Up to now only those people who had ircle had faces, which made the faces window look a little lonely. However, we recently realized that you can create icons for other people, using a paint program and ResEdit. So I've gone on an icon-creating binge:
If you don't have an icon and want one, or you want your icon to be something else, just tell me. It'd help if you can find a picture for me; and remember that there's only so much you can do in 32 by 32 pixels. (And it's more in the spirit of things to have a cartoon or something, not a photo. We have the photo album for photos.)
Credit or blame where credit or blame is due dept.: wabewalkr, spinn, mdxi, tmr, trainman, darren, lore, and down10 made their own icons. If you have ircle, you can download my faces file. It's in MacBinary II format.
Wabe discovered another neat feature: you can set up alternative faces, which appear when you issue a particular /me command. A couple examples are shown above.
(Who's Paula? I don't know, she comes with the ircle faces file. She looks like a hottie, though.)