The second column gives part of speech: nm nn nf noun (masculine neuter feminine), v verb, a adjective, adv adverb, prep preposition, pron pronoun, # number, cj conjunction.
For sound changes from Caďinor, see the file, which can be loaded into SCA². Note that Caďinor input must indicate the stressed syllable with an acute accent: ád, adlériec, adceóren, etc. The .sc file contains only a small lexicon; here’s a much large one.
2079 words
a | prep | to, for (before consonants) [AD] | |
abriena | nf | oats [abrénna] | |
ad | prep | to, for (before vowels) [AD] | |
adlierac | v | remember [ADLERIEC] | |
adlierya | nm | memory [ADLERIAS] | |
adziesťa | v | send out, deliver [ADCESTEN] | |
adzoura | v | upbraid, tell off [ADCEOREN ‘admonish’] | |
aglieni | a | instinctive, primal [ADCRENIS ‘visceral’] | |
aglionac | v | listen [ADCLINEC ‘lean toward someone’] | |
agoiťir | v | seize, confiscate [ADCOŤIR] | |
aȟ | prep | against; (time) after, since [AȞ] | |
aica | nf | point [AECA] | |
aicle | a | sharp, pointy; sour [AECRES] | |
aiclieca | nf | sharpness, sourness | |
aida | nf | stem [HAEDA] | |
aidera | nf | ivy [HAEDERA] | |
Aidzon | nm | chief Arániceri god [V. Aežon] | |
aifar | nm | baron [AEFAR ‘lord’] | |
aiďa | nf | goddess [AIĎA] | |
aiďaondo | nm | divinity [AIĎANTOS] | |
aiďar | a | godly, divine | |
aiďeton | nm | church [V. aďeton] | |
aiďivaozir | v | betray, forswear; join Gelalhát [AIĎIVAGIR] | |
aiďivaozya | nf | betrayal | |
aiďnawe | nf | Caď. temple [AIĎNAURE] | |
aiďo | nm | god [AIĎOS] | |
aiglioťo | nn | priest (non-Gelálhist) [AIĎOCLIŤUS] | |
Aileya | nf | chief Arániceri goddess [V. Aelilea] | |
ailo | pron | this (use with a following NP) [AELU] | |
ailoť | nm | self-restraint, modesty [AELUŤ ‘virtue’] | |
ailuiťra | a | restrained, modest [AELUŤRES ‘virtuous’] | |
aimor | nm | emur (tin/silver alloy) [HAEMUR] | |
air | nm | south [AER] | |
aisťa | nm | summer [AESTAS] | |
aisťa | pron | here [AECTA] | |
aitauni | nn | lake [AETANIS] | |
aito | pron | this one [AETTOS] | |
aitse | a | summery [AESTRES] | |
aito | pron | this one [AETTOS] | |
Aivetal | nm | Evetel, son of Iriam [AEVETAL] | |
Aivrewa | nm | Ervëa [AERIVEHAS] | |
aladaȟ | nm | grammar [Keb. aladaḣ] | |
alaťi | nn | type of bird [ALAŤIS] | |
albwa | nf | womb [ALBRA] | |
aliťieȟa | nf | music [ALAIŤEIA] | |
aliťieȟac | nm | musician; (a) musical | |
amare | nf | day scúreden [Keb. hamare] | |
amárem | nm | law, law code [Keb. amarem] | |
amaremna | a | legal | |
amaremno | nm | lawyer | |
amieta | v | add [ADMETTAN] | |
amieto | nm | addition, sum [ADMETTOS] | |
araoda | adv | however, nonetheless [HARADA] | |
ao | intj | oh, ah (expresses surprise or annoyance, marks dispreferreds) | |
aobar | v | wear, put on [HABER] | |
aobo | nm | tree [ARBOS] | |
aobra | nf | grandmother [ABRA] | |
aobro | nm | grandfather [ABRO] | |
aoco | nm | bow (weapon) [ARCOS] | |
aodac | v | welcome, greet [ALDEC] | |
aodaondo | nm | welcome, greeting [ALDANTOS] | |
aola | a | earthly (name element only) [ALES] | |
aolasar | a | somewhat drunk [ALACER] | |
aolet | a | high, upper; loud [ALETES] | |
aolil | nn | garlic [ALILO] | |
aomarar | v | respect, bow to [AMARIR] | |
aomarieca | nf | respect, submission [AMAREICA] | |
aomba | a | bitter [AMRES] | |
aonca | nf | hip [HANCA] | |
aondor | a | mighty; the crypto-Gelálhist god of the 1800s [ANDEOR] | |
aonso | nm | handle, grip, hilt [ANSOS] | |
aoran | nm | cradle [ARANOS] | |
aorbaȟ | nm | locust [HARBEȞ] | |
aorin | nn | lamb [ARINIS] | |
aosir | v | sit [ASIR] | |
aosya | nf | sitting; session [ASIA] | |
Aowel | nf | Avéla, capital of Érenat [Dh. Awel] | |
apiela | v | name [APPELLAN] | |
apielo | nn | name [APPELLU] | |
Arawnicro | nm | Aránicer [ARAUNICOROS] | |
arioco | nn | long bean [HARICO] | |
atlabaondo | nm | empire (never applied to ktuvok empires) [ATRABANTOS] | |
atlabia | nf | empress [feminized atlaobio] | |
atlaobio | nm | emperor [ATRABION] | |
atlaobo | nm | storm [ATRABOS] | |
atle | a | other, another [ALTRES] | |
atliera | v | know (someone) [ALTERAN] | |
au | # | one [AN] | |
aunor | nm | elder [ANOR] | |
auȟuisya | v | oppose; (nf) opposition [AȞNUSIAN] | |
aviete | v | answer, respond [ADVEITEN] | |
avon | nm | agreement, treaty [Keb.] | |
avona | v | agree; make a treaty | |
awol | nm | ox [UHOL] | |
awpi | a | narrow, tight [HAUPIS] | |
awpindo | nn | narrowness, tightness | |
badaré | nf | restaurant [Keb. badarei] | |
bacoa | v | fuck [Keb. baku] | |
baidya | nf | bucket, tub [BAEDIA] | |
baiȟ | nm | alcohol; alchemical essence [BAEȞ] | |
bairo | nm | lock [BAEROS] | |
baiso | nm | hero; gold coin [BAESOS] | |
baita | nf | barrel [BAITA] | |
baitar | nf | female dog [BAETERA] | |
Barain | nm | Barakhún [Ver. Barahin] | |
baobac | v | gape [BABEC] | |
baoraȟ | nm | arm [BAREȞ] | |
baosa | a | low [BASES] | |
baosťo | nm | stick [BASTOS] | |
baoťi | nf | hit, blow | |
baoťir | v | hit [BAŤIR] | |
basaondo | nn | lowness | |
bauno | nm | way, road [BANOS] | |
bauriolo | nm | coyote [BAURILOS] | |
bekaosma | a | ragged [BEKASMES ‘domestic’] | |
bemoťa | v | fix, repair [Dh. bemôth] | |
beniťa | v | buy [Dh. benith] | |
beniťwo | nn | purchase | |
beraocla | a | glorious | |
beroando | nm | thick fog; Lake Bérunor [BERUNDOS] | |
biecla | a | used [BEKRES] | |
bieglo | nn | war [BELGO] | |
biela | nf | cloud [OBELA] | |
bielna | a | cloudy [OBELNES] | |
biembo | nm | gourd [BEMBOS] | |
bienet | nf | farewell [BENETA ‘blessing’] | |
bienzir | v | say farewell, see off [BENGIR] | |
bier | nm | fog, mist [BER] | |
bierac | nm | glory [BERAC] | |
biered | nf | path [BEREDA] | |
biesa | v | not be (no past tense) [BU + ESAN] | |
biesťir | v | move [BECTIR] | |
bieťile | nf | observation, watching | |
bieťir | v | observe, watch [BEŤIR] | |
bieťno | nm | observer; (pl.) audience | |
binieȟa | nf | record, archive, registry [BINEIA] | |
biona | v | record, register [BINEN] | |
biondo | nn | grapevine [BIDNO] | |
biraonda | nf | harem [BAERANDA] | |
blaoca | nf | sword [BELACA] | |
blaoť | nm | shit [Dh. blawth] | |
blondir | v | bake [BULONDIR] | |
blutla | nf | mill [Dh. bludla] | |
boabo | nn | apprentice, shop’s boy [BUBO] | |
boaro | nm | puzzle, dilemma [BUROS] | |
boarna | a | puzzling | |
boaso | nm | mouth [BUSCOS] | |
boato | nm | target, goal [BUTOS] | |
Boďnewai | nn | Boďneay, god of war [BOĎNEHAIS] | |
boglaondo | nn | bigness, size | |
boȟture | nf | day zëden [Keb. boḣture] | |
bordiola | nf | coast [BORDILE] | |
borzieca | nf | solitude, aloneness | |
bosťuina | nf | seaweed [BOSTUNA] | |
bouco | nm | cube, die [BOCOS] | |
boucťa | v | face, address, solve [BOCTAN ‘deal with’] | |
bougla | a | big, large, much [BOLGES] | |
boulam | nm | vegetable, edible plant [BOLAM] | |
bouna | nf | cow [BOUNA] | |
bouno | nm | bull [BOUNOS] | |
bourdo | nm | edge, rim [BORDOS] | |
bourza | a | alone, apart [BORGES] | |
bouso | nm | wrinkle [BOSOS] | |
bousma | a | wrinkled [BOSMES] | |
bousťieca | nf | solution, strategy [BOCTEICA] | |
boutla | nf | goiter, tumor [BOLTA ‘lump’] | |
bouzma | a | wrinkled, decrepit [BOSMES] | |
bouť | nm | kick | |
bouťa | v | kick [BOŤAN] | |
braďo | nn | brother [BARAĎU] | |
braďora | a | brotherly, fraternal | |
breȟuira | nf | armful; a bunch, a lot [BAREȞURA] | |
buila | nf | head [BULLA ‘loaf of bread’] | |
buimel | a | immense, huge [BUMERIL] | |
buisa | prep | without; (with numbers) minus [BUSAN] | |
bumelaondo | nn | immensity | |
bunoiri | nn | opportunity [BUNNORIS ‘one of the fates’] | |
buraoso | nm | sponge [BURASOS] | |
buroiȟi | a | useful [BURUȞRIS] | |
bursounco | nm | badger [BURSONCOS] | |
buruiȟa | v | use, employ [BURUȞAN] | |
buyemol | nm | bank, ridge [BUHEMUL] | |
buzmotyo | nn | pearl [BUSMITRIO] | |
bwaoso | nn | flour, powder [BRASCO] | |
bwesiosa | a | eerie, uncanny [BUNESISES ‘strange’] | |
bweva | a | short; (slang) kid, child [BREVES] | |
bwieso | nm | band, strip [BRESOS] | |
bwiona | a | grouchy, irascible, mean-tempered [BUINES] | |
bwitwo | nn | government, rule [Dh.] | |
bwiva | v | relax [BRUVEN ‘loosen’] | |
bwoabo | nm | block, PLATFORM [brúbos] | |
bwoaca | nf | pants [BRUECA] | |
bwoaro | nf | heather [BRURUA] | |
bwoaȟo | nn | stomach [BRUȞO ‘animal’s stomach’] | |
bwoga | v | fight (irr. bwouz-); (nf) fight [BRIGAN] | |
bwoťa | v | sin, commit crimes [Dh. bwoth] | |
bwoťwo | nn | sin, crime | |
caclaotir | v | goad, impel [CALCATIR] | |
cadieyo | nn | order, command [CADEIO] | |
cai | pron | they [CAI] | |
caiblo | nn | onion [CAEBOLO] | |
caidel | nm | skill, craft | |
caidelno | nm | craftsman, skilled laborer | |
cail | prep | between [CAEL] | |
cailiola | nn | street, lane [CAELILE] | |
caimioca | nn | a unit of measure (~ 1 km) [caemíca] | |
caipil | nm | brush [CAEPIL] | |
caipo | nm | chain [CAEPOS] | |
cair | nm | port [CAER] | |
cairi | pron | their, theirs [CAIRIS] | |
caisa | v | itch, scratch [CAESAN] | |
caisya | nf | itching, scratching [CAESIA] | |
caiťoe | nf | feast, big meal [CAEŤUE] | |
Calyendo | nm | the planet Caiem [CALIEND] | |
caoclim | nn | knuckle [CALCIMA] | |
caoclo | nn | heel [CALCO] | |
caodo | nn | rule [CADUS] | |
caoďir | v | order, comand (pres. caodi, caoďo, caodin) [CADIR] | |
caolen | nm | fort, fortress, castle [CALENOS] | |
caolna | a | hot [CALNES] | |
caolo | nn | heat; month calo [CALO] | |
caopo | nm | beech [CAPOS] | |
caorďa | nf | curve [CARĎA] | |
caorďac | v | curve [CARĎEC] | |
caoro | nm | square; lot (of land), territory [CARROS] | |
caorpac | v | seize [CARPEC] | |
caoso | nm | corner [CASOS] | |
caosťan | nf | chestnut [CASTANA] | |
caoďi | a | Caďinorian [CAĎIN] | |
Caoďin | nm | Caďinas; the Caďinorian empire [CAĎINAS] | |
catloaco | nn | rubber [CALTUCO] | |
catsuȟ | nm | rabble, lower class [Dh. katsukh] | |
catsuȟna | a | low-class, of the masses | |
cawca | v | break [CAUCAN] | |
cawli | nf | stalk [CAULIS] | |
cawsel | nm | broken-off piece, morsel, bit [CAUCEL] | |
cawȟo | nm | lizard [CAUȞOS] | |
caďionor | nm | Caďinor [CAĎINOR] | |
catsugi | nf | furry creature, mammal, animal; human (as an insult) [Dh. katsugiw ‘mammal’] | |
cemucao | nn | planet [Keb. kemukau] | |
ciefo | nn | sundown, sunset, twilight [CREFU] | |
ciensa | pron | how [KENSA] | |
cieza | v | eat [CREGEN] | |
Cionso | nn | a city in Dhekhnam [Dh. Kinshiw] | |
Cior | nm | Cyr, a city in Érenat [Ver.] | |
cizieyo | nn | eating [CREGEIO] | |
claitaonda | nf | Caď. seminary [CLAETANDA] | |
claituira | nf | secret society [CLAETURA] Claituira Ruizya Red Cabal | |
claotir | v | burst [CLATIR] | |
claozar | v | flog, whip [CLAGER] | |
cliel | nm | sky [CILEL] | |
cliensi | a | cranky, crabby [CLECNIS ‘miserly’] | |
cliepyo | nm | type of fish [COLEPIOS] | |
cliera | nf | river [CELERE] | |
clieȟ | nm | fist [CLEȞ] | |
clieťa | v | tell, report, inform [Dh. klêth ‘state’] | |
clieťwo | nn | report | |
clioťac | v | intercede, speak for, plead; (Gelalhát) pray [CLIŤEC] | |
cliťiola | nf | intercession, plea, prayer | |
Cloiteȟ | nm | Caloton, the sun god [CALOTEION] | |
cloraondo | nn | need | |
cloura | v | need [CILORAN] | |
clouso | nm | bell [CLOSCOS] | |
cluira | nf | fever [CALURA ‘hotness’] | |
coȟop | nm | hiccup [imitative] | |
coȟopa | v | hiccup | |
Coicas | nm | the craftsman god Korkâsh; a city name [Dh. Koykash] | |
coirbi | nf | insult | |
coirbir | v | insult [UCORBIR] | |
complioa | nf | hemp [CONOPLIA] | |
coulo | nn | calf of leg [COLLO] | |
Coumo | nn | Lake Como [COMUS] | |
counsa | nf | kid (goat) [CONSA] | |
coura | nf | riverboat [CORA] | |
courso | nm | left (direction) [CORSOS] | |
courza | nf | canyon [CORGE] | |
couťo | nm | side; aspect [COŤOS] | |
couťra | a | on the side; subsidiary | |
Cťaloȟ | nm | the smallest moon Naunai [Dh. Kshalogh] | |
cťaosťo | nm | garden [CTASTOS] | |
cťauna | v | come, arrive (pres. inf. sťiet) [CTANEN] | |
cťauno | n | coming, arrival | |
cťim | nm | piss [Dh. kshim] | |
cťoudo | nm | anger, wrath [CTODOS] | |
cťoura | a | safe, secure [CTORES] | |
cťourya | nf | safety, security | |
cťouvo | nm | roof [CTOVOS] | |
cťuiďe | a | angry, mad [CTUĎES] | |
cucuiri | nf | a weight of about 6 kg [CUCURIS] | |
cuido | nm | core, kernel [CUEDOS] | |
cuidro | nm | heart [CUEDROS] | |
cuilda | nf | elbow [CULDA] | |
cuilir | v | gather, collect [CULLIR] | |
cuilpa | nf | guilt [CULPA] | |
cuilpir | v | accuse, prosecute [CULPIR] | |
cuim | prep | with [CUM] | |
cuima | nf | hearth, fireplace [CUMA] | |
Cuinaȟ | nm | the earth god Kumnatnâk [Dh. Khuvnakh] | |
cuinga | nf | swan [CUNGA] | |
cuini | nn | knights-and-kings (board game) [ECUNIT] | |
cuira | nf | hen [CURA] | |
cuirac | v | hold, contain (irr. cours-) [CURREC] | |
cuirya | nf | court (post-liberation) [CURIES] | |
cuitil | nm | tick(insect) [CUTIL] | |
culile | nf | gathering, collection | |
culseo | nm | commander (post-liberation military rank) [Keb. kulseu] | |
cumaodac | v | work off a debt, produce one’s quota [CUMALDEC ‘agree’] | |
cumaodal | nm | quota, tax; debt [CUMALDEL ‘agreement’] | |
cumuira | nf | family [‘hearth’ + -uira] | |
cumuirad | nm | family name; (a) (in the) family | |
cuncuirya | nf | meeting [CUNCURIES] | |
cuncuirya | v | meet [CUNCURIAN] | |
cunziesa | v | trust [CUNGESAN] | |
cunziesna | a | trustworthy, having integrity | |
curaoȟa | nf | argument, reason [CURAIA] | |
curaondor | nm | ruby [CURANTOR] | |
curiesa | v | ask [CURESAN] | |
curioe | v | decide; sentence [CURIEN ‘deliberate’] | |
Cuzaoya | nf | Cuzei [CUEZAIE] | |
cuziosa | a | Cuzeian [CUEZISES] | |
cwouno | nm | dog [CUONOS] | |
Cyacaina | nf | goddess of agriculture [KRAVCAENA] | |
cyai | nn | edge, limit [KRAIS] | |
cyaira | a | on the edge; peripheral | |
cyaita | nf | interior, insides [KRAITA] | |
cyaosa | nf | rose [KRASE] | |
cyeda | nm | lime (substance) [CREIDAS ] | |
cyedre | a | caustic [CREIDRES] | |
cyeile | nf | creation | |
cyeir | v | create [CREIR] | |
cyensi | a | sacred, holy [KRENSIS] | |
cyeso | nm | male dog [KRESOS] | |
cyeswile | nf | growth | |
cyeswir | v | grow [CRESCIR] | |
cyetla | a | pleasant, nice [CRETRES] | |
cyeȟ | nm | cross [KREȞ] | |
cyieba | nf | spine; keel [KREBA] | |
cyiedac | v | believe [KREDEC] | |
cyiedal | nm | belief | |
cyiena | nm | flint [KRENAS] | |
cyim | nm | kidney [KRIM] | |
cyoambo | nm | cold (illness) [KRUMBOS] | |
cyoaro | nm | leg [CRUROS] | |
cyoto | nm | pan, bowl [KRITOS] | |
cyouca | nf | hook [KROCUA] | |
cyouga | nf | plaster [KROGA] | |
cyouȟa | nf | clown [KROȞUA ‘street entertainer’] | |
cyova | v | write [CRIVAN] | |
cyovieca | nf | writing | |
cyovo | nm | scroll [CRIVOS] | |
cyuȟ | nm | ruins [KRUȞ ‘castle’] | |
cyuirac | v | growl [KRUREC] | |
cyuisa | v | stretch [CRUSAN] | |
cyuisi | nf | muscle [KRUCIS] | |
cyunga | nf | trumpet [CRUNGA] | |
daino | nm | document, paper [DAENOS] | |
dainopiero | nm | manuscript [‘first document’] | |
daisťe | v | fetch, send for [ADAECTEN] | |
daisťel | v | cost, price (to buyer) [ADAECTEL] | |
daolo | nn | king [DALU ‘prince’] | |
Daosa | nf | the Dagêsh range [*DACES, from Mun. Dakêsh] | |
daoso | nm | board, plank, counter [DASOS] | |
daosťi | nn | framework [DACTIS] | |
daotlor | nm | chisel [DALTOR] | |
daovo | nn | whale [DAVU] | |
darouva | a | healthy [DAROVES] | |
darovile | nf | health, wellness | |
da | v | give (past part. duil) [DAN] | |
dawi | nf | seagull [DAURIS] | |
davano | nm | engineer [Keb. davaseu with f. -so ‘corrected’ to m. -no] | |
daťuisya | nf | jade [DAŤUSIA] | |
debuita | v | start, begin [DEBUTAN] | |
debutaondo | nn | start, beginning | |
dei | a | several, various [DEIS] | |
dekaosno | nm | teacher | |
dekaoswo | nn | revelation, teaching | |
dekaoswir | v | show, reveal; teach[DEKASCIR] | |
Demeȟ | nm | the Tmêkh river [Dh. Demêç] | |
demieta | v | subtract, remove [DEMETTAN] | |
demietla | nf | spring (season) [DEMETRIA] | |
demieto | nn | subtraction, removal | |
demoť | a | Demoshi [Dh. demôth] | |
demoťiȟ | nm | the Dhekhnami language | |
Demóťimor | nm | Demóshimor [Dh. Demoshimor] | |
demoťno | nm | a Demoshi [Dh. demôthno] | |
Deneťlo | nm | the moon Iliacáš [Dh. Denêtlor] | |
Deneťno | nm | the moon Iliažë [Dh. Denêthnom] | |
denieca | nf | persistance | |
deriola | nf | supporter (esp. in a fight), ally; assistant [DERILE] | |
detieswa | v | castrate [DETUESCEN ‘unshell’] | |
detieswol | nm | gelding, castrated animal; (a) castrated | |
deť | # | ten [DECT] | |
di | # | three [DIN] | |
dibaz | # | 24 | |
dibrier | v | choose; vote [DIBREIR] | |
dibro | nn | vote [Keb. dibru] | |
dicťouno | nm | a spicy sauce [DICTONOS ‘mustard’] | |
diebrir | v | must [DEBRIR] | |
dienac | v | last, persist[DENEC] | |
dieno | nm | day [DENNOS] | |
dierac | v | support in a fight; assist, help [DEREC] | |
dierza | v | pull, tug [DERGEN] | |
diesi | nf | bridge [DESIS] | |
diesya | v | stop (an action) (irr. dies-) [DESIEN] | |
diesťi | a | tenth [DECTIS] | |
dieza | nf | right (direction) [DEGES] | |
dioa | conj | so, then [ODIA] | |
diomo | nn | amount [DIMO] kieri diomo how much | |
dionga | nf | melon [DINGA] | |
diopa | nm | fat [ADIPAS] | |
dios | nm | hatred [DIS] | |
diosa | v | hate, despise [DISAN] | |
diosen | nf | gums [DICENA] | |
dioťa | nm | time [DIŤAS] | |
diri | nf | company, corporation, firm [Keb. diri < ‘works’] | |
doapor | nm | stork, heron [DUPOR] | |
doili | a | hollow [DOLIS] | |
doimer | a | sturdy, fit [DOMERES] | |
doimil | a | domestic, at home [DOMIL] | |
doirmi | nf | sleep, rest | |
doirmir | v | sleep, rest [DORMIR] | |
doiti | nn | finger [DOTIS] | |
dotoindo | nn | thumb [DOTONDIS] | |
doumo | nm | house [DOMOS] | |
dounga | nf | wax [DONGA] | |
douroť | nm | sign, omen [DOROŤ] | |
dourso | nm | back [DORSOS] | |
duibir | v | doubt [DUBITIR] | |
duiȟa | nf | steam [DUȞE] | |
duil | a | given [DUL] | |
duina | nf | section (of a book) [DUNNA] | |
duir | a | hard, difficult [DUR] | |
duira | a | blue [ADURES] | |
duira | v | fall in love [IDURAN] | |
duirda | nm | sapphire [ADURDAS] | |
duiri | nn | tooth [DURRIS] | |
duirze | a | bad [DURENGES] | |
duisya | a | fragrant, aromatic [DUSIES] | |
duiwa | conj | therefore [DUHA] | |
duizar | v | desire [DUGER] | |
duizya | nf | desire | |
dunieȟa | nf | energy [DUNEIA] | |
durieca | nf | hardness, difficulty | |
duriezma | a | greedy [IDURESMES] | |
dus | nm | rudder; pl. duswi [DUSC] | |
dya | conj | that [DIA] | |
dyaisir | v | tame [DRAECIR] | |
dyaoba | nf | horseradish [DRABA] | |
dyaocor | nm | dragon [DRACOR] | |
dzenaorda | nf | scurvy [DICENARDA] | |
dyeťda | nf | cap, soft hat [Dh. jyêthda] | |
dzaȟno | nm | soldier [Dh. zhakhno] | |
dzocwo | nn | medicine [Dh. dzôkwo] | |
dyoizi | nn | yeast [DROGIS] | |
dzets | nm | shoe, boot [Dh. dzêts] | |
dziol | nm | clothes; outfit [Mun. dzil] | |
dzitsi | a | crazy, mad [Dh. dzits] | |
dzounta | v | capture, seize [Mun. dzotmu] | |
dzoutno | nm | prisoner, captive | |
dzosi | nf | citizen, companion [Dh. dzôshiw ‘human, citizen’] | |
dzosiwo | nn | citizenship | |
ďaiko | nm | wind [ĎAIKOS] | |
ďaito | nn | disaster, catastrophe [ĎAITOS ‘omen’] | |
ďaitra | a | disastrous, catastrophic | |
ďaomir | v | make a mistake, mess up [ĎAMIR] | |
ďaorať | nm | silver [Mun. dharach] | |
ďaoraťna | a | silver, silvery | |
ďaoso | nm | pouch, bag [ĎASCOS] | |
ďaowa | a | correct, right [ĎAHES] | |
ďauno | nm | wool [ĎANNOS] | |
ďawieca | nf | correctness | |
ďelaondo | nn | difference | |
ďesieca | nf | straightness, flatness | |
ďiebra | v | harm, hurt [ĎEBRAN] | |
ďiebrac | a | harmful | |
Ďieȟnam | nm | Dhekhnam [Dh. Dhêçnam ‘pure land’] | |
ďieȟnamna | a | Dhekhnami (but for the language, see demoťiȟ) | |
ďieȟnamno | nm | a Dhekhnami | |
ďielar | v | differ [ĎELER] | |
ďier | nm | door [ĎER] | |
ďiesa | a | straight; flat [ĎIESES] | |
Ďioco | nm | guardian of hell [ĎICOS] | |
ďiotal | nm | road [ĎITEL] | |
ďiowa | v | run, race; (slang) happen [ĎIAN] Kieto ďiowa? What’s up? | |
ďnes | nm | tattoo [Dh. dhnesh] | |
ďoaro | nm | flask, flagon [ĎUROR] | |
ďomiola | nf | stone [ĎOMILE] | |
ďomiosa | a | stony [ĎOMISES] | |
ďondieca | nf | obedience | |
ďos | nm | wrapped upper garment [Dh. dhôsh] | |
ďoulo | nm | size [ĎOULOS] | |
ďounda | a | obedient, passive [ĎONDES ‘quiet’] | |
ďu | # | two [ĎUN] | |
ďubaz | # | 16 | |
ďuibra | v | frown [ĎUBREN] | |
ďuibral | nm | frown | |
ďuil | a | smooth [ĎUL] | |
Eginya | nf | Hežina | |
eglaoyo | nm | olive [HELGAIOS] | |
eglier | nm | praise | |
eglierac | v | praise [EGLEREC] | |
encai | nf | horror, terror [ENCAIS] | |
encaile | a | horrible, terrible [ENCAILES] | |
Endawo | nm | Enäron, chief of the Caď. gods [ENDAURON] | |
enlieno | nm | an Eynleyni [Mun. ênleno] | |
Eplaondo | nm | Efrát river [EPRANTOS] | |
Eradwor | nm | Eärdur river [ERAUDOR] | |
erdiotla | v | bewitch, bespell, enchant [ERDITREN ‘enchant’] | |
eruoda | nm | cinnabar [ERUIDAS] | |
eswiel | nm | shoulder [ESPUEL] | |
eswiola | nf | spear [ESPUILA] | |
eswosa | a | thick, wide [ESPICES] | |
esťaoldo | nm | plain [ESTALDOS] esťaoldo tiel Eretald | |
etiota | v | wake up [HETITAN] | |
etiotla | a | awake [HETITRES] | |
etwegas | nm | a ktuvok habitat (pl: where the ktuvoks live) [Dh. êtwegash] | |
Etwegasdaȟ | nm | the western ktuvok habitat [Dh. Êtwegashdakh] | |
Etlegaslim | nm | the eastern ktuvok habitat [Dh. Êtwegashlim] | |
evranda | nm | realgar [EVRANȞRAS] | |
ezede | nf | (railway) train [Keb.] | |
failir | v | run out, be missing [FAILIR ‘be necessary’] | |
fait | adv | question particle [FAET ‘does’] | |
falilaondo | nm | whiteness [FALILANTOS] | |
faolan | nm | cliff [FALENS] | |
faolil | a | white [FALILES] | |
faonda | nf | stream, brook [FANDA] | |
faondo | nm | ghost, zombie [FANTOS ‘spirit’] | |
faorsir | v | stuff, fill [FARCIR] | |
faosil | a | easy [FASIL] | |
faoswis | a | busy [FASCISES] | |
faoswiswo | nn | busyness | |
faoďa | nm | patience [FAĎAS] | |
faoďen | a | patient [FAĎENES] | |
faoȟim | nf | small box [FAȞIMA] | |
fasilieca | nf | easiness, ease | |
fawa | v | transport [FAURAN] | |
fawba | v | paint [FAUBAN] | |
fawsir | v | leave (pres. feot, fawco, fawsin) [FAUCIR] | |
fawȟe | v | competent, worthy [FAUȞES ‘able’] | |
fawȟile | nf | competence; worthiness | |
fazyoulo | nn | round bean [FAGIOLO] | |
faȟ | nm | box [FAȞ] | |
feri | v | carry (irr. fiers-) [FERIEN] | |
fiezma | a | rough, rugged [FESMES] | |
fil | nm | thread, string, wire [FIL] | |
Fiodor | a | goddess of night [FIDORA] | |
fioko | nm | fig [FIKOS] | |
fioli | nf | fern [FILIS] | |
fionda | v | split [FINDAN] | |
fiotid | nm | poison ivy [FITIDOS] | |
flaona | a | military, relating to war | |
flaota | nf | army [FALAȞTA] | |
flaova | a | yellow [FLAVES] | |
flaoȟra | a | rowdy [FALAȞRES ‘rough (soldierly)’] | |
Flura | nf | Flora, land of the flaids [Flaidish] | |
foaglo | nn | soot [FULGO] | |
foiri | a | fertile [OFORIS] | |
fomioca | nf | ant [FORMICA] | |
forȟieyo | nn | hanging [FORȞEIO] | |
forieca | nf | fertility | |
forioda | v | fertilize, inseminate [FORIDEN] | |
fosieca | nf | crane (bird) [FOSECA] | |
foundo | nm | bottom [FONDOS] | |
fourno | nn | hay [FORNO] | |
fourta | a | loud [FORTES] | |
fouryo | nn | dung [FORIUS] | |
fourȟa | v | hang [FORȞAN] | |
fouwac | v | blow [FOHEC] | |
fugluira | nf | ink [FULGURA] | |
fuili | nn | leaf [FUELIS] | |
fuira | v | pretend [FURAN ‘feign, act’] | |
fuita | a | full, filled up [FUTES] | |
fuitla | v | fit, fill up [FUTREN] | |
fuoco | nm | yoke [FUACOS] | |
fyaoga | nm | strawberry [FRAGAS] | |
fyawlir | v | bloom [FRAULIR] | |
fyeȟa | nf | faith [FREIA] | |
fyiorac | v | ruin, collapse [FRIREC ‘crumble’] | |
fyoruira | nf | ruin, collapse | |
fyoundo | nm | type of mushroom [FRONDOS] | |
fyouwa | a | cold; month froďac [FROHES] | |
fyuwa | a | early [FRUHES] | |
gaodir | v | guess [GADIR ‘perceive’] | |
gaicolo | nm | prison [GAECULOS] | |
gainir | v | oppress [GAENIR] | |
gainwo | nn | oppression | |
gaireȟ | nm | strait [GAEREȞ] | |
gaitel | nm | throwing, casting [GAETEL] | |
gaitietla | nf | game of dice [GAETELTA] | |
gaitiola | nf | net [GAETILE] | |
gaitir | v | cast, throw [GAETIR] | |
gaoȟga | v | choke [GAȞGAN] | |
gaoli | nf | bath [GALIS] | |
gaomer | nf | sea turtle [GAMERA] | |
gaonso | nm | goose [GANSOS] | |
gaora | nf | lump [GARRA ‘swelling’] | |
gaorna | a | sensible | |
gaoro | nm | good sense [GAROS] | |
gaosa | v | poke [AGASAN] | |
gaoswir | v | spoil [GASCIR] | |
gaoliac | v | model, mold, shape [GAHILEC] | |
gaolial | nm | model, mold, shape | |
gariezma | a | cunning [GARESMES ‘sensible’] | |
gaswoa | nf | leprosy [GASCIA] | |
geȟi | nf | fucker, bastard [Dh. geghiw] | |
Gelat | nm | Gelálh, chief Dhekhnami god [Dh.] | |
genoȟ | nm | one third [Dh. genôksha] | |
giega | v | fuck, screw [Mun. gêg] | |
giela | a, nm | one of the Gelyet [GELET] | |
giendiesma | a | metallic [GUENTESMES] | |
giendo | nm | metal [GUENTOS] | |
Giesfaondo | nm | founder of Iosoandor [‘power-spirit’] | |
gieso | nm | power, strength [GUESOS] | |
giesra | a | powerful [GUESRES] | |
gioswo | nn | jungle [GUISCUE] | |
glaobro | nn | broadsword [GLABRO] | |
glaonsa | nf | torch [GLANSA] | |
glawca | nf | puddle [GLAUCA] | |
gletieca | nf | looting, despoiling | |
glieuma | nf | mucus, snot [GLEUMA] | |
glieȟa | nf | calm, quiet; month želea [GELEIA] | |
gliela | a | calm, quiet [GELES modified to match glieȟa] | |
glieta | v | loot, despoil, ravage [from the Gelyet] | |
glinuira | nf | length [GLINURA] | |
glioni | a | long [GLINIS] | |
gliota | v | stick together [GLITAN] | |
glitousyo | nm | glue [GLITOSIOS] | |
glounzac | v | ring [GLONGEC] | |
gluindir | v | swallow [GLUNTIR] | |
goindil | nm | roast, roasted meal | |
goindir | v | roast, broil [OGONDIR] | |
goirzi | nn | throat [GORGIS] | |
gonavno | nm | foreigner [Dh.] | |
gonami | a | foreign [Dh. gonamiw] | |
Gopaondo | nn | Govanro, a city at the mouth of the Shkónoro | |
Gopaondoȟ | nm | the dialect of Govanro | |
gouglo | nm | face [GOLGOS] | |
gourať | nm | tower [GORAŤ] | |
goutal | nm | ktuvok [Mun. gotalh] | |
goutwo | nn | the enlightened rule by ktuvoks [Dh. gôtwo] | |
gouza | v, nf | pillage, rape [IGOGEN] | |
gozieca | nf | wimpiness, weakness | |
guedzi | nf | market [Dh. gwejiw] | |
guezmu | nn | rank, hierarchy [Dh. gwêshmu] | |
guila | nf | bile, acid [GULA] | |
guilra | a | bilious, acidic [GULRES] | |
guimiona | nf | swarm [GUIMINA] | |
guina | v | arm, supply [GUNEN] | |
guirya | nf | lion [GURIE] | |
guisťa | v, nf | taste [GUSTAN] | |
guiť | nm | rat [GUŤ] | |
guniola | nf | armor [GUNILE] | |
guomina | v | swarm [GUIMINEN] | |
guos | a | weak [Dh. gwôsh] | |
guozno | nm | wimp, weakling [Dh. gwôshno] | |
gurienda | nf | crossing [GURENDA] | |
gyaiȟ | nm | chickpea [GRAIȞ] | |
gyaobra | vf | rake [GRABREN] | |
gyaondo | nm | border [GRANDOS] | |
gyel | nm | hail [GREL] | |
gyiela | v | hail [GRELAN] | |
gyiobo | nm | mushroom [GRIBOS] | |
gyiolo | nn | wheat [GRILU] | |
gyioma | v | pull [GRIMAN] | |
gyoumbo | nm | thunder [GROUMBOS] | |
gyouzac | v | mill [GROGEC] | |
gyuicla | nf | turnip [GRUKRA] | |
gzapwa | v | shudder, shake [Dh. gzhapwo] | |
ȟaibaz | # | 56 | |
ȟaideť | # | 70 | |
ȟaip | # | seven [ȞAEP] | |
ȟaipe | a | seventh [ȞAEPES] | |
ȟaita | nf | rind, husk [ȞAETA] | |
Ȟamarieȟ | nm | river in upper Sarnáe [Dh. Kshamarêkshe] | |
ȟaotla | a | tall; (colloq.) grown-up [ȞALTES] | |
ȟaur | a | slow; viscous [ȞAUR] | |
ȟaurieca | nf | slowness; viscosity | |
ȟemiola | a | uppity, impudent [AȞEMILES] | |
ȟepaoto | nn | liver [ȞEPATO] | |
ȟezeyo | nn | protection | |
ȟicura | nf | weight, token [ȞICURA] | |
ȟieco | nn | nature, character [ȞECU] | |
ȟiendil | nm | termite [AȞIENDIL] | |
ȟiendo | nn | shrimp [ȞENTO] | |
ȟiezno | nm | guard | |
ȟiezya | v | guard, protect [ȞEGIAN] | |
ȟinka | nf | knife [Dh. khinç] | |
ȟinkaiďu | nm | scissors [‘two knives’] | |
ȟiora | v | flutter, flap [ȞIRAN] | |
Ȟiorom | nm | the planet Hírumor [ȞIRUMOR] | |
ȟioto | nm | dexterity [ȞITOS] | |
ȟiotli | a | dextrous [ȞITRIS] | |
ȟiziena | nf | row, line [ȞIGENA] | |
ȟoacoa | nf | haunted place [ȞUCUA ‘oracle’] | |
ȟoacono | nm | prophet, hermit; crackpot, crazy ideologue | |
ȟoapoa | nf | halfling [ȞUPUA] | |
ȟoator | nm | farm [ȞUTOR] | |
ȟoavo | nm | egg [ȞUVOS] | |
ȟondounda | v | take shelter [ȞONTONDEN] | |
ȟosťoura | nf | skeleteon [ȞOSTORA] | |
ȟoudac | v | revere, sanctify [IȞODEC] | |
ȟoudom | a | holy [IȞODOM] | |
ȟoundo | nm | shelter [ȞONTOS] | |
ȟoura | nf | hour [ȞORA] | |
ȟourza | nf | barley [ȞORGE] | |
ȟousťo | nm | bone [ȞOSTOS] | |
ȟuibra | v | sink [ȞUBREN] | |
ȟuipa | prep | below, under [ȞUPE] | |
ȟuipacyova | v | sign, guarantee [‘under-write’] | |
ȟuisil | a | haunted; eerie, creepy [ȞUCIL ‘oracular’] | |
ȟuisťa | v | cough [ȞUSTEN] | |
ȟuivil | nm | chicken [ȞUVIL] | |
ȟuvuoc | nm | ktuvok [Ver. ktuvoc] | |
ȟyabrieca | nf | courage, valor [ȞRABRICA] | |
ȟyaobri | a | courageous, valiant [ȞRABRIS] | |
ȟyaunac | nm | mentor, patron | |
ȟyaunar | v | mentor, serve as patron [ȞRANER ‘safeguard’] | |
ȟyi | a | free; wild, unconstrained [ȞRIS] | |
ȟyionso | nn | root [ȞRINSO] | |
ȟyiuira | nf | freedom, liberty | |
ȟyoum | a | lame [ȞROM] | |
ȟyouma | v | limp, stumble [ȞROMAN] | |
ȟyudi | nf | chest, bosom [ȞRUDIS] | |
ȟyui | a | confused, baffled [ȞRUIS] | |
ȟyuieca | nf | confusion | |
ia | intj | aw, ay, ouch (expresses surprise or hurt) | |
ibrieri | nf | winter [HIBRERIS] | |
ibriola | n | reader [participle of iobrac] | |
Iďanieȟa | n | son of Ervëa; capital of Sarnáe [ILĎANEAS] | |
ieclar | n | elcar [ELCAR] | |
ieclarin | a | elcarin; Elkarîl | |
ied | pron | me (abl.) [ED] | |
iek | pron | thee (acc.) [EK] | |
iel | n | center, middle [EL] | |
ielil | a | vigorous, lively [ELIL] | |
ielir | nm | life [ELIR] | |
ielna | a | central, middle | |
ielnoisťi | nn | midnight [‘middle night’] | |
iemac | v | talk [EMEC] | |
iendi | nf | wood [ENDIS] | |
iendil | a | shy; wooden [ENDIL] | |
ierdi | nf | curse, bewitchment [ERDIS] | |
ierdir | v | curse, bewitch | |
ierem | a | shallow [EREMES] | |
Ieren | nm | Eren river in Érenat | |
Ierendo | nm | Erenat [ERENANTOS] | |
ieri | a | my, mine [ERIS] | |
iesa | v | be (irregular) [ESAN] | |
Iesdouroť | nm | the Verdurian king Estdorot [Ver.] | |
Ieswi | nf | goddess of art [ESCIS] | |
ieswir | v | lessen; (comparatives) be less [HESCIR ‘fall short’] | |
iesťe | a | great, grand [ESISTES] | |
iesťol | nm | storeroom [ESTOL] | |
ieta | prep | about [ETA] | |
ietlom | nm | lesson [ETROMOS ‘school’] | |
ieť | pron | me [EŤ] | |
iȟtui | nn | fish [IȞTUÏS] | |
iluira | a | lovely, pretty [EILURES] | |
Ilyaoco | nm | the moon Iliacáš [ILIACOS] | |
Ilyaoza | nf | the moon Iliažë [ILIAGES] | |
imbrieca | nf | entrance; happening, occurence | |
imfaondol | nm | baby, newborn [IMFANTUL] | |
impoutoe | v | bury [IMPOTUEN] | |
in | prep | in, inside, into; (time) at [IM] | |
indietir | v | bind, restrain [INDETIR] | |
indietya | nf | binding, restraint; alum [INDETIA] | |
indoilir | v | dig [INDOLIR] | |
inswaoȟa | v | think, consider [‘speak in (the mind)’] | |
iobo | nn | owl [HIBU] | |
iobrac | v | read [IBREC] | |
iobro | nn | book [IBRO] | |
Iodor | nm | the river Idor in paradise [HIDOR] | |
iol | cj | or [ILI] | |
iolo | pron | that (use with following NP) [ILLU] | |
iolya | pron | there [‘that place’] | |
iombra | v | enter, go in; happen, occur [IMBREN] | |
iondo | nm | pepper [HINDOS] | |
ionza | a | kind, nice [INGES] | |
ionzaondo | n | kindness | |
ior | prep | above, over [IR] | |
ioreť | nf | crop [IREŤA] | |
iorna | adv | too much | |
Iosoandor | nm | the upper Shkónoro; the nation once based there | |
iosec | a | simple [ISECUN] | |
ioswa | v | search, seek, look for [ISCAN] | |
iosyať | a | important, grave [ISIEŤ ‘serious’] | |
iosťa | prep | (time) before, until [ICTE] | |
ir | cj | and (before consonants) [ER] | |
iraicle | a | brilliant, genius [‘above-sharp’] | |
irawne | a | rebellious, insubordinate [IRRAUMNES ‘insolent’] | |
ireȟa | nf | top [‘above-ness’] | |
Iriebať | nm | a city in Sarnáe [Dh. Erebath] | |
irȟuipa | nf | nonsense, absurdity [‘above (is) below’] | |
irȟupra | a | nonsensical, absurd | |
irtosweyo | nn | surplus (medical term) [IRTOSCEIO] | |
iskuisya | nf | temptation [ISKUSIA] | |
isťiosa | a | previous, preceding, former; (adv) yesterday [ICTISES] | |
iswienil | nf | feeling, emotion [ISCRENILIS] | |
Iswora | nf | goddess of light, Išira; the planet or month Išire [ISCIRA] | |
Isworya | nf | the Caď. paradise [ISCARIA] | |
iswosic | nm | escapee, refugee | |
iswosir | v | escape, flee [ISCISIR] | |
iswuima | v | expel, exile [ISCUMEN] | |
isťieďa | a | previous, earlier [ICTEĎES] | |
Izmai | nn | Ismahi [Dh. Izmay] | |
izmaira | a | Ismaîn | |
izmaino | nm | Ismaîn (person) | |
kai | pron | who [KAE] | |
Kaido | nm | chief Caď. demon; pejorative name for Gelálh [KAEDUN] | |
kaina | nf | reed [káena] | |
kaite | a | lustful, lascivious, horny [KAETES ‘indecent’] | |
kansiola | nf | pointer, indication [KANSILE] | |
kaodo | nm | butt, buttocks [KADOS] | |
kaoko | nm | ass [babytalk for kaodo] | |
kaonsac | v | point, show [KANSEC] | |
kaoplo | nn | goat [KAPRO] | |
kaoriosa | a | lucky, fortunate | |
kaoryo | nn | luck, fortune [KARIU] | |
kaoswir | v | hide [KASCIR] | |
kaoti | nn | jar, pot [KATTIS] | |
kedyoi | pron | where [KEDIE] | |
Kebripoul | n | Kebropol [Keb.] | |
kensaoda | v | explain; excuse, justify [KENSADAN] | |
kensaodal | nm | explanation, justification | |
kerouvo | nm | blood [KEROVOS] | |
kesuiola | nf | domain, barony [KESUILE] | |
keťioȟa | nn | yield, crop; birth; production [KEŤEIO] | |
Kiadao | nm | the emperor Keadau [Ver.] | |
Kiebri | nf | Kebri [KEIBRI] | |
kiebrino | nm | Kebreni | |
kieda | pron | when [KEDA] | |
kieka | v | kill [KEKAN] | |
kiela | nf | share, portion [KELLA] | |
kiendo | nm | plateau [KENTOS] | |
kieri | pron | which [kieto + -ri] | |
kiesir | v | possess (spiritually); mesmerize (by ktuvoks) [KECIR] | |
kieswa | nm | stop [KESCA] | |
kieswa | v | stop, halt [KESCEN] | |
kiesťo | nm | type, kind [KESTOS] | |
kieto | pron | what [KETTOS] | |
kieťa | v | bear (crops or young); produce (irregular) [KEŤEN] | |
kievar | nm | ashes [KEVER] | |
kiobro | nn | copper [KIBRU] | |
kiona | nf | oil [KINHE] | |
kiondra | a | oily, greasy | |
kiopa | v | boil [KIPAN] | |
kiora | nf | wife [KIRA] | |
kioswi | a | lukewarm; mediocre, blah [KISCIS ‘weak’] | |
kirwiela | nf | plum [KIRUELA] | |
kiswuira | v | weaken [KISCURAN] | |
kleswiebra | v | clash, conflict [KLESCEBRAN] | |
klimieca | nf | slope [KILIMEICA] | |
kliola | nf | steel [KOLILE] | |
klioma | nf | hill [KILIMA] | |
kliomor | nf | column, pillar [KILIMURA] | |
koado | nm | hole [KUDOS] | |
koadoulvoȟ | nm | nostril [‘nose hole’] | |
koaloa | nf | shark [AKULUA] | |
koinsir | v | warn [KONSIR ‘advise’] | |
kolberda | nf | railroad [Ver.] | |
Kolieva | nf | mythic heroine Koleva [KOLLEIVA] | |
konsile | nf | warning | |
kouda | v | shun, ban [KODAN] | |
koulpo | nm | fruit [KOLPOS] | |
kouna | nf | money [KONNA] | |
kounsa | nf | cousin (f.) [KONSA] | |
kouno | nm | cousin (m.) [KONSO] | |
koupa | v | drip [KOPAN] | |
kouȟo | nn | leather [KOȞU] | |
ksaȟ | a | fragged, pwned, wasted [Dh. kshakh ‘dead’] | |
Ksomaȟ | nm | a river in Sarnáe [Dh. Gshomagh] | |
Kuidya | nf | wife of Kezon [KUIDIA] | |
kuiebi | a | cruel [KUEBIS] | |
kuiȟo | nm | tail [KUEȞOS] | |
kuiȟri | a | cowardly [KUEȞRIS] | |
kuȟaondi | nf | squirrel [KUEȞANTIS] | |
Ladao | nn | Lädau, a city in Kebri [Keb.] | |
ladieȟa | nf | village [ALADEIA] | |
ladriolo | nn | brick [LADRILO] | |
laima | v | discard, toss [LAEMAN] | |
laina | v | suffer [LAINAN] | |
lainieca | nf | suffering [LAINEICA] | |
laitoundo | nm | brass [LAITONDOS] | |
Lamieȟa | nf | Almea [ALAMEIA] | |
laniola | nf | linen [LANNILE] | |
laoban | nf | tongue [LABANIS] | |
laocli | nf | tear [LACRIS] | |
laodzor | nm | lapis lazuli [LADZUAR] | |
laomir | nf | sheet [LAMIRA] | |
laorza | a | wide [LARGES] | |
laosa | a | tired [LASSES] | |
laosa | v | dwell, inhabit [LACEN] | |
laosac | nm | inhabitant, resident [LACEC] | |
Laoswo | nn | god of beginnings [OLASCU] | |
laotoa | v | should, is obligated to [LATUAN] | |
laopla | v | keep doing, keep going [LAPREN ‘run’] | |
laova | v | wash [LAVAN] | |
laovadziol | nm | washing machine [‘wash clothes’] | |
laovationa | nf | dishwasher [‘wash dish’] | |
laozac | v | grab, take [LAGEC] | |
laozen | nf | bottle [LAGENA] | |
lapoc | nm | radish [Mun. lapok] | |
lasieca | nf | tiredness, fatigue | |
lasiosar | v | bother, annoy [LASICER ‘tire’] | |
laubrosir | v | dance [LAUBRISIR] | |
laubrosno | nm | dancer | |
laubrosya | nf | dance | |
launo | nm | flax [LANNOS] | |
lawda | v | go; walk (irr. loud-) [LAUDAN] | |
lawdieca | nf | departure, going [LAUDECA] | |
lawno | nm | circle [LAUNOS] | |
lawta | v | compete [LAUTAN] | |
laťouryo | nm | village elder [ALAŤORION] | |
lebaotir | v | restore, redo; renew, redecorate [‘make new’] | |
lebielo | nn | serf, esp. in Caď. times [LEBELEUS ‘newly free’] | |
lelieca | nf | vision [LEILEICA] | |
lendioli | nn | lentil [LENTILIS] | |
lenkaoda | v | cure, heal [LENKADAN] | |
lenkaoryo | nm | healer [LENKARION] | |
lerieza | a | happy, cheerful [LEREGES] | |
letaondo | nn | flight | |
leťaondo | nn | chance, random choice | |
lezyuini | a | of Leziunea [LEZIUNIS] | |
Lezunieȟa | nf | Leziunea [LEZIUNEIA] | |
liclieca | nf | poverty | |
licoano | nm | hazelnut [LICUNOS] | |
lieba | a | new [LEBES] | |
liebno | nm | newbie, recruit | |
liebra | nf | lip [LEBRE] | |
liega | v | lie, deceive (irr. louz-) [LEGAN] | |
liegal | nm | lie; deception | |
Lieȟar | nm | a river in Sarnáe [Mun. Lhekher] | |
liela | v | see (irr. liels-) [LEILEN] | |
liema | nf | milk [LEMMA] | |
lienco | nm | link [LENCOS] | |
lienka | nf | cure, remedy [LENKA] | |
lieno | nm | line [LENNOS] | |
lieret | a | devious, tricky (admiring or exasperated) [LERETES] | |
lieri | a | your, yours (singular) [LERIS] | |
lierpa | nf | petal [LERPA] | |
Liesa | nf | Eleisa, capital of Cuzei [ELEISA] | |
liesno | nm | merchant, vendor | |
lieso | nm | flock [LESOS] | |
liesťa | v | flock together, mingle [LESTAN] | |
lieswa | v | sell (irr. lies-) [LESCEN] | |
liet | pron | thou [LET] | |
lieta | nf | stair, step [ULETA] | |
lieta | v | fly [LETAN] | |
lietac | nm | airplane [‘flyer’] | |
lieť | pron | thee (abl.) [LEŤ] | |
lieťa | v | draw lots [LEŤEN] | |
lievo | nm | wolf [LEIVOS] | |
liew | nm | glass; mirror [LEUS] | |
liezal | nm | lie [LEGEL] | |
limuira | nf | breast [LIMURA] | |
lindieȟno | nm | Gelálhist priest [Dh. lithdêçno] | |
liobra | v | pour [LIBRAN] | |
liocla | nf | poor [LICRES] | |
liocťani | nn | barbarian [Mun. likchanil] | |
liogo | nn | group [OLIGU] | |
liorac | v | live [ELIREC] | |
liosi | a | barren [LICIS] | |
lioso | nn | slime [LISU] | |
lioswo | nn | barrenness | |
liozmo | nm | slug, snail [LISMOS] | |
lioya | nf | raven, crow [ILIHIE] | |
lisuisya | nf | swamp, wetlands [LISUCIA] | |
lisuita | a | moist, wet [LISUTES ‘slimy’] | |
liťdeȟa | v | sacrifice [Dh. lithdêç] | |
liťdecwo | nn | sacrifice [Dh. lithdêkwo] | |
liwaola | v | raise (up), lift [LIHALAN] | |
loaco | nn | bushel, basket [LUCUS] | |
Loadro | nn | a city in Sarnáe [LUDRO] | |
loadroȟ | nm | peach [LUDROŤ ‘from Ludro’] | |
loindi | nf | quartz [ILONTIS] | |
loriosa | a | royal, kingly [ELORISES] | |
louc | nm | speech, language [Mun. lok] | |
louca | v | become [OLOCAN] | |
lougo | nm | word [LOGOS] | |
loumo | nm | apple [LOMOS] | |
loundo | nm | honor [LONDOS] | |
loundra | a | honorable | |
lounťa | a | fair (just) [OLONŤES] | |
lourya | nf | kingdom [ELORIA] | |
louswa | nf | arch [ILOSCA] | |
ludienoȟ | adv | today [AELUDENNOŤ] | |
luibra | v | shine [ILUBRAN] | |
luika | nf | bend, joint; inclination; temptation [LUKA] | |
luika | v | bend; incline toward, be prone to; be tempted to [LUKAN] | |
luipaȟ | nm | fox [LUPEȞ] | |
luira | a | beautiful [LURES] | |
luira | nf | wrist [ILURA] | |
luiti | nn | clearing, gathering yard in a village [LUTIS] | |
lurieca | nf | beauty | |
lutieyo | nm | meadow [LUTEION ‘orchard’] | |
lyoabor | nm | love, liking [LIUBOR] | |
lyubac | v | love, like [LIUBEC] | |
lyuira | nf | flute [LIURA] | |
macťauna | nf | city [MACTANA] | |
maimenya | nf | turkey [MAIMENIA] | |
malduisya | nm | skunk [MALDUSIES ‘stinky’] | |
malnieca | nm | sickness, illness [MALNEICA] | |
mandioca | nm | udder; wattle [MANTICA ‘purse’] | |
manuira | n | handful | |
maocla | a | thin [MACRES] | |
maoco | nn | dough [MACO] | |
maogo | nm | stomach [MAGNOS] | |
maolec | v | complain [MALEMEC] | |
maolal | nm | complaint | |
maolda | v | do badly [MALDAN] | |
maolna | a | sick, ill [MALNES] | |
maonca | v | use up, use the last of [MANCAN ‘lack’] | |
Maorauȟ | nm | legendary hero Maranh; a city in Vimínia [MARANȞ] | |
maorac | v | marry [MAREC] | |
maori | nf | corn (maize) [Mun. marin] | |
maosel | nn | butter [MACELO] | |
mapouta | nf | poppy [MAPOTA] | |
marieca | nf | marriage [MAREICA] | |
marsyo | nn | beaver [MARSIO] | |
mauno | nn | hand [MANUS] | |
mawdun | a | gigantic [MAUDUND] | |
maȟiola | nf | jaw [MAȞILA] | |
medieno | nm | sunrise, dawn [‘start day’] | |
mediniola | nf | naturalness, what is to be expected [MEDINILE] | |
mediona | a | natural, to be expected [MEDINES] | |
medriola | a | noble [MEDRILES] | |
megua | nf | 1/12 of an hour (5 minutes) [Ver.] | |
meyn | nm | meyn (Xurenese unit, 7.6 cm) [Xurnese] | |
meldelét | intj | greetings! [Flaidish mell delaten ‘good afternoon’] | |
melyuirac | v | visit [MELIUREC] | |
melyuirno | nm | visitor | |
menienar | v | wriggle, wiggle [MENENER] | |
meriezma | a | moderate, even-tempered [MERESMES] | |
mesuira | nf | silence [MESURA] | |
mezmaondo | nn | equality, sameness | |
midriei | nf | innate gifts [MIDDREIS] | |
midriosa | a | motherly, maternal | |
miďiola | nf | celebration; month cuéndimar [MIĎILE] | |
mie | nn | water [MEIS] | |
miebra | v | act, do [MEBRAN] pesuira miebra freedom of action | |
miebro | nm | action [MEBROS] | |
miecla | nf | type of herb [MEKRA] | |
mieclar | v | mix [MECLER] | |
miedet | nf | table [MEDETA] | |
miedeť | # | thirty [TMEDECT] | |
miedro | nn | noble, lord [MEDRO] | |
mieȟa | nf | division of the Dhekhnami army [Dh. mêça] | |
mieli | pt | particle forming an adverb [MELIS ‘way’] | |
mielya | nf | bee [MELIE] | |
mienda | nf | wave [MEINDA] | |
Mienel | nf | the Menla [MENELA] | |
miera | a | third [TMERES] | |
Mieramie | nn | a river in Sarnáe [‘fire-water’] | |
mierir | v | measure (irr. miers-) [MERIR] | |
mierok | nm | brain [MERUKOS] | |
Miesa | nf | the Axunaic god Meša [MESA] | |
miese | a | watery [MEISES] | |
miesťi | nf | field [MESTIS] | |
mieta | v | put (irr. mies-) [METTAN] | |
mietoi | nn | half [METUIS] | |
miewil | nm | squid [MEUIL] | |
miewo | nn | furrow [MEHU] | |
miewonda | v | plow [MEHUNDEN] | |
miezmo | a | same; equal [MESMOS] | |
mieťi | nf | task, assignment [MEŤIS] | |
mieďo | nm | son [MEĎOS] | |
mioco | nn | mold [MICO] | |
miodra | nf | mother [MIDRA] | |
mioďa | v | celebrate [MIĎEN] | |
mioi | nn | small spoon [MIHIS] | |
miol | n | thousand [MIL] | |
mionga | nf | mat [MINGA] | |
miongo | nn | abyss [MINGU] | |
mionsac | v | gossip [EMINSEC ‘prattle’] | |
mioswo | nn | sack, large bag [MISCU] | |
mioti | nn | urine [MITIS] | |
miotir | v | urinate [MITATIR] | |
mirtiola | nf | blueberry [MIRTILE] | |
miri | a | rich, wealthy [Keb.] | |
mitaiola | nf | ministry | |
mitano | nm | government minister [Keb. mitaseu + -no]
mitano piero prime minister | |
Mitigaoma | nf | the Mišicama ocean; a former republic in coastal Sarnáe [MITIGAMA] | |
Mitigaomad | nm | the dialect of Mitigaoma | |
mitigaono | nm | someone from Mitigaoma | |
mivuno | nm | governor [Keb. myvun + -no] | |
miyonda | v | clean, tidy up [‘make clean’] | |
miyora | a | clean, proper [MIHIRES ‘straight’] | |
mizirgo | nn | photograph [Keb. miźirgu] | |
mlaonka | a | black [MELANKES] | |
mlaonkon | nm | coal [MELANKOND] | |
mlaoso | nn | meat [MILASO] | |
mlousyo | nm | honey [MELOSIOS] | |
mluizir | v | approach, reach [MELUGIR] | |
mna | intj | uh oh (the m is a murmur) | |
moaglo | nn | danger [MULGO] | |
moaȟa | v | lose, fail [Dh. mwôkh] | |
moal | a | dull, blunt [MUEL] | |
moilir | v | flash (lightning) [MOLENIR] | |
Moinaȟ | nm | river in upper Sarnáe [Dh. Mornakh] | |
moini | a | productive, effective [MONNIS ‘hard-working’] | |
moitin | nn | hoe [MOTINIS] | |
moitlir | v | rot [MOTRIR] | |
molieca | nf | dullness, bluntness | |
moniola | nf | work [MONNILE] | |
moniolno | nm | worker | |
morieȟa | nf | tuna [MOREIA] | |
motionac | v | hoe [MOTINEC] | |
mougla | nf | moth [MOLGA] | |
moula | a | soft [MOLLES] | |
mouna | v | work [MONNAN] | |
moura | nf, v | delay [MORA] | |
mouroť | nm | carrot [MORUŤ] | |
mouto | nm | sheep [MOTOS] | |
mouȟayo | nn | Monkhayu [from Monkhayu] | |
muieca | n | sparrow [MUECA] | |
muinda | a | your (pl.) [MUNDES] | |
Muinȟa | nm | Munkhâsh [Mun.] | |
muinȟano | nm | Munkhâshi | |
muir | a | ripe [MUR] | |
muiril | a | customary, traditional [MUERIL] | |
muirin | nf | small boat [MURINA] | |
muiro | nm | custom, tradition [MUEROS] | |
muisa | nf | biting gnat [MUSA ‘flying insect’] | |
muiswa | a | many [MUSCES] | |
muitac | v | lend, borrow [MUTEC] | |
muivno | nm | peasant [Dh. mwivno] | |
muiȟ | pron | you (pl.) [MUȞ] | |
murilaondo | nn | custom, tradition | |
mutieyo | nn | loan [MUTEIO] | |
myera | nf | fire [MIERA] | |
myeril | a | fiery [MIERIL] | |
Myierauc | nm | god of fire [MIERANAC] | |
naď | nm | trousers [Dh. nadh] | |
namaira | v | intend; (nf) intention [NAMAERAN] | |
naoga | nf | foot; river delta [NAGA] | |
naoi | nf | moon; Eretaldan month [NAHIS] | |
naoppa | nf | dregs, sediment [NAPPA] | |
naraonza | nf | orange [NARANGE] | |
narounda | nf | world; population [NAURONDA] | |
nasiota | v | carry [NACITAN] | |
nasituira | nf | cargo, merchandise [NACITURA] | |
nau | nm | north [NAN] | |
navuira | nf | steamship [Keb. peznavira] | |
nawe | nf | place; town, city, settlement [NAURE] | |
ne | v | be born (irregular) [NEN] | |
neisina | nf | legislature, parliament [Keb.] | |
neletso | nn | week, eightday [Dh. nelêdzu] | |
nesiosa | a | of Caď. culture or descent [NESISES ‘native’] | |
nesťiena | nf | birth celebration [NESTIENNA] | |
Nesťiero | nm | god of craft [NECŤERUON] | |
neťno | nm | good-for-nothing, scoundrel [Dh. ñêthno] | |
ni | adv | not [NIS] | |
niďaowa | a | incorrect, wrong | |
niebri | # | nine [NEBRI] | |
nieca | nf | daughter [NECA] | |
niedeť | # | 90 | |
niegra | a | intricate, complex [NEGRES ‘of craft’] | |
nieisťe | nf | snow [NEICTE] | |
niela | nf | baths, hot springs [ONELLA] | |
nielo | nm | ring [ANELLO] | |
niepa | nf | granddaughter [NEPA] | |
niepo | nm | grandson [NEPO] | |
nies | prep | like, as [Dh. nêsh] | |
nieso | nm | birth [NESSOS] | |
niezi | n | island [NEZIS] | |
nikieda | pron | never [NIKEDA] | |
nikuida | pron | nowhere [NIKUDA] | |
nilawda | a | lame [‘doesn’t walk’] | |
niliela | a | blind [‘doesn’t see’] | |
nimaolna | a | healthy, well [‘not sick’] | |
niocťo | nm | smoke [NICTOS] | |
niodo | nm | nest [NIDOS] | |
nioȟto | pron | no one [NIKTOS] | |
nioi | pron | someone [NIES] | |
niomac | v | plan to [NIMEC] | |
niondo | nm | foam [NINTOS] | |
nionso | nm | nut [NINSOS] | |
nioro | nn | machine, device [NIRUS] | |
nioroduiȟa | nf | steam engine [‘steam machine’] | |
niorozieno | nn | typewriter [‘letter machine’] | |
nios | adv | no [*NIS] | |
niosyo | pron | nothing [NISIOS] | |
niovo | nn | level, plane [NIVUS] | |
nioyi | a | deaf, mute [‘doesn’t hear’] | |
nipwora | a | unreal, fake, false | |
nisťiensa | nf | chimney [NICTENSA] | |
nizaondar | v | abase, humble [NIZANDER] | |
nizienzi | a | helpless, vulnerable [NIGENGIS] | |
noamo | nm | direction [NUMOS] | |
noaswo | nm | frost [NUSCOS] | |
nodaotir | v | knot [NODATIR] | |
noisťi | nn | night (pl. noucťoi) [NOCTU] | |
noiser | nf | daughter-in-law [NOSERA] | |
nordaondo | nn | (genetic) descent | |
noudo | nn | knot [NODU] | |
nouar | v | rain (irr. nous-) [NOER] | |
nouira | nf | rain | |
nouma | v | name [NOMEN] | |
noumo | nm | name [NOMOS] | |
nourda | v | descend from [ANORDEN] | |
nouso | nm | wedding [NOSOS] | |
nouta | v, nf | swim [NOTAN] | |
nouza | v | press, squeeze [NOGEN] | |
noťoini | nn | salmon [NOŤONIS] | |
nuibra | nf | bed [NUBRA] | |
nuicťa | nf | supply, provisions; nurturing; logistics [NURICTA] | |
nuirir | v | nourish, nurture (irr. nours-) [NURIR] | |
nuisi | nn | wedge [NUCIS] | |
nuitlya | nf | seal, otter [NUTRIA] | |
nuyela | nf | type of flower [NUELEN] | |
nyuila | v | wrap [NIULEN] | |
nyuima | v | dread, fear [NIUMAN] | |
nyuimi | nn | dread, fear [NIUMIS] | |
oagor | nm | squash [UGOR] | |
oamno | nn | iron [Mun. umno] | |
oamo | nn | tub, basin, bath [HUMO] | |
oarko | nm | log [URKOS] | |
oaro | nm | clay [HUROS] | |
oarso | nm | bear (animal) [URSOS] | |
obliota | v | forget; (n) forgetting [OBLITAN] | |
ocuȟ | nm | sergeant [Dh. okukh] | |
oďi | nf | knob [OĎIS] | |
oi | intj | oh, yeah, OK (expresses agreement or recognition) | |
oibel | nn | wild boar [OBELIS] | |
Oigas | nm | the war god Ulgâsh [Dh. Ogash] | |
oinder | nn | morning [ONTERO] | |
oiri | a | round, circular [ORIS] | |
oizir | nf | wing [OGIRA] | |
ombieli | nh | navel [OMRELIS] | |
omieȟa | nm | commander of a mêca (division) [Dh. omêça] | |
omordo | nm | lobster [HOMARDOS] | |
oncaonda | nf | pasture, large communal area for herd animals [ONCANDA] | |
opo | intj | hi! hello! [Flaidish ʔopo] | |
orgiel | nm | pride [ORGUEL] | |
orieca | nf | roundness | |
Orondieyo | nm | god of wisdom [ORONTEION] | |
osdeť | nm | 1/10 | |
osȟaip | nm | 1/7 | |
osieȟ | nm | 1/6 | |
osniebri | nf | 1/9 | |
ospanť | nm | 1/5 | |
osposa | v | convince, persuade [Dh. ôspôsh ‘prove’] | |
osposna | a | convincing, persuasive | |
ostleȟ | nm | 1/64 of a tlepwo (about 2/3 second) [Dh. ôshdleç] | |
osyoisi | nf | 1/8 | |
otlar | nm | mayor [Dh. ôtlar] | |
otyem | nm | leader of a tyem, a ktuvok’s estate [Dh. ochyêm] | |
ouba | nf | tusk [OBA] | |
ougon | nm | flame [OGONOS] | |
oulvo | nm | nose [OLVOS] | |
oulyor | a | uncanny [HOLIOR ‘thunderous’] | |
oumba | nf | shadow [HOMRA] | |
oumbar | a | shadowy | |
ounco | nn | herd [ONCO] | |
ouncono | nm | herdsman, shepherd, pastor | |
ounter | v | purify, refine [ONOTER] | |
ountwo | nn | purity, refinement | |
oupsal | nm | trap [OPSEL] | |
oupsar | v | trap [OPSER] | |
oura | intj | yes [ORA ‘truly’] | |
ourto | nn | toe [HORTO] | |
ousol | nm | donkey [hósol] | |
ouwal | nm | ear [OHEL] | |
ouȟ | nm | gold [OȞ] | |
oyir | v | hear, listen (pres. wit, ouwo, ouwon) [OHIR] | |
oyo | prep | away from, off of [AIUS] | |
ozure | nf | day calten [Keb. ozurre] | |
Paďe | nf | the Ctelm mountains [Dh. Padhe] | |
paitle | nf | a type of fish [PAITRE] | |
paiȟ | a | neighboring, adjacent [PAIȞ] | |
paiȟno | nm | neighbor | |
paiȟra | a | ready [PAIȞRES] | |
paiȟrieca | nf | readiness [PAIȞREICA] | |
palaondo | nn | conspiracy; suspicious behavior | |
pambaz | # | 40 | |
pandeť | # | fifty | |
panť | # | five [PANŤ] | |
paogo | nm | countryside, rural area [PAGOS] | |
paola | v | conspire; lurk suspiciously [PALLEN ‘be friendly’] | |
paolac | a | suspicious (in behavior), creepy | |
paonda | a | fifth [PANTES] | |
paorbaz | # | 32 | |
paoren | nf | mountain [PARENA] | |
paoreno | nm | mountain dweller | |
paorir | v | bet [PARIR] | |
paotlo | nn | coat [PALTO] | |
paova | nf | wagon, cart [PAVA] | |
pariola | nf | bet [PARILE] | |
pawor | # | four [PAHOR] | |
pemiec | a | flat [Mun. pmêk] | |
pemiecya | nf | platform, stage | |
penať | prep | using, via, by [Dh. penath] | |
perioca | nf | funeral; mourning [PERICA] | |
pero | nm | flaid [Keb. pery] | |
perna | a | flaidish | |
pesuira | nf | ability | |
peťuira | nf | province [PEŤUERA] | |
pezieyo | nn | throw [PEGEIO] | |
pidriosa | a | fatherly, paternal; paternalistic, authoritarian | |
piebro | nn | bowl [PELBRO] | |
pieda | n | hops (oil used to flavor beer) [péida] | |
piela | nf | shovel [PELLA] | |
pielac | v | sail [PELEC] | |
pielo | nm | sail [PELOS] | |
pienda | v | sing [PENTAN] | |
pienir | v | keep [PENIR] | |
piensar | v | weigh [PENSER] | |
piensi | nn | weight | |
pienza | v | comb [PENGEN] | |
pienzi | nn | comb [PENGIS] | |
piericťa | nf | pigeon [PERICTA] | |
pierir | v | mourn, grieve [PERIR] | |
piero | a | first [PERUES] | |
pieron | # | million [Ver.] | |
pierono | nm | person in first place; star, celebrity [‘first-one’] | |
piersil | nm | parsley [PERSIL] | |
piesa | v | can, be able to (irregular) [EPESAN] | |
pievil | nm | carving, sculpture | |
pievir | v | carve [PEVIR] | |
piezir | v | throw [PEGIR] | |
pieȟo | nm | peace [PEOS] | |
pieȟra | a | peaceful | |
pigrieca | nf | laziness [PIGREICA] | |
pilaotir | v | blink [PILLATIR] | |
pinioma | v | stink, make a stench [Mun. pnin] | |
piniomac | a | stinky, foul-smelling | |
pioca | nm | scorpion [PICCAS] | |
piodor | nm | father [PIDOR] | |
piodraȟ | nm | patriarch [PIDRARȞ] | |
Piofail | nm | god of sex [PIFAEL] | |
piofir | v | flutter, flap [PIFIR] | |
piogra | a | lazy [PIGRES] | |
piola | nf | blink [PILEA] | |
pioli | nf | eyelash [PILLIS] | |
pioȟo | cj | but, however [Dh. pêwkho] | |
piona | nf | fin [PINNA] | |
pionda | nf | stern (of ship) [PINDA] | |
piora | v | ferment [PIRAN] | |
piorac | nm | brewer | |
piosar | v | fold [PICER] | |
pioti | nn | drink, beverage | |
piotir | v | drink [PITTIR] | |
piotsa | v | allow, permit [Mun. pits] | |
piotswo | nn | permission | |
pirando | nn | fermentation, brewing | |
pitieyo | nn | drink [PITTEIO] | |
piya | nf | 1/100 of megua (3 seconds) [Ver.] | |
plaondo | nm | coin [PELANTOS ‘ship; type of coin’] | |
plaosi | nn | nerve [PLASIS] | |
plaosno | nm | gorse [PALASNOS] | |
plaovac | v | melt [PLAVEC] | |
plegaondo | nm | care [PELEGANTOS] | |
plenaondo | nn | density | |
plerieca | nf | pleasure, amusement | |
plesťiola | nf | spindle [PLESTILE] | |
pliega | v | care for [PELEGAN] | |
pliena | a | dense, crowded [PLENES] | |
pliera | v | please [PLERAN] | |
pliesťa | v | spin (cloth) [PLESTEN] | |
plioca | v | imitate, copy [PLICAN] | |
ploumbo | nm | lead (metal) [PLOMBOS] | |
pluiyir | v | drizzle, light rain [PLUHIR] | |
po | prep | in return for; because, in order to [PRO] | |
poalmon | nm | lung [PULMONOS] | |
poaswo | nm | puff [PUSCOS] | |
poato | nn | well (for water) [PUTO] | |
poilez | nf | position, condition, situation [POLEGE] | |
pokieto | pron | why, what for [‘for what’] | |
pomawe | nf | story, history [POMAURE] | |
porouca | v | knead [POROCAN] | |
poruinda | nf | marble [PORUNTE] | |
posni | nf | bicycle [Keb. pocnitnu] | |
potaondo | nn | depth | |
potoupac | nm | rabbit [POTOPEC] | |
poul | nm | floor [POL] | |
poulno | nm | skin [POLNOS] | |
poulyat | nf | ground, basis [POLITA] | |
pouno | nm | drunkard [POLNOS ‘strong man’] | |
pounra | a | drunk, alcoholic [PONRES ‘manly’] | |
pouro | nn | green onion [PORRO] | |
pouswa | nf | goosedown [POSCA] | |
pouta | a | deep [POTES] | |
puduirar | v | pass by [PREDURER] | |
puiga | v | end, finish, complete [PUGAN] | |
puinsa | nf | bulge, bubble [PUNSA] | |
puir | nm | dust [PUR] | |
puiril | a | dusty [PURIL] | |
puisa | nf | flea [PUSA] | |
puiwa | v | push; promote, publicize (irr. pouw-) [PUHAN] | |
puiťisr | v | shrink, make smaller [PUŤICER] | |
puiťya | a | little, small [PUŤIES] | |
pulyourta | nf | carnation [PULIORTA] | |
puťieca | nf | smallness | |
puzieyo | nn | ending, finish; month bešana [PUGEIO] | |
pwaoda | a | honest [PRADES] | |
pwaondar | v | eat a meal, dine [PRANDER] | |
pwaondo | nn | meal, dinner [PRANDO] | |
pwecuirac | v | beg (for alms) [PRECUREC] | |
pwecuriola | nf | beggar | |
pwed | prep | before, in front of [PRED] | |
pwedal | nm | front | |
pwiena | v | take [PRENAN] | |
pwiesal | nm | request | |
pwiesar | v | request, beg for [PRECER] | |
pwisi | nf | outpost [PRUCIS ‘waystation’] | |
pwobra | v | guide, direct [PROBREN] | |
pwoisi | a | close, near; (prep) next to [PROCIS] | |
pwoisim | nm | unit of measure (two paces) [PROSIMA] | |
pwora | a | real [PRIRES] | |
pworaonda | nf | reality [PRIRONDA] | |
pwosyour | a | one’s own [PROCIOR] | |
pwounsa | v | pierce [PRONSEN] | |
pyiedro | nm | rock [PIEDROS] | |
pyietlo | nm | stove [PIETROS] | |
r | cj | and (before vowels) [ER] | |
raduimba | a | smart, intelligent [RADUMRES] | |
radumbuira | nf | intelligence | |
raiďo | nm | servant [RAEĎOS] | |
raiȟ | nm | crab [RAIȞ] | |
Raisom | nf | Raizumi, capital of Ismahi | |
ralinaré | nf | theater [Keb. ralinarei] | |
raline | nf | play, drama; plot; acting [Keb.] | |
ransye | a | tedious [ARACNITES ‘painstaking’] | |
raodir | v | shave [RADIR] | |
raodo | nn | bird [URADUS] | |
raodom | nm | mind [RADUM] | |
raodya | nf | shave | |
raompa | v | crawl [RAMPAN] | |
raonda | nf | frog [RANDA] | |
raonsi | nf | spider [ARACNIS] | |
raonsi | nf | thigh [RACNIS] | |
raora | nf | color [ORARE] | |
raovo | nm | justice [RAVOS] | |
raoťi | nf | punt, flatboat [RAŤIS] | |
raulaondo | nm | cookery [RAULANTOS] | |
rawla | v | cook [RAULAN] | |
rawme | nf | rank, title [RAUMEN] | |
razieni | nn | sudden anger [RAGENIS] | |
razienir | v | flare up, get angry [RAGENIR ‘struggle’] | |
reďna | nf | jerk, goofball [Dh. rêdhna] | |
remoura | nf | galley (oared ship) [REMORA] | |
reniemac | v | repeat, say again [RENEMEC] | |
renlawda | v | return, go back; do again [RENLAODAN] | |
reswulir | v | harvest [RESCULLIR] | |
reswulya | nf | harvest; month recoltë | |
riedal | nm | menstruation [rédel ‘instruction’] | |
riedir | v | menstruate [REDIR ‘instruct’] | |
rieisťa | nf | truth [OREISTA] | |
rieisťara | a | true | |
reinda | nf | dude, guy; people (indefinite) [Mun. redna] | |
reťaondo | nn | distance, farness | |
riema | nf | count, sum; number [RUEMA] | |
riema | v | count, enumerate [RUEMEN] | |
riemir | v | row [REMIR] | |
riemo | nm | oar [REMOS] | |
riencai | v | meet [RENCAEN] | |
rieneca | nf, v | purge, purgative [EREINECA] | |
rieslir | v | sow [RESLIR] | |
rieslo | nm | cranberry [ERESLOS] | |
rieslya | nf | sowing, planting; month reli | |
riesťo | nm | man (human) [URESTU] | |
rieť | a | far [REŤ] | |
riȟiola | nf | sight, seeing [RIȞILE] | |
riȟoindi | a | marvelous, spectacular, amazing [RIȞONDIS ‘supreme’] | |
Rioan | nm | Iriam, first of the iliu [IRIAND] | |
riobra | v | turn (around) [ORIBRAN] | |
riodi | nn | smile | |
riodir | v | smile [RIDIR] | |
rioȟa | v | look at, consider [RIȞAN] | |
riomid | nf | emerald [RIMIDE] | |
riori | nn | laughter | |
riorir | v | laugh [RIDRIR] | |
rioso | nm | grain, seed [RISOS] | |
risuinda | nf | drawing, picture [RISUNDA] | |
risuinda | v | draw [RISUNDEN] | |
roȟni | nn | guts, entrails, intestines; base nature [Dh. rôkhni] | |
roȟniosa | a | intestinal; rude and primitive | |
roiyieca | nf | twist, spin [ROHEICA] | |
roiyir | v | twist, spin [ROHIR] | |
roizi | a | insane; twisted, sociopathic [ROGIS] | |
roubo | nm | ditch, trench [ROBOS] | |
roudom | nm | cotton [Mun. rojam] | |
rougo | nm | horn (of animal) [ROGOS] | |
roukar | v | work, craft [UROKER] | |
rudiona | nf | leech [HIRUDINA] | |
ruida | nf | stock, capital [RUDA ‘raw materials’] | |
Ruieta | nf | the Ruetes river in upper Sarnáe [RUETES] | |
ruizya | a | red [RUGITES] | |
ruiťar | v | pardon, excuse [RUŤER] | |
ruiȟ | nm | speed [RUȞ] | |
ruiȟi | a | fast [RUȞRIS] | |
ryouto | nm | ice [RIOTOS] | |
ryoutobra | v | freeze | |
sa | prep | through [SAS] | |
sacaina | nf | television [Ver. šacayna] | |
sada | nf | radio (tech) [Ver. šada] | |
sadile | nf | radio (machine) | |
saglaotir | v | get dirty [SALGATIR] | |
saȟute | nf | movie, film [Keb. saḣudte] | |
saia | nf | woman [SAEA] | |
sail | nm | salt [SAEL] | |
saitwo | nm | fence [SAEPTOS] | |
sano | nm | official; bureaucrat [Keb. sanu] | |
sanovanao | nn | bureaucracy | |
sanso | nn | beautiful woman [Dh.] | |
saobli | nn | sand [SABLIS] | |
saobon | nm | soap [SABUND] | |
saocťa | adv | soon; afterward, later [SACTA] | |
saoda | nm | source, origin [SADAS] | |
saodra | a | original | |
saoda | nf | princess [SADUA] | |
saodo | nm | prince [SADU] | |
saogla | a | dirty [SALGES] | |
saokad | nm | almond [SAKADOS] | |
saonca | nf | pine [SACNA] | |
saor | a | east [SAR] | |
saotlar | v | jump (irr. siels-) [SALTER] | |
saoťa | nf | tuft, bristle; strand (of hair) [SAŤA] | |
saoťil | a | birstly, tufty [SAŤIL] | |
Sarnawe | nf | Sarnáe [SARNAURE] | |
sarnaweno | nm | Sarnáean person | |
sarnawna | a | Sarnáean | |
Sarroc | nm | language of Sarnáe [‘east’ + Mun. lok ‘speech’] | |
Sarvensieyo | nn | Sarvenceo, capital of post-liberation Mitiagoma [‘east-victory’] | |
savaka | v | spy [Ver. savakan] | |
savakno | nm | spy (against Dhekhnam) [Ver. savakom] | |
savakwo | nn | espionage | |
sawdar | nf | sister [SAUDARA] | |
sawte | nf | palace [SAUTE ‘hall’] | |
scatwo | nn | autumn, fall [Dh. zhgatwo] | |
scaťoura | nf | century; epoch [SECAŤORA] | |
Sciestor | nm | Syxesteer, capital of Flora [Ver.] | |
scriola | nf | people [CICURILE] | |
sebrieȟo | nn | building [CEBREIO] | |
seclouro | nm | insect [SETECLOROS] | |
seco | nn | telephone [Ver. secu] | |
secoar | v | telephone, call | |
seȟepre | nf | day ceďnare [Keb. seḣepre] | |
semiodi | nf | forearm [CEMIDIS] | |
sepluira | nf | virginity, chastity | |
seroiri | nn | octopus [SEORIS] | |
ser | a | male, masuline [CER] | |
Seraia | nf | Serea river [SERAEA] | |
seraomo | nm | shame [CERAMOS] | |
seraova | nf | seashell [CERAVA] | |
serieca | nf | masculinity | |
seriesyo | nn | stirrup [SERESIO] | |
seruira | nf | goodness | |
sesieca | nf | dryness [SESIEICA] | |
setso | adv | entirely, totally [Dh. shetsu] | |
sicuiri | nf | country, land [CICURIS] | |
sidaondo | nm | thirst [SIDANTOS] | |
siebra | v | build [CEBRAN] | |
siecaȟ | # | hundred [SECAŤ] | |
siedir | v | bleed [SEDIR ‘gush’] | |
siegli | nn | rye [SEGLIS] | |
sieȟ | # | six [SUEST] | |
sieȟa | nf | being [ESEIA] | |
sieȟbaz | # | 48 | |
sieȟdeť | # | 60 | |
sielet | nf | light [SELETA] | |
sielondo | nm | bronze [CELONDOS] | |
siena | nf | beak, bill [CENNA] | |
siepla | nf | virgin; (a) virginal [CEPLES ‘chaste’] | |
sier | a | pure, good [CEOR] | |
sierna | v | sift, sieve [CERNAN] | |
sierno | nm | maple [ACERNOS] | |
siero | a | loose [Dh. serur] | |
sierto | nm | luck [SUERTOS] | |
siervo | nn | doll [SERVO ‘puppet’] | |
sieso | a | wet [CESUES] | |
siesťa | a | sixth [SUESTES] | |
sieswo | a | heavy [CESCUES] | |
sieswuira | nf | boulder; heaviness; burden | |
siesya | a | dry [SESIES] | |
siesťa | a | sixth [SUESTES] | |
sietac | v | fart [PSETEC] | |
sietal | nm | fart | |
sieťa | nf | silk [SEŤA] | |
siev | prep | by order of, according to [Dh. shêv] | |
simiora | a | poor [SIMIRES] | |
sindaonda | nf | yard [CINTANDA] | |
sindiensa | nf | fastener [CINTENSA] | |
sinduira | v | surround [CINTURAN] | |
sio | pron | I [SEO] | |
sioat | pron | everyone [PSIAT] | |
siobelir | v | whistle [SIBELIR] | |
sioco | nm | willow [SICOS] | |
siocťo | nn | forge, smithy [SICTO] | |
siodi | a | thirsty [SIDIS] | |
sioi | pron | everything [PSIES] | |
siolar | v | attempt, try; practice [ECILER] | |
siolor | nm | need [CILOR] | |
siolva | nf | forest [SILVA] | |
sioma | v | stink, suck, be shitty [Mun. pshim ‘piss’] | |
siomol | nf | resin [SIMOLA] | |
sionda | nf | swallow (bird) [OSINDA] | |
sioner | nf | mother-in-law [SINERA] | |
siora | nf | body [CIRA] | |
siorna | a | bodily | |
siosen | nf | rubble; stones for building [CISENA ‘loose rocks’] | |
siosir | v | slip, slide [CISIR] | |
siosťa | nf | box [CISTA] | |
siotla | adv | now; right away, immediately [SITRA] | |
siotlo | nn | lemon [CITRO] | |
sioďri | nf | serpent, snake [SIĎRIS] | |
siriosa | a | bodily [CIRISES] | |
siroili | a | complex [CIROLIS] | |
sivno | nm | pal, mate [Dh. shivno] | |
sletaobra | v | illuminate [SELETABREN] | |
slieȟa | nf | youth [SULEIA] | |
slieťi | nf | experience, feeling | |
slieťir | v | feel, experience [SALEŤIR] | |
sliorac | v | roll [SILIREC] | |
slioro | nn | wheel [SILIRUS] | |
sliovo | nm | egg white; semen [SLIVOS] | |
snuica | v | serve as a slave [SNUCAN ‘obey’] | |
snuicac | nm | slave | |
so | nm | dream [SON] | |
Soandor | nn | the Shkónoro [SCUNDORO] | |
soapo | nn | miser [SCUPO] | |
sobuila | nf | flaid (slighly pejorative) [‘big-head’] | |
soclioma | nf | thorn [SOCLIMA] | |
soȟaosco | nm | ship [Dh. shekhôkshe] | |
sofil | nm | cord, rope [‘big thread’] | |
soiclir | v | prick, stab [SOCLIR] | |
Soigat | nf | Tsôkálh, a goddess, wife of Gelálh [Dh. Sogat] | |
somala | nf | cannon [Dh. shomala] | |
somaova | v | spy on [Dh. shômmaf] | |
somaovno | nm | spy (for Dhekhnami) | |
somaovwo | nn | espionage | |
soukol | nm | hawk, falcon [SOKUOL] | |
souna | v | dream [SONAN] | |
souncla | a | evil; egregious, infamous [ISONCRES ‘irregular’] | |
sounso | nm | earth, soil [SONSOS] | |
souwa | v | mention [SOHAN] | |
souwal | nm | mention [SOHEL] | |
sovudre | nf | day fidren [Keb. sovundre] | |
Spaȟ | nm | river Sfaic in Sarnáe/Érenat [Dh. Shpakh] | |
sťaosa | nf | cedar [STASSA] | |
sťauno | nm | tin [STANNOS] | |
sťawbro | nm | straw [STAUBROS] | |
sťauvo | nm | ash tree [STAVOS] | |
sťet | a | evil [CŤELT] | |
sťierar | v | tend (a herd) (irr. sťiers-) [STERER] | |
Sťiesifo | nm | Žésifo [CTESIFON] | |
sťuira | nm | spinach [STURAS] | |
subrieȟa | nf | following, pursuit; result [SUBREIA] | |
sucoarso | nn | branch [SUCURSUS] | |
sudzos | nm | court (Dhekhnami) [Dh. shujyosh] | |
sudzosno | nm | lawyer, government agent [Dh. shujyoshno] | |
sui | a | none [SUIS] | |
suiar | prep | on, onto [SUHER] | |
suiaryé | nf | eyelid [SUHERHIE] | |
suibar | nm | cork [SUBER] | |
suibra | v | follow, result in; support (a cause) (irr. soubr-) [SUBRAN] | |
suibra | v | leave, send away [ISUBREN] | |
suida | pron | everywhere [PSUDA] | |
suidar | v | close [CIUDER] | |
suidir | v | sweat [SUDIR] | |
suido | nn | sweat | |
suidro | nm | referee [SUDRION ‘judge’] | |
suieco | nm | wasp [SUECOS] | |
suikieda | pron | always [PSIEKEDA] | |
suil | a | alone [SUL] | |
suila | a | young [SULES] | |
suilno | nm | young man | |
suima | v | should not, better not [Mun. shun ‘forbidden’] | |
suioro | nn | cheese [SUIRO] | |
suir | nm | hunger [PSUR] | |
suiri | nf | mouse [SURIS] | |
suirna | a | hungry | |
suitac | v | enhance, elaborate [SUTEC ‘adorn’] | |
sumpoula | v | forbid, prohibit [Mun. shunpol ‘forbidden to do’] | |
surieda | nf | afternoon [SCUREIDA] | |
surounda | nf | famine [PSURONDA] | |
susťaonda | nf | doom, evil fate, one’s own death [SCUSTANDA ‘fate of death’] | |
sutiela | nf | elm tree [SUTELLA] | |
swagaondo | nm | emptiness [SCAGANTOS] | |
swai | nn | duty [SPAIS] | |
swai | nn | secret [SCRAIS] | |
swalieȟa | nf | air, breath; sigh [SCALEIA] | |
swalieȟa | v | breathe; sigh [SCALEAN] | |
swaodra | v | ride, mount [SCADRAN] | |
swaomea | nf | bench [SCAMEA] | |
swaonzir | v | seem, appear [SCANGIR] | |
swaotla | nf | skin, hide [SCALTE] | |
swaozi | a | empty [SCAGIS] | |
swaoȟa | nf | speech, speaking [SPAȞE] | |
swaoȟa | v | speak, say [SPAȞEN] | |
swauȟ | nm | ham [SCANȞ] | |
sweluinca | nf | cavern [SPELUNCA] | |
swen | a | fresh [SPENS] | |
swenil | nm | saddle [ASUENIL] | |
swerieva | nf | beer [SCEREVES] | |
swesieyo | nn | cause, reason [SCESEIO] | |
sweviei | nn | hair [SCEVEIS] | |
swiebra | nf | ankle [SCEBRA] | |
swieca | nf | bundle [SPEICA] | |
swieȟa | nf | neck [SCEIA] | |
swiei | pron | every [SCEHIS] | |
swiena | v | lie down [SCENAN] | |
swierno | nn | hinge [SCERNO] | |
swiero | nm | beast [SPEROS] | |
swiesa | v, nf | cause [SCESAN] | |
Swietel | nf | Svetla river and nation [SPETELA] | |
swietli | a | spicy [SPETRIS] | |
swieto | nn | spice [SPETO] | |
swoca | nf | nail [SPICA] | |
swofac | v | know (something) (pres. inf. swot) [SCRIFEC] | |
swofiola | a | skillful, clever [‘knowing’] | |
swofta | nf | knowledge [SCRIFTA] | |
swoftanawe | nf | university [calque on Ver. šriftanáe] | |
swoftano | nm | scholar, scientist | |
swoȟo | nm | lord, lady; Verdurian šoh [SCOȞOS ‘governor’] | |
swonzieca | nf | appearance | |
swosa | v | shoot [SCISAN] | |
swotoa | nf | pig [SCUTUA] | |
swoul | a | robust [SCOLN ‘healthy’] | |
swoura | a | dark [SCORRES] | |
swouro | nn | darkness, shadow; month šoru [SCORU] | |
swouso | nm | thing [SCOSOS] | |
swouw | nn | cabbage [SCOHU] | |
swuigla | nf | noodle [SCULGA] | |
swuima | nf | pitch, tar [SCRUMA] | |
swuipis | a | miser, spendthrift [SCUPISES ] | |
swuipra | a | miserly, avaricious | |
swuisťa | a | dead [SCUSTES] | |
swuita | v | feed [SCUTEN] | |
swusťiola | nf | death [SCUSTILE] | |
syobousťo | nm | brine, saltwater [SIOBOSTOS] | |
syopom | nm | merman [SIIPOMOS] | |
syouma | nf | fur [SIOME] | |
syouppa | nf | hard hat (characteristic of Caď. nobility) [SIOPPA] | |
syuli | nf | eyebrow [CIULIS] | |
tabui | nm | valley [Dh. tabwi] | |
taȟno | nm | boss [Dh. takhno] | |
tai | pron | we [TAS] | |
taibro | nm | rust [TAEBROS] | |
taica | nf | hammer [TAECA] | |
tail | a | such, to that extent [TAL] | |
tailaondo | nn | bravery, boldness | |
taile | a | brave, bold [TAILES] | |
tair | a | either [TAR] tair saia either woman tair roizi iol iraicle either insane or brilliant | |
taoca | v | lead, boss, manage [Mun. tâk] | |
taoda | v | describe [ETADAN] | |
taodac | nm | descriptive [ETADEC] | |
taoken | nf | war, battle [TAKENA] | |
taonda | a | our [TANDES] | |
taorda | a | slow [TARDES] | |
taoso | nm | bay [TASOS] | |
taoswo | nm | cup [TASCOS] | |
tardieca | nf | slowness | |
tawbre | v | strike, forge [TAUBREN] | |
tenuira | nf | possession, ownership | |
tetnaodo | nm | icëlan [Mun. tlednadzu] | |
tieȟo | nn | tree trunk [TEIȞO] | |
tiekar | v | stand; stay, remain [TEKER] | |
tiel | nm | west [TEL] | |
tiela | nf | rib [TEILA] | |
tielna | v | find, locate [TELNEN ‘seek’] | |
tienac | v | have, own, possess [TENEC] | |
tiensi | a | narrow [TECNIS] | |
tiensir | v | deliberate, decide [ITENCIR] | |
tiensya | nf | decision, deliberation | |
tiersa | a | all [TERSES] | |
tiesir | nm | the Dhekhnami alphabet [Dh. teshir] | |
tieswa | nf | heap, pile [TESCA] | |
tieswa | nf | shell [TUESCA] | |
tiesťac | v | lick [TECTEC] | |
tieťo | nm | nipple; (slang) breast [TEŤOS ‘tip’] | |
tieȟo | nn | trunk [TEIȞO] | |
tindzieda | nf | anchor [TINDIGEDA] | |
tiobri | nf | pain [TIBRIS] | |
tioka | v | knock, slap; (slang) hit [imitative] | |
tiol | a | each [TIL] | |
tioma | nf | pace, step [TIMA] | |
tiomaondo | nn | friendship | |
tiomo | nm | friend [Mun. timno] | |
tiona | nf | plate, dish [TINE] | |
tionda | v | take a step | |
tionea | nf | scales [TINETA] | |
tiopal | nm | horse (farm contexts) [TIPEL] | |
tiora | nf | crack [TIRA] | |
tioron | nm | monster [TIROND ‘elephant’] | |
tiosi | a | sharp [TISIS] | |
tiosťa | a | pure [TISTES] | |
tioȟa | v | sneeze [TIȞAN] | |
tiriena | a | wise [TIRENES ‘prudent’] | |
tisieca | nf | sharpness | |
tlaťa | v | attack [Dh. tlath] | |
tleȟ | # | 64; (n) season of 64 days [Dh. dleç] | |
Tliegas | nm | the Mišicama ocean [Dh. Tlegash] | |
tlienda | v | disorder, disarrange [DELENDAN] | |
tliesa | nf | head tentacles of a ktuvok [Mun. tleche] | |
tlieyo | nn | waist [TALEIO] | |
tlepwo | nn | 1/64 of a Dhekhnami hour, about 43 seconds [Dh. dlêpwogh] | |
tlubuvno | nm | railroad [Dh. ‘iron path’] | |
tlutsem | nm | collar [Dh. tluchyêm] | |
toaro | nm | spark, ember [TUROS] | |
toazno | nn | iliu [Mun. tujno] | |
toimbir | v | fall, drop [TOMBIR] | |
toimbo | nn | fall, drop | |
toum | nm | thump, tap [TOM] | |
toumo | nm | slot [TOUMOS] | |
touno | nm | room; paragraph [ATONNOS] | |
toupo | nm | mole [TOPOS] | |
touso | nm | dew [TOSOS] | |
touswa | a | enough [TOSCES] | |
touswa | v | suffice, be enough [TOSCEN] | |
touta | pron | she, her [f. form of touto] | |
touto | pron | that one; he, him [TOTOS] | |
tsadzi | nf | school [Dh. chajiw] | |
Tsaȟwasi | nf | the sea goddess Chakprashi [Dh. Tsakhwashi] | |
tsainapa | nf | capital city, metropolis [Dh. chaynappa] | |
tsasa | v | cry, weep [Dh. dzash] | |
tsauna | nf | coast, beach [STRANA] | |
tsecwi | nf | warhorse (military contexts) [Dh. chêkwi] | |
tsecwino | nm | cavalryman [Dh.] | |
tsenat | nm | temple (esp. Gelalhát) [Dh.] | |
tsieli | nf | arrow [STRELIS] | |
tsimuirca | nf | magnet [TASIMURCA] | |
tsimure | nf | day širden [Keb. cymure] | |
tsisir | nm | lightning; electricity [Dh. tsitsir] | |
tsisna | a | electric | |
tsitloc | nm | machine gun [Dh. tsiftlôk] | |
tsoȟya | nf | one fourth, a quarter [Dh. dzôghye] | |
tsouma | v | destroy [Mun. tsôm] | |
tsoumwo | nn | destruction | |
tsour | nm | harness [Mun. tsor] | |
tsoťa | v | worship [Dh. dzôth] | |
tsoťuo | nn | worship [Dh. dzôthwo] | |
tsuȟno | nm | physician, doctor [Dh.] | |
tuca | nf | spot, dot [TUCA] | |
tucaonda | v | stain, spot [TUCANDEN] | |
tucoundo | nm | building block [PTOCONDOS] | |
tuipla | a | unconscious [TUPRES] | |
tuira | nf | pear [TURA] | |
tuira | v | burn [TURAN] | |
tuiri | a | his or hers [TURIS] | |
tuisťa | a | frequent [TUSTES] | |
tuiza | a | stiff, rigid [TUGES] | |
tuiza | nf | shit [TUZA] | |
tun | nm | oak [TUND] | |
tuoura | v | flow [TUORAN] | |
turieca | nf | burning [TUREICA] | |
turiel | nm | calx [TUREL] | |
turiensa | nf | pipe [TUORENSA] | |
tusiola | nf | mud [TUSILE] | |
tuziendac | nm | starch [TUGENDEC] | |
twalieyo | nn | covering [PTALEIO] | |
twaola | v | cover [PTALAN] | |
twauna | nf | pot [TUANA] | |
twedeť | # | twenty [PTEDECT] | |
twiena | nf, v | plan [PTENA] | |
twouco | nm | brick [PTOCOS ‘building stone’] | |
twoura | a | second [PTORES] | |
twouron | # | billion [based on Ver. ftoron] | |
tya | prep | across, behind [tras] | |
tyaobra | v | be more; fulfill (a quota etc.) [TRABREN ‘exceed’] | |
tyaonsa | v | cut [TRANCEN] | |
tyaonsa | n | cut; haircut | |
tyaonsac | n | barber [‘cutter’] | |
tyaosťa | v | drag [TRACTEN] | |
tyaova | nf | grass [TRAVA] | |
tyawda | v | graze [TRAUDAN] | |
tyawil | nm | cross (shape) | |
tyawir | v | cross [TRAHIR] | |
tyedeť | # | forty [TIEDECT] | |
Tyelag | nm | Tyellakh [Mun. Trêlag] | |
tyem | nm | ktuvok’s estate [Mun. trêm] | |
tyemno | nm | someone from the same tyem | |
tyena | nf | meal [TIENNA] | |
tyenioma | nf | turtle [TRENIMA ‘small turtle’] | |
tyeplo | nm | clover [TREPLOS] | |
tyetna | a | fourth [TIETNES] | |
tyeťo | nn | palm (of hand) [TIEŤUS] | |
tyoimir | v | trick, fool; cheat on [TROMIR] | |
tyouga | v, nf | touch [TROGAN] | |
tyoun | nm | axe [TRONS] | |
tyouya | nf | sow [TROIA] | |
tyouwa | v | exist, be located at [TROHEN] | |
tyowuira | nf | existence; location | |
tyuima | nf | plague; (intj) crap [TIUMA] | |
tyuindir | v | veer off, turn sharply [TRUNDIR ‘move confusedly’] | |
ťayona | a | left-handed [ŤAHINES] | |
ťelieyo | nf | invention, mental imagining [ŤELEICA] | |
ťieba | nf | bow (of a ship) [ŤEIBA] | |
ťiela | v | invent, make up, work out [ŤELEN] | |
ťikieda | pron | sometimes [ŤIKEDIE] | |
ťikuida | pron | somewhere [ŤIKUDA] | |
ťiobac | v | hurry, rush [ŤIBEC] | |
ťiobil | a | hurried, rushed [ŤIBIL] | |
ťioȟi | a | quiet [ŤIȞIS] | |
ťios | pron | some [back-formation from ťiosyo] | |
ťioso | nm | type of shellfish [ŤISOS] | |
ťiosyo | pron | something [ŤISIOS] | |
ťiot | nm | idiot, moron (stronger than ťiotno) | |
ťiotno | nm | fool, dummy | |
ťioťo | nn | foolishness, futility [ŤITU] | |
ťiron | nm | day néronden [Keb. ťiron] | |
ťiťuira | a | foolish, futile [ŤITURES] | |
ťounca | v | smash, crash [ŤONCAN] | |
ťounda | a | ordinary, regular [ŤONTES] | |
ťounsal | nm | fragment, splinter [ŤONCEL] | |
ťuili | nf | breeze [ŤULIS] | |
ťuour | nm | part [ŤUOR] | |
ťuourna | a | partial [ŤUORNES] | |
uclietla | nm | village chief [Mun. ulkêttra] | |
uibrir | v | open [UBRIR] | |
uicťal | nm | jar [UCTAL] | |
uiglac | nm | brother-in-law [ULGEC] | |
uinza | nf | nail, claw [UNGE] | |
uiol | a | old [UIL] | |
uilaȟ | a | ancient [‘old’ +. Dh. augmentative] | |
uilieca | nf | age, oldness | |
uiolno | nm | old man | |
uirac | v | serve [AHUREC] | |
uita | nf | star [Mun. uta] | |
unguira | nf | hoof [UNGURA, from UNGE ‘nail’] | |
Urawna | nf | Caď. heavens, paradise [URAUNA] | |
urieca | nf | service | |
uriosa | a | made of clay [HURISES] | |
uswoca | v, nf | shout [HUSCICAN] | |
vaďoura | nf | submission, accommodation | |
Vaisi | nf | the Vesi river [VAECIS] | |
vanao | nn | government [Keb. vanau] | |
vanaondo | nn | alignment | |
vanaora | a | governmental | |
vaocor | a | frightening, otherworldly [VACURES ‘numinous’] | |
vaoďa | a | submissive, accommodating [VAĎES ‘graceful’] | |
vaonza | nf | cheek [VANGE] | |
vaotlaca | nf | claim | |
vaotlar | v | claim to be, be advertised as (irr. viels-) [VALTER ‘be worth’] | |
vaozir | v | wound [VAGIR] | |
vaozyal | nm | wound [VAGIEL] | |
vatluira | nf | claim, pretense [VALTURA ‘worth’] | |
vauna | v | align with [VANAN] | |
velaondo | nn | theft, burglary | |
vemieno | nn | poison [VEMENO] | |
vensieyo | nn | victory, conquest [VENCEIO] | |
veraoťo | nm | boar (domestic male pig) [VERAŤOS] | |
veťuira | v | travel [VEŤURAN] | |
veťurieca | nf | travel, journey [VEŤUREIA] | |
Veȟaorya | nf | goddess of love, Vlerë; the planet or month vlerë [VEȞARIES] | |
viela | v | steal [VELEN] | |
vielac | nm | thief | |
viensir | v | conquer [VENCIR] | |
viera | nf | sip [VERRA] | |
viered | a | green [VEREDES] | |
vietar | v | pollute, befoul [VETTER] | |
vietla | a | foul, polluted [VETRES] | |
vieyen | nm | deer [VEHEND] | |
viezi | nf | plant [VEGIS] | |
violi | nf | pitchfork [VILLIS] | |
viono | nm | wine [VINOS] | |
viorni | a | loyal [VIRNIS] | |
viosya | nf | cherry [VISIA] | |
vioťor | nf | type of flower [VIŤORA] | |
viraȟ | nm | enemy [VIRAȞ] | |
viraoȟra | a | malicious, hostile [VIRAȞRES] | |
Visiecla | nf | Visecra, the region east of Sarnáe [VISECRA] | |
viziola | v | wait [VIGILEN] | |
vlai | nm | uncle [VELAIS] | |
vlawa | nf | aunt [VELAIA] | |
vliesma | a | willing [VOLESMES] | |
voa | nf | voice [VUA] | |
voafil | nm | telegraph [Ver. vuafil] | |
voilir | v | want (pres. vuit, voulo, voulon) [VOLIR] | |
voiyir | v | send [VOHIR] | |
vouca | v | invoke [VOCAN] | |
vousal | nm | invocation [VOCEL] | |
vreduiri | a | Verdurian | |
vreduirno | nm | Verdurian person | |
Vreduirya | nf | Verduria [VEREDURIA] | |
vyietlo | nm | evening [VIETROS] | |
vyoucťa | nf | evil spirit [VIOCTA ‘power’] | |
vyoundo | nm | lyre [VIONDOS] | |
wicuidro | nm | dear, dearie, sweetheart [‘little heart’] | |
wiembo | nm | ball [UEMBOS ‘lump’] | |
wier | nm | outside, surface [HUER] | |
wieron | nm | eagle [UERONOS] | |
wierna | a | superficial, exterior | |
wimeyn | nm | meynis, Xurnese unit of 7.6 mm | |
wimiezmo | a | similar [‘small-same’] | |
winyuima | v | worry, be anxious [‘little fear’] | |
wismala | nf | gun, rifle [Dh. wishomala] | |
wivoilir | v | hope, wish (conjugates like voilir) [calque on Dh. wighyith] | |
wizio | nm | little boy | |
wizia | nf | little girl [dim. wiziona] | |
Woulo | nn | a city in Sarnáe [Dh. Uluw ‘lords’] | |
wousa | nf | louse [UOSA] | |
yagaorda | nf | menstruation [ILIAGARDA] | |
Yaino | nm | Iáinos [IAINOS] | |
yaogo | nm | hunt; month yag [IAGOS] | |
yaondar | nm | amber [IANTAR] | |
yaonsi | a | clear, simple [IACNIS] | |
yaori | nf | sound, noise [IARIS] | |
yaoza | v | hunt [IAGEN] | |
yat | adv | already, even; indeed it did [IAT] ni yat not yet | |
yawlo | nn | knee [IAULO] | |
ye | nf | eye [HIE] | |
yecťo | nn | feather [IECTU] | |
yela | nf | idea [IELA] | |
Yeleďa | nm | Eleď [EILEĎAN] | |
yenew | nm | worm [IENEVOS] | |
Yenomi | nf | Ënomai (the sun) [IENOMAIS] | |
yerieca | nf | boringness | |
yeswoura | nf | kohl, eye shadow [HIESCORRES] | |
yesťil | nm | pen [IECTIL] | |
yiera | a | boring, dull [IERES] | |
yisťa | nf | seat, armchair [IESTA] | |
yoicli | a | eighth [IOCRIS] | |
yoideť | # | 80 | |
yoinebra | v | feminize; seduce (a man) [IONEBREN] | |
yoisi | # | eight; (n) noon [IOCI] | |
yonieca | nf | femininity | |
youla | a | light in weight [IOLES] | |
youna | a | female, feminine [IONES] | |
youno | nm | bread [HIONNOS] | |
yourta | nf | flower [IORTA] | |
yourta | v | flower, sprout [IORTEN] | |
youso | intj | uncle! I give! [IOSU ‘mercy’] | |
yoyil | nf | jewel [IOHILA] | |
yueȟo | nm | mead [IUEȞOS] | |
yuiba | nf | mane, crest [IUBA] | |
yuica | nf | role; mission [IUCA] | |
yuili | nn | way, method [IUILIS] | |
yuisir | v | provide, maintain (irr. yous-) [IUSIR] | |
yuisra | a | generous [IUSRES] | |
yumienda | nf | mare [IUMENTA] | |
yuola | nf | toy [IUILE] | |
yusiola | nf | organ [IUCILE] | |
zadrieta | a | meaningful [ZADRETES] | |
zaodri | nf | meaning [ZADRIS] | |
zaowa | pron | pl. reflexive pronoun [ZAHAM] | |
zedioga | nf | tangle [ZEDIGA] | |
zediozar | v | tangle [ZEDIGER] | |
zedzi | nf | mine [Dh. zêjiw] | |
zenuira | nf | the Verdurian/Kebreni alphabet [calque on Ver. znakora] | |
zeraȟ | nm | shirt, blouse [Dh. zeragh] | |
zicouer | v | bray [GICOER] | |
ziela | n | kindness [AGELLA] | |
zielna | a | kind, nice | |
ziemin | nf | twin [GEMINA] | |
zienda | v | signal [ZENDAN] | |
zieno | nm | clan (Dhekhnami dhlêç) [GENOS] | |
zieno | nm | symbol, character, letter; sign, signal [ZENNOS] | |
zienovanao | nn | democracy, republic [Keb. genosvanau] | |
zieri | pron | his own, her own (reflexive possessive) | |
ziero | nm | flatbread [ZEROS] | |
zietwer | adv | tomorrow [ZEPTERA] | |
zieť | pron | reflexive pronoun [ZEŤ] | |
zio | nm | boy [GIOS] | |
ziona | nf | maiden, girl, young woman [GINA] | |
ziondlo | nn | sash [GINTRO] | |
ziora | v | comfort [GIREN] | |
zioȟa | nf | berry [ZIȞE] | |
ziova | a | merry, glad; drunk [GIVES ‘lively’] | |
ziraondo | nn | mockery | |
zirieca | v | mock [ZIRECAN] | |
zirieca | nf | comfort | |
Ziriei | nf | Caď. goddess of the sea [AGIREIS] | |
zirieno | nm | ibis [GIREINOS] | |
zivieca | nf | merriment, gladness; drunkennes [GIVEICA ‘liveliness’] | |
zobaondo | nm | sorcery [ZOBANTOS] | |
zobriola | nf | play [ZOBRILE] | |
zoȟte | nf | refrigerator [Keb. źoḣteh] | |
zoubrac | v | play [ZOBREC] | |
zoul | a | strong [ZOL] | |
zoundeť | nm | decade [‘year-ten’] | |
zouno | nm | year [ZONNOS] zouni airȟ Z.E., Eretald year reckoning | |
zounra | a | yearly, annual [ZONRES] | |
zuila | nf | joy, happiness [ZULA] | |
zuiri | nn | supper [ZURRIS] | |
Zuirno | nn | Xurno [Xurnese] | |
zuiť | a | disobedient, impudent [ZUŤ ‘wicked’] | |
zuťaondo | nn | disobedience | |
zwiemo | m | gate [ZUEMOS] | |
zye | nf | sea, ocean [ZIEIS] | |
zyera | a | marine, of the sea [ZIERES] |