - goosedown; risdosh - manure; seta - silk
Horsy terms. shadan - ride; sëdil - saddle, sresho - stirrup; rhanosh - reins; surshual - harness; drote - gee! shadosh - carriage; shualnáe - stable; zashadan - mount; dechiplan - dismount; ruizer - trot; vezhaen - gallop
Exploitation. deëzhan - pluck; dresir - train; ihtüan - fish; imutoran - tame; ispolnir - skin; motana - sheepfold; uco - herd; yagen - hunt; surmetan - load; demetan - unload; suvizan - stalk; dugel - lure, bait
vezhi - plant / balam - edible plant; shari - weed
Verbs. impochen - plant; iortan - flower; zhortir - sprout; risdan - fertilize
Parts. brasc - pollen; cäli - stalk; cälul - stem; chesura - bark; chunido - acorn; endi - wood; föy - leaf; hupo - tuft; lëpa - petal; ris - seed; rhizo - root; scorso - branch; scorsok - stick, twig; socima - thorn; susurk - stump; teho - trunk; urk - log; yeka - bud / donta - cell
Trees. arb - tree / asën - maple; bice - fir; blanarb - palm; chizha - cactus; chun - oak; churarb - pear tree; fikarb - fig tree; luomarb - apple tree; sasna - pine; scila, arbul - shrub; sicharb - lemon tree; suf - cork oak; uran - birch
Flowers. zhorta - flower / faliorta - daisy; mafla - blue flower yielding an opiate; puyota - carnation; rhas - rose; tashiorta - tulip; tirura - lilac; chorizhina, nölne, pizufëa, utrosheli, vidhra - types of flower
Small plants. brura - heather; cuplia, panföy - hemp, marijuana; edra - ivy; fiy - fern; forno - hay; kena - reed; lácati - cotton; lan - flax; mokan - hallucinogen; palanu - gorse; susrevolu - moss; trava - grass; tref - clover; tuyoshari - tobacco; usiro - Cuzeian maid's-herb
Mold. mico - mold; mochi - rot, mold
Organic substances: 16. Substances
Edible plants are listed under 24. Food
Head. bem - head / orel - ear
Hair. shevei - hair / irevolu - mustache; revolu - beard; tizhai - whisker; sadhil - unkempt; tasul - braid
Face. ufëa - face / suryi - forehead; siüli - eyebrow; yë - eye; pili - eyelash; olf - nose; olfkud - nostril; vánë - cheek; lukona - chin
Mouth. bush - mouth / leve - lip; labi - tongue; duri - tooth; mahia - jaw; disna - gum
Arms. brak - arm / hipbrak - armpit; imsemizi - inner arm; dörsemizi - outer arm; cuda - elbow; semizi - forearm; ilura - wrist
Hand. mano - hand / cálima - knuckle; chedho - palm; dochi - finger; dotoni - thumb; unë - fingernail; clek - fist
Trunk. teho - trunk / sheya - neck; gorzhi - throat; mira vué - larynx; rhuzi - chest, bosom; sullimura - chest above breasts; limura, slang gara - breast; cellimura - cleavage; tet - nipple; tetásh - aureole; taleo - waist; ombrili - navel; magen - stomach, midriff; ventra, brurho - belly
Back. dos - back / epöl - shoulder; crurhizo - buttock; kadul - ass; baskud, (obscene) forë - anus
Loins. anca - hip; dhasc - bladder; golë, dhincota - groin; bashshevey - pubic hair; frond, gob - penis; gamerka - testicle; shagati, vlagishe - vagina; baslevi - vulva; odhi - clitoris
see also 41. SEX
Organs. zhusë - organ / auva - womb; brurho - gut; hepato - liver; magen - stomach; merok - brain; plasy - nerve; poln - skin; pulmon - lung; rhim - kidney; rhusi - muscle; uem - heart; torensa - blood vessel
Skeleton. hostora - skeleton; host - bone / bembula - skull; cheya - rib; rheba - spine; luka - joint
Legs. crur - leg / riasni - thigh; imriasni - inner thigh; döriasni - outer thigh; yolo - knee; deryolo - back of knee; colo - calf; sheva - ankle
Feet. naga - foot / cauco - heel; hipnaga - sole; orto - toe / chimora - footprints
Things the body does
Facial expressions
Mouth. baba - open-mouthed; bäbec - yawn; chamzan - bite; kusizan - chew; chihan - sneeze; dhudhir - drool; gagan - choke; bakatir - vomit; glutir - swallow; hüan - sigh; husten - cough; imbrurhen - devour; ktüec - suck; leurec - sip; ridir - laugh; rharkan - spit; rhorhuir - gargle; siblir - whistle; tezhec - lick; tuyec - smoke; zaridir - burst out laughing
Hand. kazec - point; manachir - gesture; skichir - clench; bashan - slap, spank
Other parts. imora - digestion; choran - cry; fsetec - fart; lacrir - tear up, cry; mittir - urinate; pilachir - blink; suzir - sweat; shalean - breathe; zachoran - burst into tears
Whole body. ásuir - sit; barucir - lie down; lätan - compete; nuotan - swim; prosan - walk; teker - stand; vezhaen - run
see also 12. Movement
Relaxation. dormir - sleep; dodoir - nap; echitan - wake; nuven - go to bed; son - dream; proshalean - rest; shenan - relax; ; srhonker - snore
Body care. cesuan - scratch; fifachir - groom; fäbrau - cosmetics, makeup; innülen - curl (tr.), nülen - curl; galen - bathe; razir - shave
Caresses. imbrakir - embrace; labir - (colloq.) kiss; levatir - kiss; manoren - caress; paluen - fondle; saldhir - feel; zhiren - hug
see also 41. Sex
Hunger. fsurë - hungry; fsurshushchan - starve; imbruse - famished, ravenous; fsurona - famine vulcrezhno - appetite
Thirst. sizy - thirsty
Fatigue. lase - tired; vuldorme - sleepy
Intoxication. oshte, söl - drunk; dhare - sober; molir - get high; molul, zhuzhu - high
Descriptions. azifse - fat; dautë - one-eyed; ikabe - stunted; lisy - bald; nültene - curly
Height, size, etc.: see 6. Extent
Substances. azipa - fat; chuza - shit; gleuma - mucus; glöma - snot; krof - blood; host - bone; lacri - tear; michy, zhizhyo - urine; myaso - flesh; risora - semen; rhark - spit, saliva; sud - sweat; zhonkrof - menstrual blood
To the Verdurians there are six senses: what we consider one sense, touch, they divide in two. As one savant explains it: "Trogulo gives us intimate and accurate perception of those objects in direct contact with our skin; saldhia, a vaguer sense of our surroundings as a whole." We could call saldhia what can be learned from the air; a Verdurian would agree with this formulation, but would maintain that the body receives impressions from all the air in its vicinity, not merely that in immediate contact with the skin-- how else (he would argue) can one tell exactly where in the room is a fire burning? In addition to temperature and humidity, Verdurians are likely to say they can saldhir the unhealthiness of a swamp, the freshness of a fountain, the tension before a storm, and even others' emotional states.
Indirect touch. saldhir - sense remotely or through the air
Temperature. calo - heat / froe - cold; anizhe - cool, chilly; toshe - warm; cal - hot
Air quality. calseshue - humid; calzhole - dry; sfëz - fresh
Hardness. duresa - hardness / dur - hard; mole - soft / induran - harden
Sharpness. chisiát - sharpness / chisy - sharp; möl - blunt / imchisir - sharpen
Roughness. femát - roughness / feme - rough; lisy - barren, smooth; sisy - slippery; dhul - smooth / indhulan - smooth; imsisir - polish
Hearing. acinec - listen to, hear (people, stories); slushir - hear (sounds); oir - listen (to sounds); yari - sound
Loudness. fortesa - loudness / forte - loud; dhonde - quiet; rhoforte - soft; misuril - silent
Sounds. glonyec - ring; kabakaba - noise; keyen - knock; klushan - splash; kumpen - stamp; kumpulen - tap; peshan - crash; pishan - smash; scescan - rattle; tom - thump
Animal noises: see 19. Animals
Speech: see 58. Speech
Smell. flaner - smell; chümse - malodorous; dushe - aromatic; dushic - perfume
Sight. leilát - sight; lelen - see
Light. selta - light / iluvan - shine; suriluvan - illuminate
Darkness. shoru - darkness / imshoruan - darken; shoruan - dark; umbra - shadow
See also 26. Leria (Understanding)
Brightness. claesa - brightness / claë - bright; ëclaë - glaring; iluve - shiny
Visibility. lele - visible; cellele - transparent; rholele - invisible; salele - clear
Appearance. shaynesa - appearance / imlelen - appear; ishshalean - vanish; islelen - disappear
Quality. sfesher - flash; tsisir - glitter
Taste. gustan - taste; imbushan - savor
Quality. bogaty - delicious; egre - sour; embre - bitter; imbushäm - savory; mishkichy - tasty, yummy; sambushe - tasteless, bland; selse - salty; sfechy - spicy; tsesse - sugary, sweet
Deficiencies. deyeen - to blind; samlele - blind; dautë - one-eyed; samslushe - deaf; rhom - lame
Illness. malád - illness; malse - ill, sick; mön - sick, diseased; morge - morbid, unhealthy; morgarda - agony
Disease. mönát - disease, disorder / agasarda - cholera; cuteio - stroke; chüma - plague; dicenarda - scurvy; falilant - anemia; gutia - epilepsy; gascia, ishshelsira - leprosy; kiscarda - impotence; lüvrug - diarrhea; magnotibri - nausea; malbema - headache; malionile - venereal disease; malgiveca - sleeping sickness; malmagen - stomach-ache; pulmonarda - tuberculosis; rhum - cold; tucet - pox; tugeca - arthritis; zëimalát - seasickness
Condition. zendonec - condition, indication / azurek - bruise; bufauhe - paralysis; caesia - rash; calura - fever; chivi - pain; durok - wart; gararda - swelling; garka - blister; puyok - pimple; pavdormi - insomnia; roheica - sprain, cramp; vazhi - wound
Doctor. lekaro - physician, doctor; maladnáe - hospital; chümána - leprosarium, plague hospital; lainec - patient
Treatment. lëka - drug; huvima - pill; onzhiven - cure; erénica - purge; porocesen - massage; trancát - surgery / bres - bandage / málemel - symptom
Drinks. caua - coffee; chai - tea; leme - milk; mey - water; suco - juice
Beer. sherë - beer / depiran - brew; firan - ferment; peza - hops / dhula sherë ale; flavë sherë - lager; fuzhula sherë -bitter
Wine. vin - wine / uzina - sweet white wine; orhpitë - strong white wine; rhasia - rosé; cleir - medium red wine; luyshor - heavy red wine; ruzbidesh - cider; zhöh - mead / vincole - wine-lover; vinom - winegrower; vinzihe - grape; bindo - vine
Distillation. kopuren - distill; kopurul - distilled drink; izhprando - cocktail
Food. nurzha - food / crezhen - eat; crocan - gorge, pig out; mur - ripe; oticrezhe - edible; samnurzha - fast; veneno - poison
Animal products
Berries. zihe - berry / erél - cranberry; embrezihe - raspberry; fraga - strawberry; chinzik - gooseberry; mirtë - blueberry; sezhzihe - raisin; vinzihe - grape; visha - cherry
Fruit. koup - fruit / blan - date; ciröla - plum; chura - pear; dinya - melon; fik - fig; luom - apple; narnë - orange; nedizi - banana; precásh - peach; precok - apricot; sicho - lemon; sicho shurë grapefruit; sicho verde lime / cöd - pit, kernel
Grains. ris - grain / avena - oats; griu - wheat; horzhe - barley; maíz - corn; segly - rye; ton - rice
Grain products. avenura - porridge; brasho - flour; culanul - pastry, torte; keks - cracker; maco - dough, pasta; shulya - noodle; onrälul - biscuit; yon - bread; yonka - roll; yonog - toast; zer - flatcake
Meat. myaso - meat / shank - ham; shuchmyaso - pork; boumyaso - beef; domyaso - bacon; huyomyaso - chicken meat; milka - sausage; motmyaso - mutton; myassose - gravy; myasulo - meatball; sbayumyaso - veal; sezu - dried meat; venmyaso - venison; cumetu - seafood salad / myasom - butcher
Nuts. nüs - nut / cashna - chestnut
Spices. sfeto - spice / alyo - garlic; botsa - vanilla; cebo - onion; dizhón - mustard; draba - horseradish; ind - pepper; kyodo - clove; merha - oregano; poro - green onion, scallion; sel - salt; vinembre - vinegar; zerhash - herb
Substances. cüe - oil; chuzhec - starch; azipa - fat; maslo - butter; slifi - cream; zhezho - jelly; zhezhoil - gelatine
Sweets. dheletá - dessert / chechu - candy; leme bulondula - custard; marmo - pudding; melosh - honey; yon munizul - cake; rüdile - flavored shaved ice; tsesi - sugar, sugarcane; shekshek - cacao, chocolate
Vegetables. arico - long bean; cälî asparagus; eliá - olive; fazholo - round bean; fësil - parsley; fron - a type of long, thick mushroom; grak - chickpea; grakok - pea; grib - mushroom; grurha - turnip; lëtiy - lentil; masloföy - lettuce; morut - carrot; ogorék - cucumber; susluoma - potato; shou - cabbage; shouzhorta - cauliflower
Preparation. rälan - cook / azipdan - grease, dip in fat; bulondir - bake; cäcian - chop; cipan - boil; isfölen - peel; ogudir - roast, broil; porocan - knead; surogonec - fry; shobosec - pickle; tranen - cut; zerhashan - season; zhuydoni - recipe
Preparations. celzer - sandwich; föî - salad; huvon pisul - omelette; legua - soup; shaune - broth; rhitchena - pie; suco - juice; sucón - sauce; zëdenei - stew
See also 51. Utensils
Meal. chena - meal / cédhue - feast; elchena - lunch; izhprandora - cocktail party; perchena - breakfast; prando - dinner; zury - supper
Restaurants. lesteo - restaurant / rälom - cook; redh - waiter; desider - order
Undress. dabilen - undress; deuveren - take off; isfolen - strip
Nudity. polne - nude (emphasis on showing skin); samuvere - unclothed
Whole body. uverë - clothes / kyole - dress; lapiskusku - bunny suit; pauto - coat; pelerin - cape; plupauto - raincoat; sutana - robe / uverát - tailoring, fashion
Accessories. bretel - suspender; detosh - buckle; dhash - pocket; gintro - sash; puyok - button; kunnasitosh - purse; odaivun - tie, cravat; sinmano - glove; siteza - loop, fastener; siturosh - belt; surorel - earring; shircilura - bracelet
Head. kazhgouka - veil; süpa - cap; shapa - hat; tiplüba - wig
Neck. sheyosh - collar; shircsheya - necklace; toshsheya - scarf
Chest. brakosh - sleeve; dhampauto - sweater; hend - shirt; hendana - blouse; limurbres, bres - cloth to bind or support breasts; sambrake - vest-coat; nuvenda - nightgown
Dresses exposing: sullimura - area above breasts; cellimura - area between breasts; hiplimura - all of breasts; magena - midriff
Legs. bröca - trousers, pants; lanika - underwear; nilne - skirt; shircanca - loincloth
Foot. calseo - shoe / kumpa - boot; shevesca - long stockings; sheveza - sock, low stockings; tacil - sandal/ samcalseë - barefoot
Material. dhalashteca - elegance
Material. eléaku - cloth / cuplana - canvas; dhan - wool; dhaneme - velvet; korhu - leather; lácati - cotton; lanë - linen; seta - silk; shomë - fur; zhusni - lace
Fabrication. testasan - weave; pleschen - spin; huven - dye
Laundry. falen - launder; falis - laundry
The righteous man is to be controlled by his itian; but base and corrupted men are slaves to their humî. Itian is also the name for the complete soul.
Many Verdurian terms and idioms are rooted in this quadripartite division of the soul, which explains many things, from why Verdurian has two words for 'feel', olotan and iscrenir, to expressions like curec yä dobrä 'understand well' (literally 'have a good eye').
For more on Verdurian teaching on the soul, see Almean Belief Systems.
Rational being. lesüas - rational being; zetlele - conscious; urise - mortal
Personhood. lesüas - person, personality; aelutrát - character, virtue; iscreniora - temperament, disposition; ctel - individual, person; mem - the self; zhuca - character in a book or play
Disorder. chupre - unconscious, unaware; lüssë - insane; rozhy - mad
Experience. saldhir - experience; hipsaldhir - undergo (negative connotation)
Misperception. prezuir - overlook, fail to perceive; azhgolec - ignore; desurchelan - distract
Consideration. ashir - think, consider / agolec - face, deal with; alir - come to terms with, make do with; pakrihát - attention; surchelan - concentrate
Understanding. cumoteran - understand, sympathize; cumprenan - understand, grasp, realize; onoteran - recognize; lelima - impression; zdesir - look, dig; cumprenäm - context
Imagination. implican - imagine; implisel - image
Misunderstanding. akoteran - confuse; ishshrifec - guess; yerömen - estimate; mauprenan - misunderstand
Knowledge. shrifec - know about, know how, know that, savoir; oteran - know well, know a person, connaître; plenshrifta - mastery; sfafkora - information; tëshrife - familiar
See also 30. Ideas
Appearance. paretir - seem; shaynir - appear, seem
Clarity. yasny - clear, evident; obleme - unclear; mölshue - vague; rude - raw, primitive
Complexity. mushcote - complex; iscun - simple; sroly - intricate; munizul - fancy; urokúshue - labored
Obviousness. abcurayne - reasonable, rational; mezine - necessary, obvious; miyire - natural, to be expected; rhomiyire - unobvious, obscure; iscunlerë - commonplace; peylerë - esoteric
Mystery. kashir - hide; berise - mysterious; taina - secret; tromeyá - illusion; shritihse - discreet
Stupidity. glupy - stupid / burhichy - naïve; buyel - lout, loutish; chachayëse - slow, dim-witted; niruise - foolish; nrüsk - fool; subu, chupom - idiot; shkuashy - silly
Meaning. zadi - meaning / oterise - grounded; vulmizec - mean, intend; zadete - meaningful; zen - sign, signal; zendan - signal, indicate; zadadoni - definition
Nonsense. sancuraya - nonsense; skusku - silliness; malmese - frivolous; zicuäm - ridiculous
Rationality. curaya - reason / imfayir - logically require, entail; appuyan - imply, suggest; degriman - deduce; onvizhien - conclude by induction; metulerec - analyze
Abstraction. curaise - abstract; etaperë, mudhnirtey - general; etasule - particular, concrete
Judgment. celëtir - judge, discern; celdheltan - interpret; vano - alignment, bias; arholotë - prejudice; ovnelse - severe, strict
Problem solving. aguma - problem; bruven - solve; röma - reckoning, calculation; dekashir - reveal; zendonec - clue, indication; zendonecul - hint
Strategy. kensa - stratagem, scheme / kensora - strategy; ftena - plan; zhou - trick; zhuy - way, method; zhuyora - practice, modus operandi
Expectation. vizhien - expect, wait (for) / ishfahec - predict; izhlelen - foresee; izhmetan - prepare; malvizhir - surprise; vizhiát - expectation; voleme - ready; gazimir - suspect, infer
Memory. suzán - memory / suzanen - remember; ublian - forget
Wit. tisire - witty, clever; chismishe - mocking, witty, cuttingly satirical; lerezícue - mocking, amusing, witty
Categorization: 1. Abstract states
Valuation: 31. Valuation
Ability. fäheca - ability, talent / fähe - able; rhofähe - incapable
Will. vulei - will / nimec - dare; nameran - intend; voleme - willing, ready; vulir - want; vulula - whim, wish; zedenomát - renunciation; zetbeze - self-willed, independent; zuran - wish; cishcöre - apathetic, lacking will; malvoleme - unwilling; with ill will; avulën - voluntary
Decision. ciberden, zet sudir - decide; diveir - choose, select; cierceyen - waver; ukeshen - hesitate
Belief. rhedec - believe / agreni - belief, conviction; agrenuli - opinion, notion; chunashea - orthodoxy; imagrenir - persuade; lelesa - faith; zël - extreme, radical; zhenashea - opinion, received wisdom; zhenrhedao - superstition; zhumbruhan - practice, follow
Doubt. dubir - doubt / borzhe - heretical; findise - schismatic, unorthodox; hipcuraye - skeptical, distrustful of received wisdom; samrhedao - unbelief
Obligation. devir - must, have to; lacheo - duty; see also 35. Morality
Wisdom. mudray - wise / cherene - prudent; gareme - sensible, reasonable; garemora - good sense; imgaran - wise up, talk sense into; zhuyse - practical
Foolishness. niruise - foolish; nrüsk - fool; sancherene - imprudent
Compassion. feyen - pity; chisuemse - sensitive; chivinyát - sympathy; iosu - mercy; inye - kind; zetlacri - self-pity; samvoloe - unfeeling, apathetic; unse - sentimental, cloying
Awe. miura - wonder; nüman - dread; olior - terrifying, awe-inspiring; rhuy - awe, astonishment
Inspiration. appuyan - push, motivate, inspire; caucachir - vt goad; imëlen - inspire, arouse
Hope. chascurec - hope
Liking. ditavan - like, prefer, appreciate / ambrir - love, have a taste for; shatir - like; corhrhaner - cherish
Dislike. akolotan - dislike / disan - hate; anushan - loathe; nizenäm - grudge
Anger. fashe - angry / gula - bitterness, spite; gulere - slang angry; gurísh - wrath, ire; ktudh - wrath
Curiosity. etitrát - interest, curiosity; samolotë - lack of interest
Desire. iduran - desire; óndelan - yearn for, long for; prosoter - jump for, clamor for; akolotan - spurn, scorn
Dream. son - dream; nizontu - nightmare
Excitement. huntene - excited / cumfriser - thrill; kezha - zeal, enthusiasm; möcre - jittery, upset; skukair - be bored
Fear. nkash - fear / arafát - terror; gövec - panic; nüman - dread / zhombren - frighten; zhombrulen - alarm
Happiness. lerezhe - happy / äser - merry; bekame - comfortable; bonürë - ecstatic; crete - glad; cuelzulë - proud, clean, happy; estair - exult; malmese - frivolous, light-hearted; mísia - fun; pler - pleasure; ravi - delight; templeran - enjoy; tichure - merry, happy; zul - joyous; zhazharce - joyful, boisterous
Pain. chivi - pain / suspilaven - suffer; sram - shame; see also 36. Sin
Sadness. pëse - sad / chasishshelec - despair; dëlaun - sad amid triumph; frodhe - grim, dismal; ilacrir - lament; milüür - sad, poignant; nizhnise - miserable; orusse - melancholy; pyerir - regret; siblec - disappointing; shushcholotan - mourn; tibri - sorrow, grief
Worry. itësir - worry / orivura - worry, concern; skichiy - tense; torde - tense, uptight
Idea. yela - idea / eta - topic; mizeta - topic, subject; paveta - mention, reference
Truth. oresta - truth / dhaye - correct, right; orestashe - veritable; prile - real; sadesa - truth, genuineness; sënul - certain / indhayec - certain; perë oresta - principle
Error. budhaye - wrong / dham - error, mistake; fsiy - false, untrustworthy; fsiduisir - deceive; lezhel - lie; zet tromir - be wrong, be mistaken
Facts. shrifta - knowledge; surdena - fact
Notation. dum - note, memorandum / binea - list / induman - record; imbineyan - list, register
Proof. curayora - argument, proof, discourse; onteca - demonstration, experiment; onten - show, demonstrate; perzhano - source of an idea or opinion; pol - grounds, basis; sascuraya - inquiry; uklo - proof
Disproof. akontu - disproof; fsiüklo - fallacy
Explanation. etadel - description; imyasen - explain; condhayec - justify; prokio - reason; ptaleo - hypothesis; coverage (of the facts)
Teach. imbeman - teach / adshriften - instruct; smeruir - educate / indhulan - tutor
Learn. divrec - learn / visanir - study
Teacher. imbemec - teacher; osän - master, tutor; shriftom - doctor, professor
Student. echomu - schoolboy; smeric - student, disciple, candidate; tellec - seeker after knowledge, postulant; zentene - literate
School. echom - school / avisar - secondary school, academy; smernáe - professional college; shriftanáe - university; suméria - 1st level degree; scrifteca - 2nd leve degree
urek - lesson, class; culë - course; zontor - term / caumen - blow off; fálshuec - cram
The standard curriculum. hiceteviso - mathematics; aladhea - music; cadhino - Cadhinor; aluatas - grammar; eyurcrivát - rhetoric, poetry; pleschura - history; kestora - natural philosophy; lätát - athletics
See also 54. Science
Goodness. dobre - good / andor - mighty; beldobre - good, lovely, satisfying; buona - cool, good; creche - pleasant; dobrásh - wonderful; este - great; rodo - nice; telnë - fine; trastoshte - excellent
Badness. durnë - bad / bakt - terrible; ecaë - horrible; kodäm - abomination; kazchal - nasty; mal - poor, bad, wrong; nënë - naughty
Dirtiness: 17. Water
Change. immelioran - improve; cumpugan - perfect; indurnen - worsen
Praise. eglérec - praise / lonëglér - acclamation
Dispraise. malmizec - speak ill of / dhamlelen - criticize; klevan - slander, demean; ocorbir - insult; acceoren - admonish; basashshe - inferior
Assessment. covaler - assess the value of
Comparison. coashir - compare, match / valer - compare (values)
Worth valát - value, worth, merit; valer - be worth, merit
Genuineness. husil - genuine, real; podline - authentic, real; sade - true, genuine, authoritative
Importance. agoläm - important / bolëde - major; shofe - chief, main; tibäm - urgent
Unimportance. rhoagoläm - unimportant / muane - minor; santele - mere; samvale - worthless
Utility. otibruhe - useful / agbüte - useless; doblädan - fit, be fitting; mallädan - clash
Similarity. comshayne - similar / cotuepen - balance, equal; comshaynir - resemble; huepe - equal; nenë - same; samidikon - alike
Dissimilarity. dheler - differ / samlëce - separate; des - various
Usualness. chilise - usual, ordinary / vizhul - ordinary, expected, familiar; tutan - daily, quotidian; cunire - tedious; shinenë - monotonous; zhenshate - popular
Unusualness. urze - strange / idikós - special; idiko - peculiarity; isoncre - irregular; rhovizhul - unexpected, unfamiliar; zhendise - unpopular
Sample. ledha - example, sample; ledhise - representative, typical; gonicore - consistent
iscreniora - temperament, disposition; zetteneo - attitude, air
ur clay --> urise - mortal, fallible; urete - down to earth, practical
Good sense: 28. Itian (Spirit)
mey water --> mese - benevolent, wise, tender; happy, playful
Benevolence. shatametec - friendly / caltose - optimistic; comdruke - amiable; dombrichan - large-hearted, generous of spirit; eleute - frank, free, open, generous; voleme - benevolent; volemát - good will
Tenderness. azhele - tender / eshinyát - lovingkindness; timely - gentle
Light-heartedness. malmese - frivolous, light-hearted, silly
Wisdom, compassion: 28. Itian (Spirit)
dhumë stone --> dhumise - strong, determined, patient
Determination. déneca - persistence; nusse - determined, dedicated, tenacious
Patience. fadhne - patient; araste - careful, painstaking, patient
Calm. peil - peaceful; rhozhive - inactive; zhelse - calm / imzhelen - calm
Gravity. ishet - solemn, grave; medrëse - pompous
Impatience. rhodhumise - impatient
endi wood --> enil - quiet, shy, timid
Quietness. tihy - quiet / paléty - pathetic, sad, sorrowful
Shyness. gigitse - cautious, shy / plóe - bashful; sotse - nervous; surre - solitary
Delicacy. sheli - grace, delicacy / dichy - sweet, nice; didhitise - delicate, pretty, otherworldly; mëf - wondrous, childlike, loving; nezhne - delicate
Timidity. fufur - timid; körhy - cowardly
gent metal --> geteme - strong, powerful, with the qualities of a leader
Strength. zol - strong / brushe - tough; cleir - majestic, powerful, assured; dálues - jovial, strong, powerful; guesse - powerful; mädörn - powerful, triumphant, jovial; medro - nobility, greatness of heart; rhis - free
Bravery. taye - brave; rhavy - valorous
Weakness. cishitë - weak / malgeteme - ineffectual, weak
tshur fire --> mëril - fiery, bold, energetic
Boldness. pondre - bold, audacious; sankuse - desperate, rash
Fierceness. oge - ferocious; onumnë - fierce; büne - violent
Energy. zhive - lively, active / dunetene - energetic; elil - vigorous; elirát - vitality, liveliness
shalea air --> shaleme - intellectual, unwordly, ivory-tower
Intelligent. 27. Razum (Mind)
Cultured. 57. Art and culture
General. celzhene - social; munese - civic, public; sënzise - social; zhuca - role, part
Behavior. mör - custom, way; zet duisir - behave; zetduisi - behavior
Agenda. blidhräm - affairs, agenda; blidhren - be busy, occupy oneself with; fasco - business, affairs, occupation; fascotene - busy; bistren - bustle
Routine. tutfascea - routine; melürec - go on one's rounds; sënza - occupation, things to do; zhese - casual; corëe - formal
Group. oligu - group / bort - band, gang; céshuash - tribe; clechura - cabal; naroda - crowd, the masses; sora - community; zhen - people; imlädan - join; azhlädan - disperse
Association. cunculë - organization; cumoterát - fellowship; cumbutát - company; cumonora - league
Togetherness. anát - union, unity
Separateness. samlëce - separate; surreca - solitude; acotia - sequestration
Worldly. munénë - worldly, adroit / saláncë - experienced, capable, jaded, cynical; cumorge - bitter, cynical, angry at the world; hipcuraye - jaded, cynical, world-weary; sënzec - worldly; busy with career or society; dhuncöre - misanthropic, uncharitable, disgusted with the world, mocking
Egalitarianism is a new and still radical idea in Verdurian society; the overwhelming reality, generally sanctioned by religion and law, is of hierarchy-- great distinctions in wealth and power. Under traditional Cadhinorian thought, differences in rank correlate to differences in value. The gap between theory and practice was always evident, of course, but was taken as grounds to exhort nobles to live up to their class, rather than to abandon moral justifications for aristocracy. Cuzeian and Eledhe thought has always emphasized the equality of all ranks before God, and so does some modern Cadhinorian philosophy.
Hierarchy. rän - rank; ränát - hierarchy / chunima - emblem, arms
Class. ränora - social class / medro, melashtora - nobility; adhomát - clergy; lechen - bourgeoisie (professionals, fine craftsmen, merchants); shalemora - intelligentsia (artists, scholars, clerics); rhezhenát - lower class (laborers, soldiers, shopkeepers, servants); hutorát - peasantry; vechora - rabble; milyö - criminals; tenuora - class of serfs
Superiority. irränë - superior / irtëse - supreme; chinecan - run, manage, boss; hozën - steward, host, head of a household; iresan - control; irlelen - oversee; mashir - master; ireste - supreme
Inferiority. deprosec - subordinate, inferior / colaprec - assistant; konsec - advisor / deprosan - depend on, be subordinate to; kadulolf - brown-noser; mësan - serve, follow; nizhny - prone, subjected, unresisting; promevec - agent; snucan - serve; utekec - hanger-on
Honorifics. grazhenka - Mrs., Miss; grazhenom - Mister; osän - master, tutor; samnome - anonymous; sannei - lady; sanno - lord; shriftom - doctor, professor
Servants. snugá - servant / devhezec - indentured servant; fifachic - personal attendant; hipom - underling; ishnugá - handmaid; pretäro - valet, manservant; rhezhzhina - maid; voyul - messenger / tenu - serf; basom - slave
See also 42. Government
For Verdurian noble titles and families, see The Kingdom of Verduria
Friendship. shatabi - friendship / colädan - complement, get along; cumlädan - accompany; girulen - hang out with; rëco - acquantaince; shatashir - love as a friend
Stranger. rhoshriful - stranger / eprazho - newcomer; isezhesom - outsider; kanheu - foreigner; lacuec - settler, immigrant; óuand - neighbor
Meeting. rëcen - meet / cuesrëco - introduction; isuvát - date, rendez-vous; lezhiren - wait for; onlel - meeting again; onrëcen - meet, get together; pasetir - visit; kodan - avoid
Hospitality. donculë - hospitality / cuero - host; hotu - guest; rëcora - company, audience
Activities. audec - receive, host, put up; dörmetan - dismiss; cuesrëcen - introduce; emayec - greet; midhen - celebrate; rurotá - social error, faux pas; zhesglashan - invite
Social grace. belacát - courtesy, chivalry; bal - tact; baltene - tactful; prolesse - charming
Party. culë - gathering, reception / chena - dinner party; fësho - ball, dance; izhprandora - cocktail party; midhë - celebration
Polite formulas. dëkuir - thank; dobrezhanul! welcome!
See also Conventional expressions in the Grammar
Annoyance. agasan - annoy; bobren - embarass; genir - bother; rhoadfere - insupportable; blidhrom - a busybody; litno - pest, parasite; zhoziser - irritate
Benefit. dobrefassec - benefit / alihar - advantage; benir - bless; colapren - help; iosul - favor; pleran - please; proven - guide; ravir - delight / mélnite - thankful
Care. cumásuir - nurse; care, care for; flegan - nurse; hipcurec - uphold, support; orivuran - care about; ucörte - precious
Esteem. lon - honor, esteem / ayurec - idolize, worship, be devoted to; brac - glory; capir - revere; ditavan - like, appreciate; dobrelóg - reputation; hiponto - homage; incurec - impress; yanir - admire
Fame. inclaë - famous / sfahul - latest rage, celebrity; rhoshriful - unknown
Amusement. rizuir - amuse / cotrhez - hobby; mísia - fun; ralenan - entertain; ridir - laugh; ridonec - funny; tëspitir - carouse, revel; zovec - play
Game. shendu - game / bodhpila - kickball, soccer; bütî - game resembling pétanque or bocce; cäselî - wagering game; chem - card; ecuni - knights-and-kings; eftäpu - tag; firusta - maze; geteta - dice; káshuek - hide-and-seek; kiel-e - puzzle; parë - gamble, bet / desisec - opponent; falek - game piece; hicet - score
Toy. zhuë - toy / brub - block; duta - doll; glispava - sled; letusok - kite; pavonka - toy wagon; pilke - ball; sëvo - puppet; tiplok - hobbyhorse
Sport. lätát - athletics; sirhcura - tournament, bout / celäu - sword-fighting; cirabectia - gymnastics; cupi - boxing; dhiec - racing; luria - wrestling; nuotu - swimming; shishát - archery / irzoväm - prize
Clown. rhulo - clown; usuku - jester
Celebration. midhë - celebration; vlesta - fair, festival, market
Joke. 58. Speech
Virtue. aelutrát - virtue, righteousness / adhán - both elut and seor; chiste - pure; elut - lawfulness, fair play; seor - clean, moral; tau - the moral code
Justice. raf - just / olute - fair; räfes - just, right, sane, satisyingly true; agazhë - involved, active, outraged / olotrazhec - deserve, rate
Innocence. sanchuce - innocent
Forgiveness. dhiloran - forgive, pardon
Duty. sfay - duty / curesát - responsibility; lachan - ought, must, should; hozënát - trust, stewardship, duty; sfaise - dutiful
Humility. smire - humble, simple; zettihy - modest
Abstinence. zetcuro - abstinence / meremát - moderation; scustebrát - mortification / imseoran - purify
Trustworthiness. orest - true, loyal / cepele - loyal, faithful, chaste; cunësan - trust; gucöreca - integrity; lelesë - faithful, believable; lonse - honorable; oticunëse - trustworthy; virny - loyal
Truthfulness. prade - honest
See also 55. Religion; and see Almean Belief Systems
Temptation. iskusha - temptation / immochir - corrupt, lead into vice; detombe - decadent
Sin. deväm - sin / prigy - vice; travët - crime
Confession. zet kazec confess, admit / rodher - excuse
Shame. sram - shame / bobrul - embarassed; lukul - guilty
Ill repute. mallog - disrepute / akolotë - dislike, disdain; dis - hate; anusheo - loathing; mallon - dishonor
Maliciousness. akzhény - malicious, mean; atüchy - rascal; comlefe - wolfish, malicious; chivicole - sadistic; chuch - bastard, asshole; durnil - malign, pernicious, virulent; eshro - bully; köby - mean; pavichan - petty; samiose - merciless; samsrame - shameless, scoundrel; sferil - brutal
Pride. orgöl - pride / sannanke - arrogant; zetbracse - vain, conceited, full of oneself; zetmeyec - selfish / zet raconter - brag, boast
Envy. izziëcse - jealous / vuläde - ambitious
Sloth. pigre - lazy / cämec - be idle; cishcöre - apathetic, lacking will, slothful; fazis - deadbeat; härom - slowpoke; samvoloe - apathetic, uncaring; zetzol - stubborn
Greed. kunvule - greedy / hundusil - materialistic, worldly; bizhno - upstart; puye - upstart, bold, elbowing; zueme - gluttonous
Falseness. fsiy - false, disloyal / maldobre - hypocritical; mauprade - dishonest; rhocepele - unfaithful; sangucöre - corrupt, unprincipled; dhuvësäm - not to be trusted
Betrayal. trair - betray; sosir - rat, squeal
Deception. fsiduisir - deceive / sytenec - hold back, retain, hold out; tromir - fool; zamben - feign, pretend, ape
Trick. áiochak - trap; zhou - trick
Fraud. izziëcen - deprive, defraud / imchuzen - screw, rip off
Injustice. gazhë - unjust, oppressive / akrafne - unfair
Theft. velen - steal / akprenan - rob (take with violence); deprenan - steal, remove; dochuven - pilfer; imumbrir - steal (at night or surreptitiously) / kaltén - thief; maticom - pickpocket; urulec - footpad, sneak
Organized crime. milyö - underground / bort - gang; bortom - bandit, gangster; rhusiom - thug; zëbortom - buccanneer; zëcuchom - pirate / finta - boss, capo
Bodily fight. cupan - box, fight; luren - wrestle
Guard. hezhan - guard / akezhan - protect; cumbrigan - defend; zhoren - secure, make safe
Resistance. aklädan - resist / adisan - reject; agechir - refuse, waive; desisir - oppose, contradict; azhbrugiven - dodge
Blow. badhir - hit / atikan - sting; bodhan - kick; cup - blow; cyager - flog; gunchec - bump; imvalitan - knock down; kdhuzec - stab; pafan - swat; neletan - pounce; sytäven - strike against; täven - strike
Win. irzovec - win / bufan - beat; ceshtan - overthrow; imnizhnyen - overpower, force to submit; akpuyan - repel
Lose. eshuir - lose / izbanen - mismanage, screw up; spurir - give up
Harm. dhevan - harm / shutkrof - bloodshed; vazhir - hurt, wound; opfë - victim; soclezir - torture
Kill. kekan- kill / igozhen - slaughter; shezhuven - strangle / kekom - assassin
Revenge. nizener - avenge; disnurir - resent
Pursuit, escape: 12. Movement
Verbal conflict. etasosir - gossip; etertotan - argue; gromnec - threaten; kazec - accuse; ocorbir - insult; zicuan - mock; zizigesa - intrigue; zhicoir - dispute, quarrel
Outside involvement. vanan - align, side with; rhovanesa - neutrality; celzhanen - intervene; propreser - intercede; onshatashir - reconcile
Army. falata - army / mily - legion; taknosh - battalion; navirora - navy; vrakora - host, opposing army; shualcot - cavalry; nagacot - infantry / cletana - military academy; cumshadom - escort; gechom - vanguard
Places. rhuk- castle; caln - fortress; keshnáe - camp; shofkeshnáe - headquarters
Soldier. voyak - soldier/ haleza - xaleza; sabelgom - veteran; redhreul - desk officer, aide; sanci - new recruit / vrak - enemy; belaca platula - mercenary / raumen - insignia
Spoils. goler - loot; graven - pillage, plunder; mat - capture, seizure; stupen - rape, despoil
Verdurian military ranks.
The Redhreo i Belgo (Minister of War) in the King's Council is the commander of all Verdurian armed forces, responsible only to the King. By contrast with the American system, this position is filled by an army officer.
There are usually several belgsannoi (generals) commissioned at one time; during wartime the generals in one theater of war may be subordinate to one shofe belgsanno.
The Verdurian navy is a division of the army, so that a culso normally is subordinate to a belgsanno.
Army | Navy | ||
belgsanno | general | ||
cefsanno | castle commander | culso | commodore (fleet commander) |
chedeshro | colonel | nabro | captain (ship commander) |
alchiro | major | ||
shiro | lieutenant | shiro | lieutenant |
kobom | sergeant | kobom | ensign |
voyak | common soldier | azurom | common sailor |
Desire: 41. Sex
Gender. muatëra - sex (half of race) / ser - male; zhonë - female
Beauty. beluán - beautiful / shön - handsome, pretty; minyón - cute; rezhne - fair, pretty; zhaye - foxy, a knockout; zhnea - attractiveness / eyuren - adorn
Ugliness. ezhcud - ugly / dhëse - homely, plain; dhunmishekse - extremely ugly; fäbshue - tacky; okronte - hideous; rhoshön - unattractive
Romance. fsora - romance / fsorora - relationship, affair; piflec - flirt, coquette; pifler - flirt; piflora - crush, flirtation; luzhure - affectionate; manoricole - affectionate / esyule - dear
Lover. besyun - lover, boyfriend; besya - lover, girlfriend
Engagement. celftena - engagement; nosäm - engaged / cumeliräm - fiancé; marileshel - bride-price
Wedding. nos - wedding; nosnochy - honeymoon / lebmaris - groom; lebmare - bride; zur - benediction / velashir - elope
Marriage. marian - marry; marisa - marriage / maris - husband; cira, mare - wife
Divorce. adis - divorce; trancören - divorce (v.)
Ancestry. anëdec - descendant; anëdul - ancestor
Children. imfát - child; sefo - boy; zhina - girl; ane - eldest; dvanes, zhemna - twin; pidha - baby
Status. ammedh - eldest child, heir; pernese - firstborn; ismarise - legitimate; cogul - illegitimate, bastard; sampire - orphan (without parents); sanzhenate - without a family; onaudec - adopt
Verbs. kedhen - bear children; lememan - beget; meyan - spoil; nurir - rear
Name. nom - given name; pirei - patronymic; zhenata - family name; nomako - nickname
Parents. ani - parent / piro - father; mira - mother, mima - mommy, mama
Grandparents. avo - grandfather; ava - grandmother / predavo/a - great-grandfather (mother) / avulo/a - great-uncle (aunt) / onavulo/a - great-uncle's son (daughter)
Children. medh - son; meca - daughter
Grandchildren. nepo - grandson; nepa - granddaughter / onnepo/a - great-grandson (daughter)
Siblings. baradhu - brother; sädra - sister
Nephews. nemo - nephew; nema - niece / onnemo/a - nephew's son (daughter)
Uncles and aunts. vlay - uncle; vlaya - aunt
Cousins. kuzo/a - cousin; kuzulo/a - second (or more distant) cousin / onkuzo/a - cousin's son (daughter) / onkuzulo/a - second cousin's son (daughter)
In-laws. bola - an in-law / nora - daughter-in-law; süra - mother-in-law; ulëc - brother-in-law
See the Grammar of Verdurian, Kinship terms
Have sex. rashir, cumnuven, genteelisms cumlübec, pasetir, lübec im nuven, mifan/prenan paktrogulam, colloquial tocan, risdan, sevan nilna*, slang shuten sur*, sishen*, trichec*, obscene futruir
Intercourse. rasha, genteelism lübor sirise, slang toc, sish*, tricho* - sexual intercourse; ispuyan, slang gobachir - ejaculate; tosceio - orgasm
Have oral sex. tezhrashir, slang shuyan, tezhktüec, obscene polfutruir*
Foreplay. izhovi - foreplay; / acotura - seduction; dochatir - excite with the fingers; levatir, slang labir - kiss; manoren - caress; paluen - fondle; porocesen - massage; yezhluran - stimulate, arouse; zetrogulo - masturbation; dhumpalel - lesbian lovemaking (not considered sinful in a heterosexual)
Desire. idureo - desire / dyuzh - lust; dhorina - passion; lübotene - passionate
Woman. redelcë, slang rhédë, obscene riasni*, kaduloma*, baco*, cruy*, kuda*, sishkuda* - woman; frälina, slang zhina, tilka, koshka, nilne* - young woman, girl; cirula - the little woman, my old lady; fodro* - bitch; ryotka* - frigid, unwilling to put out; rhovoitula - virgin; rhuzë - chesty, bosomy; sevnilna - easy girl, tramp; zhaye, luana - fox, looker
Breasts. limura, slang gara, narnë
Vagina. shagati, vlagishe, slang alcalë, ánselcud, kuda*, obscene baco*, cruy*, sishkuda*
Penis. frond; slang urk, tecai, prozec, leta*, pro*, obscene gob
Reproduction. lememát - reproduction / ilëgárda, zhonkrof, slang dvazhoc - menstruation; ris - sperm; risora - semen; huvon - egg; leblirát - conception; risdan, slang cundrozhir - impregnate; nasitát - pregnancy; slang rälec, tabosáshe, cundrozhul* - pregnant; nes - birth; malnesan - miscarry, abort
Prostitution. salui, slang lescoma, guya, proletka - prostitute; ketuom, slang leful - pimp; ketuoma - madam; ketu, slang saluyora - brothel
Forbidden fruits. mallübor - sexual immorality / acoturom - seducer; berana - harem; beranë - concubine; cogia - adultery; deníe, obscene foirachul - homosexual male; dyuzh - lust; kadutocan, obscene foirachir - have anal sex; kazhina - mistress; kechezhil - pornography; malamórë - lustful, perverse; nilnura - womanizing; pizarda - desire for children or icëlanî; pleronáe - pleasure dome; pona - homosexual, mannish woman; lufe, suin - loose; rhocepele - unfaithful; stupen - rape; tëspler - orgy; zuchuy - perversion
Other terms. lue - voluptuous; lübise - erotic, sexual, romantic; paktrogulo - sexual intimacy or favor; plero - sensual pleasure; rashe - sexual
Noble titles and estates.
As used in Verduria and most other countries in the Plain.
dalu | king | dálua | kingdom |
shoh | duke | shohy | duchy |
surcont | marquis | surcontana | marquisate |
cont | count, earl | contana | county |
hipcont | viscount | hipcontana | viscountcy |
beom | baron | beomana | barony |
beomul | baronet (honorary) | ||
shaden | knight |
Civil titles and jurisdictions
In Verduria noble estates are subject to the civil authorities, with the partial exception of shohî and surcontanî, which belong to a given fetöra but not to a shana. Mazhtanî (cities) are also not considered part of a shana.
dalu | king | dálua | kingdom |
sazhuro | governor | fetöra | province |
esar | prefect | shana | district |
rhivo | mayor | mazhtana | city |
kesharo | steward | keshana | borough |
aldhoro | village chief | aldea | village |
Verdurian military hierarchy: 38. War
Ancient Cadhinorian hierarchy
The Cadhinor titles are also given, as well as a numerical rank to tie the various hierarchies together. The Verdurian equivalents are used not only for the writing of history, but in certain legal contexts; some of them are even current in some parts of the Plain.
1 | ATRABEI | elordalu | emperor | ATRABANTOS | eloria | empire |
2 | DALU | sazë | prince | NAIUNOS | nazh | realm |
3 | SCOKHOS | sazhuro | governor | PETHUERA | sazhuna | division |
4 | ESARKH | esar | prefect | SCANNA | shana | district |
5 | COMITOS | comit | count | COMITANDA | comitana | county |
6 | DUSORION | altom | headman | PAGOS | pag | rural district |
Urban | ||||||
2 | SANNO | sanno | lord | SATRANDA | mazhtana satrë | free city |
5 | AMARUOS | rhivo | mayor | MACTANA | mazhtana | city |
6 | KESCARION | kesharo | steward | KESCANDA | keshana | city borough |
6 | BANLORION | loryo | overseer | KESUIE | kesuë | lands (about a city) |
6 | DUSORION | altom | headman | CUMUNDA | cumuna | town |
6 | ALATHORION | aldhoro | elder | ALADEIA | aldea | village |
Military | ||||||
3 | SAIURION | sazhuro | governor | SAIUNDA | sazhuna | division |
4 | ESARKH | esar | prefect | SCANNA | shana | district |
5 | CALENORION | cefsanno | warlord | CALENOS | caln | fortress |
Other leaders. altom - leader / anor - elder; burom - officer; chinek - boss; loryo - overseer; shofom - chief; altu - tyrant; gintrovelec - usurper
Regions. cunnazh - confederacy; eshcontana - grand county; imletuen - precinct, grounds; nazh - state, realm (focus on legal jurisdiction); pázhian - land (focus on area); pironáe - fatherland; scuri - country (focus on community); stal - seat (land within an estate pertaining to the chief lord, not a vassal); kesuë - land attached to a noble or religious post, generally administered by a loryo; grannáe - borderland
Govern. rhusec - govern / duisir - lead; nachal - rule; rhucor - government; lunuran - appoint; denomen - dismiss; ranát - bureaucracy, the establishment; lunureo - department
Rule. nazhan - rule, reign / dallengát - reign; imalten - accede; imameto - investiture; indaluát - coronation; satre - sovereign; tengintro - dynasty; velgintro - usurpation
Institutions. Biyetora - Assembly empowered to elect a king; Eschambra - the Verdurian Parliament; Konselora - King's Council; Kunasha - the Treasury; Mazhtane Kal - City Forum; nazhdenë - state messenger service; mazhtansäte - town hall; redhreo - ministry; sheíra - palace; shofmazhtana - capital
Politics. guézzovi - politics / crivogués - bureaucracy; cummev - collective action; chambra - council; gués - power; ledhul - representative / dëguran - negotiate; guézzovir - enter into politics; ziziger - intrigue
Parties. fako - political party / bomrhanec - conservative; imräfë - progressive; oligom, sëoligom - partisan, supporter; Desisec Fako - the Opposition; oligu - faction, clique; cumonora - league
Votes. elusir - vote / biyeta- royal vote; debiyetan - remove from the electorship; tësvuáë - unanimous
Foreign affairs. ruscurë - foreign / bocteica - diplomacy; boctura - tribute; gran - border; dalom - ambassador; hipdalom - consul; kanheu - outlander; mevel - treaty; prezuden - passport
Symbols. cistila - crown; corë - court; gintro - sash of office; yesta - throne; znura - flag, banner
Types. burogués - bureaucracy; dálugues - monarchy; elusigués, sandálua - republic; meláshtegues - aristocracy; oligugués - oligarchy; zhéngues - democracy
The Plain. barahine - Barakhuni; benécy - Benecian; caizure - Caizuran; coriy - Curiyan; cunnazhise - Svetlan; ismaë - Ismaîn; kachan - Kachanzan; kebrén - Kebreni; mutkünise - Mútküni; obenzaye - Obenzayan; verdúry - Verdurian
Ancient times. cadhin - Cadhinorian; cuzeë - Cuzeian; ül muhnar - Monkhayic; munkeashise - Munkhâshi; sarilo - Easterner
Barbarians. malsfaom - barbarian; iovu - nomad / rudom - hunter/gatherer; eluyemakshy - Eluye-Makshi; rafsany - Rafsani; zanuy - Zanui
Outside the plain. ahuene - Xurnese; belshaine - of Belshai; dhekname - Dhekhnami; karaum - Qarau; lenanë - Lenani; muhnar - Monkhayu; nanilo - Nanese (n.); odaivun - from O-Dayevu; rhanore - Rhânori; sarnar - Sarnaean; shurë - Skourene
Races. falom - white man; taëse - relating to the Taëse (eastern Ereláean) race
Eledhe. ebrene - Jewish; elenike - Greek
Other intelligent races: 19. Animals
See also: Cultures of Almea
Authority. droë - right, power, authority; nachalát - authority, rule
Status. amrabise - de jure; guésise - de facto; nomise - nominal; pázhiom - citizen; munese - public; ziëcse - private
Person. ctel - person, party; uom - party, individual
Trial. lichy - lawsuit, trial / asha - session; sud - court / voitec lichín - sue; orivan lichim - appeal; prosfahen - represent; málemel - complaint; malemiles - plaintiff
Enforcement. cilu - police, guardsmen; keshuen - arrest
Accusation. kazec - accuse; culpir - blame; bäzec - claim
Confession. zet kazec confess, admit; rodher - excuse
Judgement. celëtir - judge, discern / curien - deliberate, consider; nomen - deem; ovnel - judgment; sudir - judge, condemn; sudiel - decision, sentence
Guilt. sanchucesa - innocence / lukul - guilty; sanchuce - innocent
Punishment. skazia - punishment / kozuir - cast out, exile; sudir - condemn; skazir - punish / gécul - dungeon; tyurma - prison
Permission. mifan - allow; prodan - grant /azhmifan - revoke; rhomifan - prohibit; isletuen - forbid
Legal forms
Ownership. ziecurec - own / attenec - belong; rhaner - keep; imesan - occupy; cuncurec - hold jointly / fsitenec - hold under false pretenses
Property. ziëca - property / imletuen - grounds, lot; kesel - with associated lands; kesuë - land; zhescaln - domain, dominion
Inheritance. delazhec - receive, inherit; pirodonul - inheritance
Feudalism. oray - estate, fief; orayec - vassal, fiefholder; orayul - overlord, lord
Freedom. rhisát - freedom / incoren - royal hostage; tyurmul - prisoner; devhezec - indentured servant; basom - slave; tenu - slave / imrhisan - free
Theft: 36. Sin
Gems: 16. Substances
Coins of Eretald: Kingdom of Verduria document
Buy/Sell. emec - buy; zhusir - sell / primetan - offer; dëguran - haggle, negotiate; prinimec - accept; cumaudët - conditions; agechir - reject; ashetir - redeem; proskadec - compensate
Spend. dorshetir - spend / dan - give, spend; platir - pay; trodan - waste money
Price. adezhel - cost, purchase price (buyer's perspective); leshel - price, selling price (seller's perspective) / sholiser - cost; naschura - fee
Costliness. kundimo - expense / bilic - cheap; kunondise - expensive; rës - costly; rhanäm - valuable
Poverty. licre - poor / pricurec - beggar; pugeise - bankrupt; sankune - penniless; feyel - alms; nagobo - hobo
Riches. bogaty - rich / munifa - splendor; obad - prosperous; opon - wealth
Luxury. telnëra - luxury / comdalue - princely, luxurious; fintát - quality; berhotá - bad taste
Savings. fanir - save / alcalë - treasure; matica - purse
Accounting. römát - accounting / andedau - profit; crif - ledger; demedau - loss; dumora - account, file; dürí - credit; dürio - asset; gocrea - balance sheet; isuväm - payable; kedimo - bill, check; pória - liability; porui - debit; prosnucosh - receipt; voitäm - receivable
Opposites. dürí - credit; porui - debit / dürio - asset; pória - liability / hiptosheo - deficit / lagu - income; zhüngu - expenses
Investment. keladan - invest / bemát - capital; kela - stake, interest
Loan. mutec - loan; muchir - borrow; deväm - debt, obligation; gëmésha - mortgage
Taxes. decë - tithe, tax; deskuna - toll; imröma - customs; Kunasha - the Treasury
Rent. dörlöen - rent (what lessee does); imloën - rent out (what lessor does); loën - rent (either); loy - rent (payment)
Betting. parir - bet, gamble; zakladan - bet, wager, contest
Tendency to spend. clesny - frugal; shupo - miser; zhure - generous; trodonec - spendthrift
Abuses. corp - bribe; durnkun - extortion; nogachia - usury
Business. cumbutát - partnership, company / cumbutom - partner; innesan - found; prorivan - advertise; rheznáe - workshop; snucäm - customer
Types of business
Employment. munëi - job, career, task / mondan - hire, employ; isuvuan - fire; samrheze - unemployed; prolazhec - earn; lodimo - wages / chinek - boss; mondec - employer; redh - clerk; rhezec - worker
Rest. proshalea - rest; cäma - holiday; azhuvea - vacation
Experience level. etec - dabbler, novice; ebrák - apprentice; lebom - novice; neronom - full guild member; osän - master
Crafts. medhiát - craft / curulelát - navigation; dhitelát - engineering; dhumát - masonry; egulát - sewing; endya - carpentry; felát - sailing; fevát - carving; genturoki - metalworking; gunát - armormaking; impuyát - printing; orhurokec - goldsmithing, orhiznakir - emblazon; pazhakát - mapmaking, impazhaken - map; säteviso - architecture; sizhnáe - smithy, täven - forge; teloro - instrument maker; testasát - weave, testasosh - loom / urokec - maker, forger, creator
For Verdurian guilds, see The Kingdom of Verduria
Parts of city. keshana - borough; ezhes - neighborhood, quarter / Scafiora - waterfront (Thieves') Quarter in Verduria
Roads. dhitel - road / ban - passage, way; berda - path, trail; desi - bridge; esdhitel - highway; prosia - (main) street; prosúlia - minor street; ruiso - alley; scafi - dock
see also 12. Movement
Open land. shushnáe - cemetary; niëma - park; lagana - square; toranda - fountain
Government. densäte - archives; gécul - dungeon; imrömora - customs-house; kal - forum; redhreo - ministry; sheíra - palace
Food and lodging. anieprusi - singles bar; chaináe - tearoom; hornáe - hotel; caunáe - coffeehouse; lesteo - restaurant; nuvora - dormitory; prusi - inn; vifmitáe - tavern; zerlesteo - 'pizzeria' / pitu - tip
see also 24. Food
Shops. susaré - shop / ivrora - bookseller's; lëkadnáe - apothecary; mershshäte - agora; myasnáe - butchershop; bulonnáe - bakery
Recreation. dhiecnáe - racetrack; lättom - arena; ketu - brothel; onela - bath
Culture. ardënda - monument; crifsäte - scriptorium; furnáe - theater; ivrosäte - library; suzanosh - memorial; shriftanáe - university; taläte - museum
Other. etol - warehouse; kedhnáe - factory; maladnáe - hospital; neronsäte - guild hall; shualnáe - stable
See also 46. Trade, 55. Religion
Parts of a room. aknó - window; caro - pane; dher - door; ftalók - ceiling; letuë - wall; pol - floor; churata - hearth; akchaska - firescreen; kasheza - screen, half-wall
Types of house. chayma - tent; skala - hut, hovel; zhatatún - shed, pavilion; atna - cabin; atuny - apartment; sheíra - palace; ubreza - shelter; üvéza - mansion
Rooms in a house. atún - room / audnáe - living room; cave - basement; cayun, dhaonáe - washroom; dosic - hallway; dheratún - vestibule; fannáe - closet, store-room; iretazh - attic; nuvnáe - bedroom; prannáe - dining room; rälnáe - kitchen; säte - hall
Architectural elements. baruk - Cadhinorian patio; cëmura - column, pillar; dazhy - framework; etazh - storey; foruneo - balcony; gorat - tower; ilosha - arch; iloshora - arcade; nizheza - chimney; polfond - foundation; uleta - step; uletora - staircase; zöm - gate; zhof - roof
Outside the house. car - courtyard; puto - well; seft - fence; sitana - yard; zhat - garden
Persons. atunec - roommate; domzhina - chambermaid
Verbs. saten - build; zhesan - live (at)
Seats. ferior - chair / asuena - seat, chair; shama - bench; shamek - stool; zhicse - cushion; nazheza - couch; diván - sofa
Beds. nuva- bed / aran - cradle; pidhnuva - crib; minka - mat / poshásh - mattress; lambra - sheet; surbarúc - blanket; orelosh - pillow
Tables. metta - table / flayka - desk; ray - shelf
Carpetry. escaë - carpet; escatelë - tapestry; forhel - curtain, drapes
Other. fanul - cabinet, chest; galumo - bathtub; pëch - stove; rayora - set of shelves; umo - tub, sink
Cleaning. palanir - sweep; palán - broom; cepil - brush; kirka - rag; buas - sponge
Desk. nozhranosh - scissors; yezhil - pen; fucosh - pencil
Door. ans - handle; ansel - key; ánselcud - keyhole; ber - lock; shëno - hinge
Drink. ciposh - kettle; dhuro - flagon; glacu - mug, stein; lazhna - bottle; stekana - glass; tash - cup; verae - wineglass; bushosh - cork; prenbushosh - corkscrew
Food. chana - pot; chine - dish, plate; pelvo - bowl; rhit - pan; dhazhika - sieve; dasek - tray
Garden/Farm. fac - yoke; gravil - rake; mochüka - hoe; pela - shovel, spade; troz - ax; vili - pitchfork
Grooming. durosh - toothbrush; havlu - towel; peny - comb; razosh - razor; rihë - mirror
Instruments. teleo - instrument; horteleo - clock; chüta - balance; lëtiy - lens; lëtyora - spectacles; mepuyosh - pump; merteleo - gauge; ontedidha - watch; resteklo - telescope; leleza - microscope; shalechüta - barometer; calteleo - thermometer
Light. glaza - lamp; tshurglaza - torch
Metallurgy. sizho - forge, furnace for forging metals; auva - mold
Sewing. testasosh - loom; shnin - pin; egula - needle
Tableware. cuyo - spoon; tranosh - knife; vilka - fork; chilanë - napkin; metteza - tablecloth
Unmentionables. katy - spittoon; matela - chamberpot
Workshop. curosh - pliers; dauto - chisel; moleza - hammer; sfica - nail; tëcosh - saw; vinte - screw; vintosh - screwdriver / das - board
Other. akpluya - umbrella; closh - bell; donyosh - candle; fazholo - ticket; lialec - lever; siiru - wheel; siirukesha - brake; snur - rope; snurek - thread; shaleza - fan; tuyo - pipe; zhovosh - ladder
Containers: 8. Contents
Machines. niru - machine / niruom - robot; sfuteniru - clockwork, machinery; zetbezhe - automatic; nirul - apparatus; satotá - contraption
Verbs. bezhir - work; boshnan - stop working; imbezhir - fix; indobren - adjust; onegulen - mend; sterer - operate a machine; addobre - adjustment
Edged weapons. cardhë - sword, scimitar / belaca - straight sword; epüa - spear; glavo - broadsword; hauttroz - halberd; tecai - dagger; tranosh - knife / vlagishe - sheath
Other weapons. arc - bow; streli - arrow; strelima - dart; krhumbil - bomb; pushec - cannon, gun; pushpula - cannonball; fikshi - whip; snocu - club
Defense. casi - helmet; chunima - shield; gunë - armor
Verbs. acclasmir - parry; büten - aim; clasmir - wield, swing; kdhuzec - stab; krhumban - explode; siblir - miss; shishan - shoot
See also 38. War
Farm. hutor - farm / bouhutor - dairy; luteon - orchard; mesti - field; meu - furrow; susuleta - terrace; zhat - garden; risnáe - barn; nurzhosh - manger
Verbs. meuden - to plow; relir - sow; meyan - water; recolir - harvest; grogec - mill, grind; sterer - tend; yagen - hunt; kedhen - produce, yield
Other terms. detöshen - geld; enttrane - woodcutting; irdha - crop; irdhimo - yield; ofóry - fertile; rura - the countryside
See also 20. Plants, 24. Food
The division of the sciences below is that of the Verdurians, and in many places reflects the history of Verdurian science, as well as the organizational divisions of Verdurian universities. Each division as a whole can be referred to using the first term in each set.
General. etahicete - mathematical; onteca - experiment; prilicole - realist; shriftanáe - university; visano - field of study; visanora - science; zhuyse onteca scientific method
Scientist. shriftom - doctor, professor; visanom - scientist; shrifsäshue - know-it-all
Instruments: 51. Utensils
ripriroda - philosophy / curayora - logic; hiceteviso - mathematics; elut - ethics /
pleschura - history / so amrab - law; hinát - geography; kunát - economics; rhucoriviso - political science
kestora - natural philosophy / bezhiviso - dynamics; dascoviso - zoology; duneviso - physics; eliriviso - biology; mecliviso - chemistry; susoviso - geology; syeleviso - astronomy; vezhiviso - botany
daroveviso - medicine / zerhasheviso - herblore; cerhecát - alchemy
Mathematics. surmeto - addition; demeto - subtraction; childoni - division; tësculë - multiplication; huepát - formula; dazhy - grid; scerno - axis; aletasces - maximum; basasces - minimum / eidoloviso - geometry
See also 30. Ideas, 59. Writing, 9. Shape and Form
Gods. adh - god / adha - goddess; adhicole - divine, godly; creec - the Creator
Holiness. rhem - sacred / imrheman - consecrate; irhodom - hallowed; vacre - altar; zheiza - shrine
Revelation. adhontu - vision, revelation; dorot - prophecy, omen; dhat - sign; kesir - possess; terato - miracle; zhantan - prophesy
Clergy. adhomát - clergy; adhom - cleric; calnadhom - chaplain; osän - guru; zhantom - prophet
Monasticism. surreca - monasticism, solitude / amrab - monastic rule or order; azhcita - monastery; ceno - abbot; suloro - monk, hermit; sulorei - nun
Observance. hunnachal - spiritual discipline or observance / cuenda - festival; krovuresa - sacrifice; lelesa - faith; orer - pray; risuresa - offering; rhemnáe - temple; samnurzha - fast; scustebrát - mortification; uesa - ceremony; uris - worship; vaglädec - pilgrim; vosel - invocation; zetcuro - abstinence
Philosophy. sör - fate; bunori - fortune; dësul - creature; fant - soul (after death); itian - spirit, soul; mezinë - Divine Order; rhezy - eternal
Specific beliefs. Irreanát - Irreanism; Andazhuei - Endajué; Behusa - Bezuxao; rham - cult
Irreligion. samadhise - atheist; adhivazhir - blaspheme
God. dhinát - trinity / Eledh - Eledh (Ei:ledan), Iesu Cüedul - the Messiah; Iain - Iáinos; so Itian, Ulone - Ulo:ne
Spirits. anëly - angel; einalandaua - angel, eternal spirit; vyozha - primal force
Devils. amnigo - corrupted angel; Ekaia - chief of the rebellious spirits in heaven; Amnäi - chief of the demons on Almea
Places. shdhesna - hell; Izhoräne - Purgatory; Oräna - heaven; Oikumene - the Earth
Church. adheton - church; adhetonáe - church building; mestináe - cathedral; lüsi - Glade
lebom | deacon | ||
clidhu | priest | doligu | parish |
cüre | curate | cürana | curacy |
ilneo | bishop, overseer | mesti | diocese |
altilneo | archbishop | altmesti | archdiocese |
anorul | cardinal | ||
perarh | patriarch | perarhát | patriarchate |
Special terms. cüeden - anoint; dashká - amen; etëlevi - gospel; imelirec - indwell; immeyan - baptize; karyu - grace; nëron - saint, holy; onnes - rebirth; profäsec - disciple; sabato - sabbath; shorucole - infidel; veadhen - love (agape:); voyul - apostle; zurem - mass
Paganism. tësadhát, ül uris - Cadhinorian paganism
Divine beings. Enäron, Ishira, etc.; hezhadh - Guardian (2nd Age); gaiei - one of the Fates; fant - dead soul or other powerful being; ovneladh - Judge in afterlife; vyozha - elemental spirit
Demons. kezonul - demon; chéltevar - archdemon; ftacu - elemental monster; kezonát, Gelalát - Gelalát; Kezul, Gelalh - chief demon
Places. ishária - paradise; Ilávrinor - Limbo; chel shorui - hell; Adhunac - 1st age residence of gods
lebom | acolyte | ||
clidhu | priest | senge | presbyterate |
altclidhu | vicar | decsenge | vicarate |
cüre | curate | cürana | curacy |
altcüre | high curate | altcurana | high curacy |
eshcüre, vacuran | primate | eshcurana | primacy |
perarh | patriarch | perarhát | patriarchate |
Special terms. adhnáe - temple; huca - oracle; cletana - priestly seminary
See also Almean Belief Systems
Spells. ëdich - spell, enchantment; prokel - curse / nechan - enchant; isnechan - disenchant, dispel
Magician. alcedlom - magician / ëdichi - witch; fodro - enchantress; lozhiur - lojur, Xurnese court magician; zobom - loremaster; bosmizë - fortuneteller
Hierarchy. ebrák - apprentice; zhouom - conjuror; imscrifel - initiate; garlo - warlock; zobom - sorceror; alcedsanno - necromancer; shrayom - wizard
Skill level. etec - dabbler; fsurë - starving artist; imlelul - exhibitor; sfahul - latest rage; yanul - successful artist; mashre lelitsalom - master artist
Exhibition. imlelen - exhibit; ontnáe - gallery
Music. aladhea - music / macua - popular music; pëtan - play; rhorha - minstrel
Elements. caturo - rhythm; chima - note; lir - measure; lirnora - lyrics; shant - melody / tompec - beat the rhythm
Song. shant - song/ cevai - chant, psalm; rezhuchia - ballad; sorea - a love song / zashantan - burst into song; see also Dance
Vocal ranges. plisel - range, part / nizze - baritone; ponyore - bass, low tenor; sëte - countertenor, contralto; molë - alto; lihse - soprano
Musical character. bardaum - stormy, ritualistic, exultant; cainesh - harsh, mechanical; cleir - majestic, powerful, assured; creshmädörn - rhythmic, compelling, sad, rising then falling; creshvoce - compelling, powerful through quiet; cuélzulë - joyful, melodic, brassy; dálues - jovial, good, strong; didhitise - delicate, pretty; launes - smoothly repetitive, minimalist; mädörn - majestic, powerful, masterful; milüür - sad, poignant; razumse - ordered, mathematical, contrapuntal; tichure - melodic, complex, lively; zhazharke - boisterous, foot-tapping
Instruments. pëtul - instrument / endi - violin bow; fil - string; tecla - key
Woodwinds. endi - woodwind / hautendi - oboe; kena - flute; kenula - piccolo, high-pitched flute; lüra - bassoon, low-toned flute; mishu caizure - bagpipe; siku - pan-flute
Percussion. badhul - percussion instrument / bashti - the sticks; closh - bell; chana - kettledrum, metal drum; chinya - triangle or other metal badhul; klesh - cymbals; klok - blocks, produces knocks, rasps; teclora - clavier; taca - castanets, produces clicks; tompom - drum
Brass. laitón - brass instrument / cleru - bass horn; crundina - long horn; crunya - trumpet; chiplin - bugle; tefalu - horn; tefalu bulse - round horn
Strings. dronul - stringed instrument / chishte - Ismaîn mandolin; dichura - sitar, zither; drona - guitar; endivyón - violin; viond sëte - viola; viond nizze - cello; vyon - lyre
Play. pëtan - play / badhir - hit (drums, keys); drocen - pluck; dronen - strum; klokan - knock; shalean - blow, play (trumpets, flutes, etc.)
Dance. lavísia - dance / bechón - fast Ismaîn dance; fírita - a courtship dance; zhazharka - fast, rhythmic dance; derigime - a fast, noisy dance
Drama. furát - drama / ralinë - play; furan - act, produce; tranel - act; furnáe - theater; adeleca - Barakhinei comedy
Drawing. risunát - drawing / behdel - picture; bemásh - cartoon; pazhaka - map; yezilát - calligraphy; rofulát - engraving / defulüren - erase
Painting. fäbát - painting (art) / fäb - paint; cisa - brush; fäbosh - painting (object) / irprile - surrealist
Sculpture. chehát - sculpture (art) / chehosh - sculpture (object); dhumëbenda - statue; dhumëgórzhi - gargoyle
See also 59. Writing
Words. log - word; nom - name; lozhise - literal
Speech acts. advechen - answer, reply; aklogen - contradict, deny; akmizec - disagree; apeluan - call; befelan - command; beshanen - promise; cavir - warn; cuesan - ask; cummizec - agree; etasfahen - refer to, speak of; etertotan - argue; zet feyen - complain; glashan - announce; gromnec - threaten; imseltan - admit, reveal; issirec - tell (a story); izgechir - remark; konsir - advise; legan - lie, mislead; lestuen - flatter; malmizec - speak ill of; mizec - say, tell; mametec - advocate; maumec - gripe; ocorbir - insult; otalmizec - bear witness, attest; preser - request; presizer - plead; proetec - swear; prokibir - proclaim; proklir - curse; pronimec - propose; propuyan - insist; kazec - accuse; raconter - tell; renemec - repeat; sfafken - inform; trasfahen - exaggerate; vocan - invoke; zhicoir - dispute, quarrel
Genre. acinul - rumor; opinion; eshahe - sermon, address; issirula - fable, anecdote, story; kallogát - rhetoric, oratory; kallogi - speech; lertlog - maxim, aphorism; pidhë - anecdote, story; zhenmize - proverb; zhensulirul - idiom
Joke. misotá - joke / chisimotá - pun, play on words; tisirotá - witticism; zicua - mockery
Manner. coec - croak; dacdacir - babble; cüncünir - whine; tatatir - chatter; gelvo - moan; gronen - grumble; keshashdan - pause; kielsfahe - tone of voice; papapir - mutter; rhote - hoarse; rhunan - grunt; sosir - whisper
Shout. badair - scream; kibir - shout; iskrichen - exclaim, cry out; krichen - cry; ushican - yell
Translation. celmetan - translate; levivrec - lip-read
Characteristics. pratecole - talkative; samsfahe - mute
See also 37. Conflict
Materials. fucosh - pencil; fulüra - ink; minë - paper; yezhil - pen; den - document; dumora - notebook, folder
Verbs. crivan - write; dhayecrivan - spell; hipcrivan - sign; curonan - edit; imlelen - publish; induman - note, record; ivrec - read; plican - copy; subran - cite
Genres. The eight traditional genres, and some subgenres:
pomäe - chronicle, myth, legend, zonpomäe - chronicle, history, rocá - epic
racont - tale, story, account, lebivro - novel, pleschura - history, pisá - report
shant - song (see 57. Art)
cevai - chant
ralinë - play
kallogi - speech
onemu - treatise, essay, account, manual; imbolëo - commentary; kob - headword
curayora - argument, proof, discourse, manifesto
Subject. murebode - fantasy; romobode - tragedy; ridibode - comedy; coelibode - romance; cäpibode - devotional art
Tone. coacino - irony
Poetry. eyure - poetic, literary; lirát - poetics; sulinora - lyrics; syele - lyric
Metrics. lirosh - poem; sulírn - line; sulirul - phrase, half-line; alte - accent, beat; base - unaccented syllable; altora - metrical pattern
Embellishments. commizo - semi-refrain; dhunmizo - parallelism; onmizo - refrain; nenalte - syllabic repetition; nenavuá - alliteration; neneresau - rhyme; tombo - lapse into prose; forheo - suspense; umizo - metaphor
Schools. menca - school; cadhin - Cadhinorian; üllebe - Old New; leblebe, uvrul - New New; shohe - Ducal
Script. comcrifát - script, writing; comcrifata - lower case; mecrelise - mixed case; üla - upper case
Correspondence. brevë - short letter, note; dum - note, memorandum; pisá - letter; shadecî - commercial messenger service; zhesglashul - invitation
News. lebi - news; prorivel - advertisement; tutanél - newspaper, magazine; ushiclebi - town crier
Puzzles. kiel-e - riddle; shrailozhi - cipher; shraizeni - code
Grammar. aluatas - grammar; cumbectia - syntax; logora - dictionary; mizo - expression; zhenshate - idiomatic; vuá - sound
Sounds. fucec - consonant; pentec - vowel
Parts of speech. kest lozhië - part of speech / ecelóg - regular adverb; etalóg - adjective; ktëlog - preposition; nom - noun; mevlog - verb; nom promevec - anaphor; kansile - correlative; raspuyec - form word-- particle, conjunction; scolisec - indefinite pronoun; perunec - superlative; valtec - comparative; zetopfëë - reflexive
Gender. dinë - gender / ionile - feminine; cer - masculine; suy - neuter
Case. cot - case / etamizë - nominative; tenec - genitive; opfëe - accusative, direct object; prenec - dative, indirect object
Number. dimo - number / anröma - singular; dhunröme - plural
Person. cot - person / cot sfahecei - first person; cot oecei - second person; cot telië - third person
Tense. didha - tense / izhcrifel - past anterior; scrifel - past; demeric, esec - present; ctanec - future; epesec - conditional tense / befel - imperative; mevdonec - participle
The Cadhinor verb. prilise - definite; buprilise - subjunctive; olocec - dynamic; nuncre - static
Symbols. znak - letter; znakora - alphabet / vuáë - voice mark; lenge - long mark; mole - soft mark; breve - short mark
Punctuation. znakî provecî - punctuation / keshash - pause sign; bolyáshe keshash - period; iskricha - exclamation mark; cues - question mark; shircaî - appositive signs
Types of speech. avelotá - Avelanism; basfahe - slang; cadhinotá - archaism; chorec - fluent; domsfahe - dialect, patois; milyörhun - lower-class speech; parnise - laconic; rurotá - ruralism; seshuesa - accent; (sfahe) shriftanéi - standard (Verdurian)
Emphasis. adecan - just, exactly; izhefsë - especially, most of all; ërece - in fact, actually, really; mudhe - most; muán - least; purho - certainly, surely; tana - indeed, truly
Logic. otál - as, also, too, furthermore, so; cechélece - thereby; duya - therefore; ozë - thus; urë - then, therefore, hence
Pragmatics. acotál - besides, anyway; azhana - at least, at worst; erotál - moreover, furthermore; ledhad - for example; rhomuán - nonetheless; tësitál - anyhow, going back to the subject at hand; zdésece - herein
Aktionsarten. dénuo - continually, habitually, repeatedly; elnora - still, yet, more; núnece - just, about to, right now; sicha - just now, right now, right then; ya - indeed, even; indication of completed action; yatá - already
Direction. dosán - backward; fasadán - forward; hipán - downward; dhitelán - ahead, onward, forth; irán - upward
Extent. arashó - very much, much, quite; ger - hardly; tidimo - somewhat; isu - enough; such that; very; lyö - very; níbece - at all; parha - approximately; prosice - almost; tro - too much; rhóece - not at all; áltece - at the most; básece - at the least
Time. aproste - later, afterward; descairon - sometimes; ízhece - before; nirto - often; nunei - henceforth; pronun - meanwhile; proshe - next, then; sicha - just now; ticairon - some time; vremë - thenceforth; vremya - then
Other. nochula - together; on - again; back to; shekeshan - finally, at last; torin - apart, into pieces
ave - hail! hello! emai! - hello!
icë - present, here
urave - please; dëkuy - thanks, a thank you
nish - fine, OK, great
ay - ouch! ec - hey! well! cha - well! nu - well! aa - uh, er; uy - oh! iosu - alas
krodhi - damn! chuza! - shit! futash - fuck! rashe - frigging
One. an - one, single; anise - only, unique, sole; so - the; sul - only, sole, alone
Some. nib - any; ti - some
Few. des - several; pey - few; dhes - several; bumushe - not many; dhun - two
Many. benge - most; boce - plenty; bolë - much; mushe - many; muatë - half
All. chil - each; perë - whole, entire; shi - every; tëse - all
Other. dernë - last; etasule - particular; fäsul - left; other; otre - another; tal - such, so; tar - either one; tele - other
See also "Numbers" in the Grammar.
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