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Many words that require a separate root in English can be expressed with suffixes in Wede:i. Review the first part of the grammar for ideas.
1004 entries
-a:i | locative suffix | |
a:inu | help, assist, accompany | |
a:inua | help, assistance | |
a:inuŋ | helpful | |
ak | an honorific | |
Akba:un | legendary king of Tewor, who unified the Xengi delta in the realm of Yenine [honorific + ‘storm’] | |
Aklu:ma | the goddess of the sea [honorific + ‘great sea’] | |
Akru: | the sun god [honorific + ‘sun’] | |
Akśim | the Xengi river [honorific + Śim ‘Long’, earlier name of the river] | |
aktik | monster; one of the old gods [‘great old one’] | |
anda | ash tree | |
auko | dog | |
ba | half | |
bai | tower | |
ba:ilu | remove, escape ba:ilsa condemn; expel, fire bamba:ilu flee | |
ba:ilua | escape, removal | |
ba:n | oats | |
ba:nsirgu | beggar [‘person without oats’] | |
baŋ | six (10 in Wede:i base six number system) | |
baŋotu | the basis of measurement, about a meter [‘half-height (of a man)’] | |
bataur | month, 1/8 of the year [‘half season’] | |
bau | quiet, tranquil | |
ba:un | storm ba:unli stormy | |
bauŋauji | discreet, tight-mouthed [‘quiet tongue’] | |
beda | sister, or daughter of any data/papa | |
bediśa | child of any beda | |
Begoŋ | the largest of Almea’s moons (Iliažë) | |
Begoŋitera | king of Yenine, conqueror of Saiśi [‘moonlight’] | |
beme | lip | |
ben | under benuŋ low, lower bensa lower (make low) | |
benpapa | grandmother (mother of a papa) [‘lower mother’] | |
bendata | grandfather (father of a data) [‘lower father] | |
benśen | topsy-turvy; anarchic; confused [‘down-up’] | |
benśentin | the day when all laws are reversed [‘down-up-day’] | |
bente:du | immoral, impure, perverse [‘low mind’] | |
benur | bottom, base | |
benzi | concubine [‘lower woman’] | |
beśa | flesh, muscle | |
beśak | body [‘flesh-collection’] | |
beśama | muscular, powerful | |
beśamiŋ | bodily substance (cf. Ax. kimin) [‘flesh-substance’] | |
beśaŋaza | organ [‘flesh clay’] | |
beśul | bodily, physical | |
bi: | white, bright; fair (of skin) | |
bi:ka | silver | |
Bi:dau | capital of ancient Yenine in classic period [‘white city’] | |
bika | fir | |
bi:noŋ | steel [‘bright metal’] | |
Birbi: | Iliacáš, one of the moons [‘very bright’] | |
biźi | grass | |
biźia:i | meadow biźia:in grassland, steppe | |
bo | one bola:uŋ once bono first | |
Bo: | the Bolon river | |
bogu | individual, person; someone [‘one person’] boguśa who | |
boka | object, thing; something [‘one’ + nominalizer] bokaśa what | |
bokabu | front [‘thing-before’] | |
bokati | back [‘thing-after’] | |
bokado | there, in that place [‘thing-LOC’] bokadośa where | |
bokugo | turnip, rutabaga [‘one cap’, from its shape] | |
Bo:lun | the northern Bo: valley, modern Bolon [‘northern Bo:’] | |
bo:ndo | 46656 (1,000,000 in Wede:i base six number system) | |
Bo:ndola:i | lord of Śima:i who founded kingdom of Na:nyanok [‘a million glories’] | |
bori | island | |
boruŋ | union [‘one rule’] | |
boruŋul | united | |
Bo:saŋ | the southern Bo: valley, modern Bozan [‘southern Bo:’] | |
boyok | sum, count; price [‘one-two’] | |
boyokak | counting, addition, calculation [‘set of sums’] nanuŋ boyokak mathematics | |
boyokma | total, sum of sums [‘great sum’] | |
boyoku | count (v), add, calculate | |
bu | before, preceding | |
buka | deer | |
bukuro | owl | |
buku:ru | promise [‘before-give’] | |
bu:na | emptying; the time it takes to empty one tier of a water clock; cosmic cycle | |
bu:nu | empty; pour out | |
bu:niśu | torture [‘little emptying’] | |
buru | loon | |
buśiga | plan, strategy; project | |
buśigu | plan, strategize, work out [‘before-work’] | |
da:iu | value, appreciate; favor da:ira be valuable, be worthy da:ize disdain da:iulma favorite [‘more valued’] | |
dakal | salt dakalul salty, salted | |
data | father, or paternal uncle | |
datapan | parents [‘father-mother-PL’] datapansir orphan | |
dau | city daudo in the city; urban | |
dauka | whale | |
da:ur | skin; bark (of a tree); sail; a skin sack (for wine etc.) da:uruŋ naked, bare | |
da:ursir | skinned, raw [‘skinless’] da:ursirsa skin | |
da:wi | boy, child (before puberty) | |
da:wiŋa:u | boyish, childish [‘boy way’] | |
de:i | people, nation | |
de:igu | commoner, citizen, human | |
De:iju | the uncivilized people southeast of the Xengi [‘eastern people’] | |
De:ijubori | Jecuor [‘De:iju island’] | |
de:ite:du | popular, common [‘people-mind’] | |
digu | hide; mean, signify | |
digupea | hiding; meaning | |
di:n | daughter; girl | |
di:nŋa:u | girlish | |
do: | wind, breeze; air | |
Do:ju | Wede:i state east of Bozan [‘east wind’] | |
do:k | manure, dung | |
do:ku | excrete, poop | |
dolu | hang dolsa hang (trans.) | |
do:n | horse | |
Do:na:i | city in Jeor [‘horse land’] | |
do:nkomo | stable, barn (for horses or cattle) [‘horse house’] | |
do:te:du | agitated, excited [‘windy mind’] | |
do:ul | windy, breezy | |
dowo | no, not; nothing | |
dowodo | nowhere | |
dowogu | nobody | |
dowojok | only, just [‘not other’] | |
dowoyona | denial, contradiction, refusal | |
dowoyonu | deny, contradict; refuse [‘say no’] | |
doźośu: | elm [unknown element + ‘tree’] | |
du:r | mortar (for grinding) | |
duzu | have, own, possess duzupe keep, retain | |
duzugea | ownership, possession | |
duzul | slave [‘owned’] | |
duzula | slavery | |
duzupea:i | prison, dungeon [‘keeping-place’] | |
eze:r | 1276 (10,000 in the Wede:i base six number system) | |
gai | log, beam; battering ram | |
gala:i | enclosure; walled town; ward, neighborhood | |
gala:igu | neighbor (someone from the same ward) | |
galu | close, enclose | |
galwen | cover, stopper [‘close-tool’] | |
gau | that (subordinating particle) | |
gauji | fruit; (financial) interest | |
ge:ŋ | beard | |
Ge:ŋgun | the northern barbarians, including the Easterners [‘beard-men’] | |
giźo | hot, be hot | |
giźoma | summer [‘great hot’] | |
go | away; that | |
goju | steal [prob. ‘(make) away’] | |
gojugu | thief, robber | |
goŋe | wrong, false, incorrect | |
goŋeka | wrongness, falseness | |
goŋŋerul | zombie, undead, being resurrected by magic [‘false-lived’] | |
goŋyona | lie, falsehood | |
goŋyonu | lie; deceive | |
goŋze | true, correct | |
goŋzeka | truth | |
go:rtu | sea, ocean | |
gotak | ktuvok [Munkhâshi gotalh] | |
Gotaka:i | Munkhâsh [‘ktuvok land’] | |
gotakgu | Munkhâshi | |
gouŋ | far [‘awayish’] | |
go:źi | eat go:źisa feed go:źiyai break one’s fast, have breakfast | |
go:źiji | food | |
gu:me | man gu:me zimi human [‘man or woman’] | |
gu:meŋa:u | human [‘man-way’] | |
guśa | respect, honor | |
guśu | bow down; honor, respect | |
guto | wide, broad gutosa widen, broaden gutoze narrow, thin | |
i:l | eye | |
i:lsir | blind [‘without eye’] | |
itera | light, radiance | |
iteru | shine | |
ituri | read | |
ja:ia | story; report nanuŋ ja:ia epic, myth [‘holy story’] | |
ja:iu | tell, recount, tell a story | |
jalan | wave | |
jalnu | wave (v) | |
jan | arrow | |
jaŋgu | archer, bowman | |
jaŋu | breathe | |
ja:tu | measure | |
ja:tuji | scales | |
ja:u | 7776 (100,000 in the Wede:i base six number system) | |
jauka | wolf Jaukaroda the Wolf God; the planet Caiem | |
jeba | debt | |
jebu | owe | |
jebuśigu | creditor | |
jebugu | debtor | |
Jei | the Ideis river; the Jeori | |
Jeinizun | first capital of Jeor [‘Jei Palaces’] | |
Jeiboruŋ | Jeor, Wede:i state southwest of Axunai; formed by union of Jeinizun and Taŋgun in 250; nucleus of later Jeori Empire; conquered by Gurdagor c. 1980 [‘Jei Union’] | |
jen | forest | |
jeru | push jerpeu have sex | |
je:tun | coyote | |
ji | ford, river crossing | |
jiro | moment, hour; time jirośa when | |
jirowen | water clock [‘hour tool’] | |
jok | other, another | |
jokyona | answer, reply (n) | |
jokyonu | answer, reply [‘say (to) other’] | |
jo:na | cat | |
joŋ | black, dark; brunette | |
joŋka | darkness; shadow X-no joŋka ŋa:rjuze can’t stand X [‘his shadow can’t touch (me)’] | |
joŋgu | barbarian, esp. Ezičimi [‘dark man’] | |
joŋnoŋ | iron [‘black metal’] | |
joŋzau | cassiterite; tin [‘black sand’] | |
ju | east | |
juku | sneeze | |
juŋ | son; boy | |
-ka- | additive | |
kago | basket | |
kai | leg | |
ka:ima:i | shop, store [‘buy-place’] | |
ka:imu | buy ka:imśi sell | |
ka:imugu | buyer, customer | |
ka:imuji | purchase, sale; deal | |
kaiwen | leggings, trousers [‘leg-tool’] | |
kal | good X gau kalta state of affairs X would be good kaldata father-in-law kalpapa mother-in-law | |
kala | goodness | |
kalkal | fine, excellent [‘good-good’] | |
kalliu | approve, like [‘good see’] | |
kalliul | friend [‘liked’] | |
kalnoru | fit; suit, be acceptable [‘good size’] | |
kalnoruŋ | fitting, suitable, acceptable | |
kalsim | proverb [‘good word’] | |
kalzi | wife [‘good-woman’] | |
kamu | guard | |
kamugu | guard (person) | |
kariji | neck | |
ka:u | mouth | |
ka:ulau | clam [‘mouth-shell’] | |
ka:yomo | marvel, wonder at ka:yomosa amaze, cause to marvel | |
ka:yomul | wondrous, amazing | |
ka:yomuliś | curious, strange | |
kenur | oak | |
kenurmiŋ | tannin [‘oak substance’] | |
kenurul | tanned; leather | |
keŋ | foot; bar, bar-shaped object | |
keŋka | shoe, sandal [‘foot-thing’] | |
ke:ta | 216 (1000 in Wede:i base six number system) | |
ki | tooth | |
ki:be | fat, thick ki:besa thicken, fatten | |
kildo | weak, fragile kildosa weaken | |
kimu | bite | |
kin | frog | |
kinwen | trick [‘frog-tool’] | |
kinwensir | innocent, guileless, earnest [‘without a trick’] | |
kinwenuŋ | tricky, conniving | |
kiŋ | joint | |
kiŋu | join, combine | |
koku | die koksa kill kokul dead; dead person, corpse | |
koklukśu | nightshade (a poisonous plant) [‘death onion’] | |
kokuji | death | |
kokuti | mourning [‘death-after’] | |
komo | house | |
komoma | the world, the universe [‘big house’] | |
komogu | servant [‘house-man’] | |
komozi | maidservant | |
koza: | rib; side | |
-ku- | object suffix | |
kudu | break kunkudu break in pieces, fall apart | |
kugo | hat, cap | |
kulana | cod | |
kunu | rain Kunge it’s raining | |
kur | ram | |
ku:rboyokak | multiplication; (mathematical) product | |
ku:rboyoku | multipy [‘calculation of giving’] | |
ku:ru | give | |
ku:rul | gift; given | |
la:i | glory, glorious | |
La:ia | son of Suma:un; lost empire to civil war [‘glorious one’] | |
laŋ | sheep, goat | |
laŋak | flock of sheep or goats | |
laŋakgu | herdsman (of sheep/goats) | |
la:ŋu | marry la:ŋeŋu marry each other la:ŋsa arrange a marriage | |
la:ŋgu | groom la:ŋtagu fiancé | |
la:ŋlauji | bride-price | |
la:ŋzi | bride la:ŋtazi fiancée | |
lau | type of seashell | |
la:u | come la:usa summon la:upe frequent, come a lot | |
lauji | money [‘shell’ + nominalizer] | |
la:uk | because [derivation of ‘come’; i.e ‘it comes of...’] | |
lauku:ru | pay [‘money-give’] | |
la:uliu | find, meet [‘come see’] | |
la:wa:i | source, origin; well (for water) [‘come-place’] | |
legau | pear | |
leźu | trust leźa responsibility | |
leźugu | trustee, responsible person | |
leźul | trusted, loyal, trustworthy | |
leźulze | untrustworthy, disloyal | |
lila:u | approach [‘come near’] | |
lilkomogu | neighbor (lives very close by) [‘near-house-man’] | |
liu | see lisa explain, point out, show lira appear, be seen lipe watch, care for | |
lil | this; nearby [liul ‘seen’] lil jiro now lil tin today | |
lilbu | recent [‘near-before’] | |
lildata | fatherly; just, fair [‘near-father’] | |
lildataze | unfatherly; unjust, unfair | |
lildi:n | niece (daughter of any roda) [‘near-daughter’] | |
liljoŋ | nephew (son of any roda) [‘near-son’] | |
lilti | soon to come, imminent, pending [‘near-after’] | |
liluŋ | near, close; almost [‘nearish’] dauni liluŋ near the city | |
liyonuŋ | honest [‘see-speaking’, i.e. saying what you see] | |
loda | peace | |
lodaŋa:u | peaceful, benign [‘peace way’] | |
loŋ | buckle, clasp | |
losu | moose, elk Losuna:n the Elk Goddess; the planet Hírumor losuwo ŋo:duge on the trail of something big, on to something | |
losumiŋ | emerald [‘Hírumor substance’] | |
lu: | water | |
lu:juŋ | prince [‘son of water’, i.e. of Akśim] | |
lukśu | onion | |
lu:lu | runny, melted [‘water’ reduplicated] | |
lumu | wash lumura be clean | |
lun | north | |
lungu | northerner, i.e. a Wede:i not from the delta | |
lu:sir | dry [‘without water’] | |
lu:te:du | emotional, passionate; passion [‘water-mind’] | |
lu:źensagu | engineer (of irrigation works) [‘water driver’] | |
mai | wheat | |
ma:in | star | |
ma:inyaro | maple [‘star leaf’] | |
ma:ku | defeat | |
mak | cousin (children of maternal uncle or paternal aunt) | |
ma:l | color, pigment ma:lsa color (v) | |
mamak | child of a mak | |
ma:n | great, good, noble; (as a suffix to a place name X) greater X, the X region [augm. -ma is a worn-down form] | |
ma:na | greatness, nobility | |
ma:ngu | noble, nobleman [‘great person’] | |
ma:nna:ŋgu | high priest (in charge of a major temple) | |
ma:nzi | noblewoman | |
Ma:ndau | a city, Ax. Mendau [‘great city’] | |
ma:nte:du | pure, moral [‘great mind’] | |
maŋa | sphere, ball | |
maŋaŋa:u | round, curved [‘ball way’] | |
maŋayuma | a type of flower with a spherical head [‘ball-flower’] | |
maŋiśa | bead, small ball | |
ma:r | female, feminine, womanly; warp (of loom) | |
ma:rzi | a girl or woman, a female | |
mau | fill | |
ma:un | leopard, panther | |
meker | wing | |
melen | heart | |
melenokuda | heartbreak, grief [‘heart-breaking’] | |
men | pine cone | |
menśu: | pine tree | |
menśu:lu: | resin [‘pine water’] | |
miku | tie | |
miksek | kohl, antimony, stibium [Elkarîl mikcheq] | |
mikwen | rope | |
mir | worm | |
miriŋ | snake | |
miśol | moss | |
moga | ear | |
mogalau | oyster [‘ear-shell’] | |
moganopaźiwa | minister, vizier [‘king’s ear’] | |
mogasir | deaf [‘without ear’] | |
mogau | peach | |
mo:mo | young | |
mo:moa | youth | |
Mo:mor | capital of late Wede:i state of Jeor; Ax. Momor [‘young town’] | |
mo:ngu | young man, youth | |
mo:nguda:igu | homosexual, gay [‘favors young men’] | |
mo:nzi | young woman, maiden rajino mo:nzi temple maiden | |
moźa | dream (n) | |
moźane | prosaic; possible, likely ra:i moźane dreamlike, fantastical; unlikely | |
moźu | dream | |
mu: | waist | |
muku | bull | |
mun | holy | |
muna | holiness; religion | |
muna:i | temple [‘holy place’] muna:itin festival, holy day | |
mura | turning; change; a level of being | |
muri | turn, change | |
Muriŋeli | the land of the dead | |
mu:wen | belt | |
na:i | bird | |
Na:iwor | a city along the Ideis [‘western bird’] | |
naka | hemp | |
na:n | god | |
na:nku:ru | propitiate, sacrifice [‘god-give’] | |
na:npauduŋ | pious [‘god-worshipping’] | |
na:nśauk | rite, ritual [‘god-rule’] | |
Na:nyanok | ancient kingdom along the middle Xengi. centered on Śimai [‘the god spoke’] | |
na:nyona | prayer | |
na:nyonu | pray [‘god-speak’] | |
nanuŋ | divine; numinous, academic | |
Nanuŋitera | king of Yenine, son of Begoŋitera; conqueror of Na:nyanok, promulgator of first law code, directed assembly of Old Syllabary [‘Divine radiance’] | |
nanuŋze | worldly, secular [‘not divine’] | |
na:ŋgu | priest [‘god-man’] | |
nau | ox | |
na:wen | axe | |
ne:npea | flight | |
ne:ni | fly ne:nsa throw, shoot (arrows) | |
naza | aunt (paternal aunt, or wife of any uncle) | |
neru | lie down nerenu sleep together nersa set down, lay, put | |
neruwen | bed [‘thing for lying down in’] | |
ni: | field | |
ni:gu | farmer, peasant | |
niji | animal [‘walk’ + nominalizer] | |
nine | hill | |
niŋ | bag, sack | |
niŋgau | fig [‘bag fruit’, from the shape] | |
niŋmagu | trader, merchant | |
niŋmali | trade, commerce [‘with a big sack’] | |
niŋmala:i | market, trading place | |
nitu | walk | |
nituk | for the purpose of, in order to [from ‘walk’; cf la:uk] nitukśa why (for what purpose; cf. ta:uno) | |
niz | mansion, palace | |
-no- | possessive suffix | |
no: | red no:sa redden no:ensa blush | |
no:bi: | copper [‘red bright’] | |
no:biźi | redcane (a reedy plant found in marshes, with woody red stalks) [‘red grass’] | |
no:ta: | strawberry [‘red berry’] | |
nu:l | healthy nu:lsa cure nu:lze sick, unhealthy nu:lsagu physician, doctor | |
nu:n | tripod | |
ŋa:i | hand ŋa:ili by hand, manual; personally Sekino ŋa:ini in Seki’s favor | |
ŋa:ila:u | beckon, invite [‘hand-come’] | |
ŋauji | tongue | |
ŋaiki | bring, fetch, carry ŋaikra ride (animal in INS) | |
ŋaikwen | wagon, cart [‘bring-tool’] | |
ŋampu | vomit | |
ŋa:ri | touch, feel (by hand) [related to ‘hand’] | |
ŋa:u | way, path | |
ŋa:una | street, road | |
ŋa:uze:ngea | wisdom | |
ŋa:uze:nu | be wise [‘know the way’] | |
ŋaza | clay, earth; a clay tablet | |
ŋazate:du | creative; creativity, art [‘earth mind’] | |
ŋe:du | sweat, exude | |
ŋegea | rising; enlightenment, revelation, discovery [from ŋeu] | |
ŋeka | flower | |
ŋekaŋa:u | pretty, lovely [‘flower-like’] | |
ŋeli | land, country | |
ŋergea | life, existence | |
ŋeru | live, reside ŋerenu live together | |
ŋera:i | household, residence [‘living place’] | |
ŋeu | rise, climb ŋesa lift, raise | |
ŋewa | flax | |
ŋewen | step, stair [‘climb-tool’] | |
ŋibo | hips; lap | |
ŋiboji | apron, cloth worn over the loincloth | |
ŋina | singing, music | |
ŋinji | song | |
ŋinu | sing ŋinsa play (an instrument) | |
ŋir | left (side) | |
ŋiyan | linen | |
ŋo:du | hunt | |
ŋo:dugu | hunter; scout | |
ŋok | jar | |
ŋokma | large jar | |
ŋol | fire ŋolzau glass | |
ŋolu | burn, be on fire ŋolsa cause to burn, set on fire | |
ŋoltur | charcoal [‘burned stick’] | |
ŋoŋ | metal [Elkarîl ngông] | |
ŋoŋgu | elcar [‘metal man’] | |
ŋora | largeness; size | |
ŋor | big, large; (of people) tall | |
ŋorsi | plant, vegetable | |
ŋosu | flog, whip | |
ŋota | high; height | |
ŋotaŋeli | steppe, plateau, desert [‘highland’] | |
ŋozi | same | |
ŋoziyedu | pity, sympathize [‘same feel’] ŋoziyedurouŋ pitiful | |
ŋoziyedua | pity, sympathy | |
ŋu:ma | mountain ŋu:mak mountain range | |
Ŋu:made:i | the Lenani people [‘mountain people’] | |
ŋun | grape [from Elkarîl] | |
o: | furrow | |
pa:ia | division, part, portion; judgment | |
pa:igu | judge (person) | |
pa:iku:ru | share, apportion [‘give parts’] | |
paiju | fear | |
pa:ika | wall [‘divide-thing’] | |
paira | basin, pool | |
pa:iu | divide; judge | |
palin | again yok palin twice śir palin three times | |
pamu | hear, listen | |
pana | rooster | |
papa | mother, or maternal aunt | |
pasur | donkey, ass; an ass-load | |
paudu | worship, venerate | |
paudurouŋ | highness (royal honorific) [‘to be worshipped’] | |
pauka | mole | |
paun | some | |
paunśa | how much? [‘some’ + ‘which’] | |
paźiwa | king paźiwano royal (belonging to the king) | |
paźiwaka:u | envoy, ambassador [‘king mouth’] | |
-pe- | repetitive particle | |
peŋi | play (games) benśentino peŋi take liberties, go too far, act above one’s place | |
peŋiji | game | |
pe:ra | hurt, wound | |
pe:ru | hurt, wound pe:renu be in pain | |
pija | mud, dirt | |
pik | green | |
pikiśi | herb [‘little green’] | |
pina | five | |
piŋgau | apple | |
pir | hand harp, lyre | |
pirma | large harp | |
po: | hair | |
ponu | jump | |
poŋ | dust, powder; ground; floor | |
poŋgu | mortal | |
poŋze | supernatural, uncanny, otherworldly | |
pudo | bean; pebble | |
pu:k | crime; evil | |
pu:kgu | criminal, sinner; prisoner | |
pu:kliu | hate, hold in contempt [‘evil see’] | |
pu:ksir | flawless, perfect [‘without evil’] | |
pu:ku | sin, do evil, commit crimes | |
puljuuŋ | allowed, permitted [‘able to stand’] | |
pulu | stand; stay, remain pulpeuŋ constant, continuing X pulenu X exists, there is X Ydo X pulenu X exists among Y, Y is one of those that X | |
pulukokul | ghost, restless spirit [‘remain-dead’] | |
puŋan | wood | |
puŋante:du | spiritual, wise, unworldly [‘wood-mind’] | |
Puro | the Puro river, running parallel to the Xengi | |
Puroŋeli | Wede:i state along the upper Xengi, X. Pronel [‘Puro land’] | |
ra | in, inside | |
ra:bo | cloth, fabric | |
ra:boak | bolt or roll of cloth | |
ra:boakiśi | bribe [‘little bolt of cloth’] | |
rada | seed; semen | |
ragoju | sneak in, infiltrate; spy [‘in-steal’] | |
ragojugu | spy | |
ra:i | none, not any | |
raji | interior, insides | |
raka | harvest, autumn; birth Rakanotin harvest festival | |
raku | bear (a child); harvest crops; (passive) be born, yield | |
ral | shrine, oracle | |
ralŋaiki | bless [‘shrine-bring’] ralŋaikul blessed; blessing | |
ralsim | omen, oracle’s word | |
Ra:n | the name of the main river of Rajjay | |
ranak | guts, intestines [‘set of innards’] | |
ranakuŋ | esoteric; magic | |
ranakuŋak | magic, sorcery | |
raśak | fox Raśakma the Fox God; the planet Vereon | |
rau | door, gate | |
raźa | vagina | |
raźazi | whore [‘vagina woman’] | |
re:du | frown | |
reja | sky | |
reku | trap, catch | |
re:te | cold | |
re:tema | winter [‘great cold’] | |
ri:di | light (not heavy) ri:disa lighten ri:diyuma drunk [‘light head’] | |
ril | egg; testicle | |
rila:i | ovary, womb [‘egg place’] | |
rilku:ruŋ | hen [‘egg-giver’] | |
rilsirgu | eunuch [‘without testes’] | |
rimu | weave | |
riŋu | rot, spoil; ferment riŋul rotten, spoiled; decayed, squalorous | |
riŋtuka | rye beer [‘rot-rye’] | |
riŋtuka:i | tavern, inn | |
-ro- | imperative suffix | |
roda | brother, or son of any tada/papa | |
rok | out, outside | |
rokla:gu | outsider, foreigner | |
rokla:uŋ | foreign | |
rokur | exterior, surface; form, shape | |
ro:źo | uncle (maternal uncle, or husband of any aunt) | |
ru: | Ënomai, the sun | |
rugu | cut, carve | |
ruk | sharp | |
rukŋa:i | claw | |
rukŋa:iji | crab | |
rukwen | weapon | |
ruŋa:i | capital, kingdom, city-state. All these were pretty much equivalent in early Wede:i times; later on the ‘kingdom’ was still identified with the seat of administration [‘place of ruling’] | |
ruŋu | govern ruŋgu governor | |
ruti | rush, hurry; run | |
ruwen | loom [rim- ‘weave’ + ‘machine’] | |
ruźi | checked, spotted, speckled | |
ruźina:i | pheasant [‘spotted bird’] | |
Sabi | the Sainor people [from a Sainor language] | |
sakana | fish | |
sai | middle, central | |
saiji | middle, center | |
Saiśi | ancient kingdom on Lake Van; Axunašin Sayiši [‘middle lake’] | |
saiźenu | mediate, facilitate [‘middle-go’] saiźengu go-between saiźenzi female go-between, esp. for marriages, affairs | |
saŋ | south | |
sa:un | law, regulation sa:unak law code, canon | |
seki | night | |
sekibu | evening, twilight [‘night-before’] | |
sela:i | warlord, general; commander | |
sessim | gratitude, thanks [‘thank-word’] | |
sesu | thank, be grateful Sesiŋku Thank you! | |
si | room | |
sim | word (spoken or written), character, glyph, symbol; name simul written; literate | |
soŋka | bear (animal) Soŋkana:n the Bear God; the planet Imiri | |
soŋmiŋ | jade [‘Bear God substance’] | |
soźu | lose | |
su: | new | |
su:a | novelty, newness | |
Su:dau | Wede:i state on the Xengi [‘New city’] | |
suku | stab, pierce | |
sukwen | dagger sukwenma spear | |
sukwenka | swordfish | |
Suma:un | son of Toma:un, expanded Jeori empire [‘new leopard’] | |
suri | circle | |
suriji | band, circular adornment | |
śabuk | fast, quick dowo śabukma finally, at last [‘not too quick’] | |
śabuka | quickness, speed | |
śabukka | swallow (bird) [‘fast-animal’] | |
Śabukma | Naunai, the smallest and fastest moon [‘fast’ + augment.] | |
śabukmiŋ | quicksilver, mercury | |
śaka | finger | |
śaki | makeup; a seed pod that produces red pigment [from the shape] śakipeśi singing girl [‘over made up’] | |
śagu | drink śagupe drink liquor, get drunk śagokpeuŋ intoxicated | |
śaguji | a drink | |
śal | beautiful, handsome | |
śala | beauty | |
śai | prop, support (n) | |
śaigu | supporter, partisan | |
śa:u | guilt, shame śa:usir shameless, sinful | |
śauk | rule śaukra be ruled, be subject to śaukragu subject śaukgu ruler, lord | |
śauklauji | tax [‘rule-money’] | |
śaukźoma | revolt, rebellion | |
śaukźomu | rebel, revolt [‘rule-oppose’] | |
śa:uliu | blame, accuse (sin is in instrumental) [‘see shame’] | |
śayu | support, prop up (v) | |
śe: | bone | |
śebargu | scribe, writer, clerk | |
śebaru | write | |
śebarul | scroll, book | |
śela | shelter, protection; harbor, port | |
śelu | shelter, protect | |
śen | above śenuŋ ‘upper’ | |
śendi:n | granddaughter [‘upper daughter’] | |
śenjuŋ | grandson [‘upper son’] | |
śenka | roof, ceiling [‘above thing’] | |
śenur | top | |
śeya | soft, blunt | |
śi | lake | |
śiga | work (n) | |
śiga:i | workshop, workplace | |
śigu | work; negotiate | |
śim | long; older name of the Xengi river (Akśim) | |
Śima:i | oldest Wede:i city-state, on the middle Xengi [‘Xengi place’] | |
śin | cow | |
śinak | herd of cattle | |
śinakgu | cattleman, cattle herder | |
Śinji | a Wede:i state along the Xengi; Axunašin Šinji [‘cow ford’] | |
śiŋa | loincloth | |
śir | three śirno third | |
śira | one third (fraction) | |
śirabataur | week (really 12 days) [‘third (of) month’] | |
śiśu | whisper [imitative] | |
śiya | small, little | |
śoba:n | oatmeal [‘boiled oats’] | |
śojo | chin; pride | |
śojoka:u | prideful; proud person [‘proud mouth’] | |
śok | bundle | |
śoku | wrap, bundle sokenu wrap oneself; wear (clothes take INS) | |
śokuma | robe | |
śona:i | kitchen [‘place for cooking’] | |
śongu | cook, kitchen worker | |
śonu | boil; cook | |
śoŋu | hit, strike | |
śu: | tree | |
śubu | spit | |
śuiśu | bush | |
śuk | stone, rock | |
śukuŋ | stony, rocky | |
śukyuma | stubborn, rigid [‘stone-head’] | |
śukzau | crystal [‘rock-sand’] | |
ta: | berry | |
ta:i | to the right of ta:ia right side | |
taku | stop, end takuŋ final, last | |
tan | fertile | |
taŋ | thirty-six (100 in Wede:i base six number system) | |
Taŋgun | Wede:i trading confederacy, united with Jeinizun to form Jei Union [‘men of the Taŋ, the Thirty-Six’] | |
Taŋŋeli | the Tanel peninsula [‘fertile land’] | |
tareŋ | blood | |
ta:uno | why (what is the cause or mechanism; cf. nitukśa); cause, reason | |
ta:unosir | random, arbitrary, senseless [‘without why’] | |
taur | quarter, one fourth; season | |
tause | four | |
tausema | lunch, dinner (the main meal of the day) [‘noon’ + AUGM] | |
te: | arm; branch (of river) | |
te:du | mind, brain; soul, spirit | |
te:dusir | idiotic, stupid [‘brainless’] | |
tengea | election, choice | |
tensir | mandatory, necessary [‘no choice’] | |
tensiru | need, must have tensirra be necessary | |
tenu | elect, choose | |
tel | male, masculine, manly; weft (on loom) | |
telgu | boy or man; a male | |
teldi:n | tomboy [‘manly daughter’] | |
telpapa | lesbian [‘manly mother’] | |
Tewor | an ancient city-state in the Xengi delta [‘west (river) branch’] | |
ti | after, following | |
tika | oldness, age | |
tik | old | |
tin | day | |
tinbu | yesterday | |
tinno | o’clock (see Calendar section) [‘of the day’] bo tinno dawn tause tinno noon baŋ tinno dusk | |
tinti | tomorrow | |
tiraji | face | |
tisi | urine (n, v) | |
tiyona | squid | |
ti:zi | cry, weep | |
ti:ziji | tear, tears | |
tiźengu | follower; disciple | |
tiźenu | follow [‘go after’] | |
to | knife | |
to: | cunning, clever to:ma genius to:ze dull, dumb | |
toa | sword | |
toagu | soldier, swordsman | |
toak | army [‘sword collection’] | |
tok | blue | |
Tokna:n | one of the gods; also the name of Lake Van [‘blue god’] | |
tokta: | blueberry | |
to:l | each, every | |
to:lyonul | famous, celebrated [‘all talked about’] | |
to:lze:nu | certain [‘always known’] | |
Toma:un | founder of Jeori empire (c. 750) [‘Clever leopard’] | |
to:rogu | thunder [imitative] | |
tu: | crossroads | |
tu:bu | smooth | |
tu:buze | rough; difficult[‘not smooth’] | |
tuka | rye | |
tula:u | decide [‘come to the crossroads‘] | |
tu:ma | bend; arc, bow; arch | |
tu:mu | bend (v) | |
tur | stick (n) | |
turiśi | twig; peg; key (locks were pegs preventing a door from opening) turiśul locked turiśili galu lock turiśili yomosa unlock | |
turma | branch | |
-un | plural morpheme | |
wada | stool, chair (backed chairs were rare) | |
wa:i | boat | |
wa:igu | sailor | |
wa:ima | ship | |
Wa:ior | city on the Čiqai [‘town of boats’] | |
waipa | chicken | |
waka | crazy, insane wakasa make crazy | |
wakagu | lunatic, crazy person | |
wakiśa | silly, nonsensical | |
waŋu | sit | |
wata | year to:l wata annual | |
watasu: | spring [‘new year’] | |
wau | bark (of a dog) | |
wawa | baby | |
we: | great, mighty, strong, robust | |
we:a | might, greatness, strength | |
wedaŋ | alert, vigilant | |
Wede:i | name of the Wede:i peoples [‘mighty people’] | |
wen | luck wenli lucky, fortunate | |
we:niz | fortress, castle [‘mighty palace’] | |
wensir | unlucky, unfortunate | |
we:poŋ | medicine [‘strong powder’] | |
We:sela:i | general, last of Jeori emperors [‘mighty warlord’] | |
we:śi | make, build; found, establish | |
we:śigea | establishment, making | |
wete | birch | |
weyu | serve as, take the role of, function as (role is in ACC) | |
Wila:r | name of a goddess, and a planet (Išira) named after her Wila:rno tinun the festival of Wila:r, at the spring planting | |
wok | flea, louse | |
woŋboka | monster [‘horror-thing’] | |
woŋi | feel disgust or horror woŋsauŋ disgusting, horrible | |
wor | west | |
yai | jewel | |
yak | such, so, to that extent Yak ŋor da:wi! The child is so tall! | |
ya:li | rose | |
yaŋ | nest | |
yaro | leaf | |
yatu | order (someone) | |
yatugu | captain (of a ship), lieutenant; manager | |
yatusim | an order [‘order-word’] | |
yauji | beetle Yaujina:n the Beetle God; the planet Vlerë | |
ye | river | |
yebi: | gold [‘river-bright’] | |
yebi:li | rich [‘having gold’] | |
yedu | think, feel (emotions) yedupe consider, be concerned with, ruminate yedenu remember | |
yedua | thought, thinking | |
yeni: | swamp, wetland [‘water-field’] | |
Yenine | first true Wede:i state, in the Xengi delta; later formed empire over Xengi valley [‘river hill’] | |
yeŋa | movement, motion | |
yeŋu | move | |
Yewor | city on upper Xengi (Axunašin Jiur) [‘west river’] | |
yok | two yokak pair, couple yoksa double | |
yokboak | subtraction | |
yokboi | count backwards, subtract [‘two-one’, compare boyok] | |
yokla:u | return, come back or again [‘two-come’] | |
yokno | second (in order) | |
yokriŋ | vinegar [‘double ferment’] | |
yokto | scissors, clippers (two blades attached together with a curving element) [‘double-knife’] | |
yomo | be open yomosa open | |
yomoka | opening, window | |
yona | language Wede:i yona the Wede:i language | |
yonagu | interpreter, translator [‘language person’] | |
yonu | speak, say | |
yonwen | voice [‘speak-tool’] | |
yoŋ | peas | |
yoru | dance, acrobatics | |
yorzi | dancing girl | |
yoźi | peel | |
yuma | head; boss, chief, sergeant | |
yur | bad, unpleasant yunyur very bad, awful | |
yurituri | misread [‘bad read’] | |
yurliu | disapprove, dislike [‘bad see’] | |
zai | lightning | |
zak | spoon | |
zaran | sour, bitter | |
zarangau | lemon, lime, orange, any citrus fruit [‘sour fruit’] | |
zau | sand zauuŋ sandy; blonde | |
za:uni | family; character, type za:unigu relative | |
za:unma | clan, group of families; class (of things) za:unmagu clansmen, remote relative | |
zawak | beach [‘sand’ + collective] | |
ze:ngea | knowledge | |
ze:nsaji | parable [‘teaching thing’] | |
ze:nu | know ze:nsa teach ze:nta wonder, ask ze:nyai learn, find out, study ze:nyaigu student | |
ze:nsagu | teacher | |
zimi | woman zimisir unmarried (man) | |
zimisin | private quarters, bedroom; harem [‘woman-rooms’] | |
zel | turtle | |
ze:ŋgeŋ | plague | |
zitu | cross | |
zituka | sash | |
zoko | altar | |
zotu | belong, pertain (to) zotusa apply (to) | |
zu | meat | |
zu:ru | get, take zu:rtau ‘want-take’, i.e. desire, want; love (sexually) ŋa:ili zu:ru obtain, get in hand zunzu:ru grab, snatch | |
zusu | buzz; fly about getting in the way; annoy, bother [imitative] | |
źaik | yellow | |
Źaikye | the Čiqay river [‘yellow river’ (from its color)] | |
źaiji | bee | |
źaijiyaŋ | hive; wax | |
źailu: | honey [‘bee water’] źailu:li sweet | |
źal | flat, level; plain | |
źalka | table; a meal, supper | |
źalkiśa | tablet, board; dish, plate | |
źa:u | plow (n) | |
źe: | wheel | |
źeba | hawk, falcon | |
źeku | fall źeksa drop | |
źegu | lust after, envy źegusir content, free of (illicit) desires | |
źenu | go; proceed, do things źensau lead, send (people), drive (animals) źenyai start, begin Ŋauśa źeniŋju? What can I do? | |
źensagu | leader [‘lead-person’] | |
źe:reŋ | name of a previous cosmological cycle (X. Čerengri) | |
źerźenu | wander, roam; be free | |
źe:ti | laugh źe:tisa amuse, entertain | |
źe:tur | laughter | |
źi:u | grow | |
źi:a:i | garden [‘growing place’] | |
źili | stir | |
źinźi:u | thrive, shoot up [intensive of ‘grow’] | |
źoku | smell, be fragrant źokśi smell (something) | |
źomu | oppose, resist | |
źongu | rival, opponent | |
źonźoku | stink, be malodorous | |
źorźomu | resist at every turn, oppose furiously | |
źosa | hut, shack | |
źue | broom | |
źuko | nose | |
źunu | suck, suckle źunsa give suck, nurse | |
źunwen | breast | |
źuŋ | bug, insect |
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