Virtual Verduria

Cuêzi Lexicon

Adjectives are given in the neuter singular nominative; nouns in the nominative.

The middle column gives part of speech and inflection class:
m masculine noun
m2 masculine noun; second -as declension (like āetas)
n neuter noun
f feminine noun
v# verb, declension #
vc causative verb
vp verb with passive forms only
pr pronoun
pp preposition
# numeral
a adjectiveav adverb

If a word is followed by an asterisk *, the inflection for that word will display a morphological alternation. For instance, clayē * indicates that the final y turns to g in some lexical forms. See the section on Morphology for what the sound change will be and what forms will be affected.

Etymologies are given in [brackets]. [*] indicates a root which can be traced back to the protolanguage; see the chapter on proto-Eastern for the reconstructed form. [K] refers to proto-Karazi-Central-- that is, the word is shared by Caďinor and Cuêzi but no other Eastern families.

The lexicon currently contains about 1900 words.

abuēna f       oats [*abrēna]
abrolur m prison [‘place of detention’]
acāumār m village [‘place of hearths’]
acuinas m maple [*akrens]
acūritār m council [‘place of talking’]
Acuōre m a name (Acuyo)
adānar m plain
adāuro a blue [*adawr]
Adāurio m a man’s name
aduōro a mighty [*andwōr]
adūrdas m sapphire [‘blue substance’]
āeca * nf thorn [*ayka]
Āectonas m mythical founder of the Caďinorian people [Caď. Aecton]
Aeguendēar m mythical land of warrior women [‘place of female archers’]
āemê v3 doubt, check
āemeca f doubt, check
Āeressār m Rhânor; the birthplace of man [‘west-land’]
āetas * m2 summer [*aytsas]
āeti f lake [*ayti]
āetīlle f pond, small lake
Agimbār m Ažimbea, a Monkhayic state to the north [Meť. Agibna, from the name of the sea goddess]
Agāeritār m the star Ažáritar [‘place of relaxation’]
agūma f problem
ai int used for interrupting
ailue a lithe, graceful
Ailuē a a woman’s name
ailuêde a litheness, gracefulness
alaldas m star; also the name of a large Cuzeian city
Alaldigō n an Imperial dynasty, from 885
alaldillê a starlike
Alāna f name of the first iliu woman
alcalias m treasure; collection
alirê v1 lurk, haunt; inhabit (of animals) [*alirek]
alīxār m high ground, hill; (military) advantage, upper hand [‘high place’]
ambecā * f grace
Ambretāu n Évetel, son of Iriam and Aläna: the first iliu child
ambrisas m dancer
ambrisei f dancer
ambrozâ v2 lead [‘walk first’]
amnigo n demon, amnigo (ktuvok) [descendent of Amnās]
Amnās m Amnäi, an Eīnalandāua who rebelled against Iáinos
amnāte a devilish, demonic; also used as a euphemism for Amnās
amurgār m desert, wasteland [‘place of rock’]
Anāos Fulāuto m a large northern aure [after the iliu Anāos]
ancua f sea serpent [Meť. ankuva]
ancuīlla f eel
āneca f someone/something (regular noun) [‘one person’]
ando a honorific or vocative; abbreviated to and’ before vowels, and in late Cuêzi largely invariable (m. ande, f. anda)
āno a one; some (regular adjective) [*ānu]
ānrīdias m monogamy [‘one woman’]
ānte a whole, unified, at one
āntede a healthy
āntedeyas m health
āntāu n unity, oneness; system, community
Antāu n an epic hero, lover of Isiliē
antiu n joke, prank; absurdity
antivê v1 joke, jest
apēras m sunset
araunas m eagle [*waruns]
Araunicoros m Aránicer [‘eagle port’]
Ardênbalo n a tributary of the Scóndoro, arising near the Taucrēte Pass [from Monkhayu]
ardis n bird [*wardus]
arevas m tree [*arebs]
arizār m granary, barn [‘place for grain’]
Arrasos m Araš, the first-created man [unknown derivation; popularly related to Āeressār]
asāladār m market [‘place for selling’]
asīer m coast (specifically that of the Plain, modern Lácatur, Verduria province, and Zeir) [‘place of the sea’]
asīxegār m cellar [‘wine-place’]
Asucilo n an aure and town in the foothills of the Rhânori Range: Asucío [‘follower of the raven’]
asuco n raven
ataiggār m the world; nature; Creation [‘place of life’]
Atêllār m Telarsanië, the land of the iliū north of Cuzei [‘lovely place’]; also called Atêllār Namoē ‘Atêllār of the Lords’
au int oh, ah
āuelos m earth, soil [*awels]
auōni f treaty [Meť. awoni]
aure f land, house, property, domain
Aure Árrasex a large city on the upper Isrēica
aurisonda f map [‘aure-drawing’, showing haplology]
aurisóndias m mapmaking, surveying
aviê v1 die
aviēyas m death
avissār m a community of scholars [‘place of knowledge’]
avore m grandfather [*abor]
avore f grandmother [*abor]
avorigo n maternal uncle [‘grandfather descendant’]
ayizâ v2 pierce, stab [*agisam]
ayizas m spear [‘stabber’]
azienār m forest [‘place of fertility’]
v2 put
babrivoreca f ceremony marking a death
babrivori v4 pass on (euphemism for die) [‘become an ancestor’]
badiu n bread [Meť. ‘meal’]
bāeda f bowl [*bayda]
baesc v begin to be; become [inceptive of ‘be’]
baezāu n beginning
baezāuco in the beginning
bagāeri v4 lie down; (in imperfective) lie [‘start to rest’]
bamāuas m acquisition, getting
bamê v1 acquire, get, receive [‘begin to have’]
bamoêleca f process of becoming a woman; celebration marking this
bamoêli v4 mature; become a woman [ba- ‘begin’ + moêle ‘woman’]
bamoêlīlla f menstruation [bamoêleca + diminutive]
banas m road; way [*bans]
banco pr like, as (takes gen.: banco lōnex ‘like an apple’) [‘in the way of’]
banimu n voyager
banilerê v3 meet, encounter [‘see on the road’]
bāor # four [*bāɣor]
bāorge a fourth
bapómeca f process of becoming a man; celebration marking this
bapomi v4 mature; become a man
bardāu n community, communion, intimacy, brotherly love
bardāume a communal, intimate
bārde # forty
bardīllu n little brother; name applied to nearby Karazi tribes
bardu n brother [*baredū]
Bê, bardu yes indeed; that’s right, bro
bārgāu n quarter
barīdeca f wedding
barīdi v4 marry (used of bride and groom; takes dative object. Nobody marries them; Cuzeian marriages are not performed by priests.) [ba- begin + rīda ‘wife’]
barīdias m marriage
bāruma f mountain [*bāruma]
bārumemaniciu n giant [‘mountain power’]
bâtas m stick, rod, limb [*bats]
bāsi v4 leave [*fākir]
bāuciu n paternal uncle [‘having age’]
bāurâse a older, elder, senior
bāure a old
bāurīllos m coyote [‘little old one’]
bāuros m old man; a man’s name [from ‘old’]
bavissanavas m the process of coming to know; intellectual or spiritual discovery
bavissê v1 come to know, learn
bāxanavas m skill, utility
bāxe * a skillful, useful [*fāxes]
baze a deceitful [*bases]
bazīras m deceit
int yes
bēbode a peaceful, quiet
bêdu int yessir, that’s right [from bê, bardu]
bēge f favor, grace, esteem [*begne]
bêi int well, er (marks dispreferreds)
bêi-nô mai sorry, no
bēias m a throw
beire m mist, fog [*ber]
Āeti Beiriē Lake Bérunor [‘lake of mists’]
bēlue a main, principal; immediate [*bērwes]
bērbodê a fearful, afraid
bēre v1 fear [*bērek]
berede a green [*fēredes]
Beretos m a man’s name (notably, the author of Babblers) [from ‘green’]
bereole f malachite [‘green jewel’]
bēreyas m fear
bēse v5 stink [*fēter]
bêtas m cock, rooster [*bēts]
bêti v4 change (intransitive) [*bektir]
bêtias m change
bēu n peace [*bēws]
Bēusoma f a woman’s name [‘dream of peace’]
bēvāu n sleep
bēvê v2 sleep
bēyi * v4 throw [*bēgir]
bi- negative prefix [*bux]
biboduas m emptiness; chaos, the opposite of creation
biboduo a empty [‘not full’]
bicreguo a inedible
bidêroêllê a uncreated, divine (an attribute of Iáinos); relating to the divine spark of Ulōne in each of us [‘not created’]
bidracuo a indivisible; atomic, irreducible
bidracuon m that which cannot be divided further; atom
binūmicolo a impious
birax m enemy [*firax]
biraxidâ v2 betray [‘give to enemy’]
biraxidāu m betrayal; treason
birēnuo a uncountable, infinite
bis pp without [related to bi-]
bisbēruo a fearless [‘without fear’]
Bisbēruos m a man’s name
Bisbirax m a man’s name [‘without enemy’]
bisnamociu n a lordless man, especially a soldier— a rōnin
bisnūmias m atheism, godlessness
bisnūmie a atheistic, godless [‘without god’]
bisōluo a false, untrue [‘not true’]
bisrêsoro a endless, unending [‘without end’]
bisûfito a interrupted, unsustained
bisvisseca f ignorance, lack of knowledge
bisvissoro a ignorant, unskilled
bitiēzeto a impossible, paradoxical, which can’t be done
biuveluo a naked [‘unclothed’]
biuveluas m nakedness
bitoluo a unbearable, intolerable
bivissuo a pagan, not knowing Iáinos
biyēste a light (not heavy); easy; comfortable
biyēsas m lightness; ease, comfort
bizāno a none, no [lit. ‘without one’]
bodê a full
bodīras m fullness
bogobê v3 stumble [imitative]
bogobeca f stumbling, awkwardness
bogoboro a clumsy, awkward
bōna f cow [*bōna]
bōsa f chance
bōsalu av perhaps [‘with chance’]
bostuna f seaweed [Meť. bočuna ‘sea-plant’]
botōugê v3 roam, wander
bōye a big, large [*bolges]
bōxas m crap, poop, muck
brâgu n dust, powder
brâgu Sodēsiex an aphrodisiac
brexos * m arm [*barex]
bri pp around, before, near, almost; outside; (with abl.) from; (time) before [*predi]
bricāure v1 offer; suggest; argue [‘bring before’]
bricāureyas m offer; suggestion
bricuri v4 request, ask for, pray [‘tell before’]
bricūrita f request, prayer
bridunas m rite, ritual, ceremony
briduni v4 perform or celebrate a ritual [‘act before (God)’]
briguōti v4 offend; (military) assault [‘forward-hurt’]
briguōtias m offense, assault
brilāda v2 advance, progress [‘forward-go’]
brilerê v3 care about, be interested in
brilerias m care, interest [‘before mind’]
brinâ v2 take [*prenam]
Brinūmē f a woman’s name [‘near to God’]
Brinūmio n a man’s name [‘near to God’]
brisīra f skirt, underskirt [‘round-body’]
brītēras m afternoon [‘before sunset’]
brisê *t v3 dance
brissâ n dance
britalias m belt, girdle, sash [‘around waist’]
brivore m great-grandfather; ancestor [‘before-ancestor’]
brivore f great-grandmother; female ancestor
brolue v5 detain, imprison [‘hold closely’]
broluyas m detention
brondas m lethargy, sluggishness
brondoro a lethargic, sluggish
brose a second [*protes]
broseco secondly; also, in addition
brosilandāua f rational animal, as opposed to spiritual beings [‘second spirit’]
brosilanete a mortal; having the nature of a brosilandāua
brosivê v1 repeat; practice, train
brosiveyas m repetition; practice, training
brozâ v2 walk [*prosam]
brozeca f walking, promenade
brozesiu n sandal [‘walk-tool’]
būê v3 cry [imitative]
būga * v2 fight (before front vowels ūg → uī) [*brigam]
būganavas m civil war; war without intent to conquer; cf. naxêtiu [‘fighting’]
buīas m fight
buinas m calf [*bwins]
buras m sponge [Meť.]
bûsas m mouth [*buks]
būsiu n tear (from eye)
cāco n heel [*kalkou]
cadi v4 give orders [*kadir]
caddâ f order, command
Calēsias m duke and founder of Eleisa
Calesiōre m the dynasty of Calēsias
cāmas m oak [Meť. kam]
Camminas m the Neši river
cammisi *c a yellow
cānexe a strange, odd
cāpi v4 praise; adore, worship [*kalpir]
cāpias m praise, adoration
cāpiboe a edifying, devotional, religious
cāpiboede a literary work dealing with religion or spirituality
catūro n rhythm
cāuma f peasant’s house; hearth [*kawma]
caumēliye f sweetheart [‘hearth-girl’]
cāure v1 bring, carry [*kawrek]
cāureyas m the act of bringing
Cayenas m Kaino, a Caďinorian state; a river, in Caďinorian terms equal to the Svetla from Toťio to Dinceleret plus the Meuna
cayū pr they [*kaiu]
cazinoro a Caďinorian (technical term; usually called neni-nemā); as noun, the Caďinor language
cazu av even
cazu ida still, yet
cêla f sword
celāuas m swordsmanship
cêleciu n swordsman
cēli v4 float (irr. pres. part. ecēlito)
cêlon m bronze [‘sword element’]
Celōusio n a name [‘swordsman’]
cēr m middle, center
Cēradānar m Eretald [‘center plain’]
certe a middle, central
cilli f hair
cinsiu n jellyfish [Meť. kinzu]
cipato n liver (seen as seat of noble emotions) [*xipatou]
cipatoro a noble, generous, large-hearted; free, privileged
cisi v4 brush
ciotīro n a type of flower
cissa f brush
cīsua f valley
civê v1 submit
civēyas m submission
clāye * v5 beat [*klāger]
cloros m leg [*krurs]
coêli v4 like, be fond of
coêliboe a attractive, enchanting, entrancing; romantic, erotic [‘inducing love’]
coêliboede f literary work dealing with love or sex; romance; erotica
coelīras m liking, devotion
cōi cj thus, therefore, for that reason
cōli v4 collect, gather, pick up [*kōlir]
Comex m Lake Como [Meť. Komuɣ]
condas m foam, scum
côndâ v2 bake (in an oven)
côndias m baking
cônna f oven, kiln [Elkarîl qoŋ]
coros m port [*kayr]
corumayas m harmony; a man’s name
corumâ v2 live in harmony
corumâte a harmonious
cranas m shame, guilt [*kerans]
cranivê v1 rebuke, admonish
craniveyas m rebuke, admonition
crêsi v4 grow [*kreksir]
crêsias m growth
creidas m2 lime [‘eating substance’]
creyê * v3 eat [*kregem]
crinu n papyrus plant [Meť. krinu]
crindas m2 paper
crummâ f straw [‘dried’]
crummâllê a straw-colored; blond
crumo a dry
cuepigo n venerable old man or woman
cueporāu n wisdom; lore
cueporo a wise [‘of twilight (years)’]
cuepu n twilight [*krepu]
cuetas m beetle [*kwets]
Cuêzaye f Cuzei [cognate to Karazi, Caizura, Curiya, Coruo, (Bu)cardo; the ancients related this to cūidas ‘core’— Cuzei as the core of the world.]
Cuêzi f Cuêzi language
cuêzigīllo n Little Cuzeian (the nearer Karazi nomads)
cuêzigo n Cuzeian
cuêzise a Cuzeian
cūidas m core, pit, nut [*kuwids]
culuda f elbow [*kuluda]
cûmegos m noble substance [Elkarîl kunmegg-nquj ‘the five noble substances for making jewels’]
cūnas m great deed [*kwuns]
cuovas m blood [*ɣrofs]
cura f hen [*kura]
curantōre f ruby [Elkarîl]
curi v4 tell, inform, talk [*kuriam]
cūrita f speech, talk
cūritecolê a talkative
currâ f tale, story, anecdote
v2 give [*dam]
Dācuas m a Little Cuzeian state to the south of Cuzei
dānciu n board; token (for a game); (pl) a particular board game [‘flat-tool’]
dāno a flat, even [*dān]
dānomurga f slate [‘flat stone’]
dāupore m stork, heron [proto-Karazi-Central *dawpor]
dāuro a hard [*dawr]
dêdege f tenth
dei v4 use, make use of
dēne f breast
dēnedas m2 milk [‘breast substance’]
Denūra f Ženöra, the first-created woman [prob. from dēne ‘breast’]
deōn m material (used for a process), source; matter; element [from dei]
dêrias m creation, creativeness (especially works of God or genius)
[vissiveyas] dêriex the Festival of Making
dêroi v4 create [*demorir]
dêroâ f created thing
dêroêllê a partaking of the nature of a created thing— imperfect, undivine, unredeemed; (applied to theological ideas) anthropomorphic
dêroêllāuas m unredeemed nature; anthropomorphism
dēsicāpi v4 thank, be grateful for (person in dat, gift in ins) [‘praise kindness’]
dēsicāpias m thankfulness, gratitude
dēsīras m kindness, bounty, generosity
dēso a kind, merciful; generous
dêt # ten [*dekt]
deyas m use, usage
diazami v4 promise
diazambodê a untrustworthy [‘full of promises’]
diazammâ f promise
dîero a third [*dīmer]
dīma # three [*dīm]
dīnde # thirty
Dīnē f the Peleu river
dīmagāu n one third
dīngōnas m ant [‘three-balls’]
disima f gums (of mouth) [*dikema]
ditas m baby [*dits]
domas m an act of giving; a gift; sermon, lesson
domānavas m generosity
dōnas m hut, hovel, barbarian’s tent or shack [*dōns]
dôndê v3 wander drunkenly, straggle, meander
dôndoro a drunk
dorde f hollow, concavity
doro a hollow, concave [*doliu]
dosi *t f finger [*doti]
douzas m back [*dors]
drâ pp behind, in back of; beyond; (time) after
drâcê v3 cut; engrave, carve [*trankem]
dralāda v2 follow [‘go after’]
dralādeca f pursuit; consequences, results
drâlu adv then, next, afterwards [‘after’ + ins. ending]
drâneyas m ceremony blessing a new child [‘after birth’]
drasūde f morning [‘after dawn’]
drava f grass [K]
dravamēse f meadow [‘grass-field’]
drayê * v3 enter [*tragem]
drayêneca f entrance (act of entering)
drogâ * v2 touch [*trogam]
drouvê v1 trace, outline; form, give a shape to
drouvēyas m form, outline, shape
droyas m touch, contact
duānas m wool [*dwāns]
dueli a other, another [K *dwel-]
ano dueli one another (with appropriate cases)
dulāu n duty
dulāucolê a dutiful
duli v4 must, have to; (in remote) should, ought
dulivisso a important [‘must-know’]
dulo a smooth [*dul]
duna # two [*duna]
dunagāu n half
dunalaldas m planet [‘moving star’]
dunalu av both [ins. of ‘two’]
dunas m movement; action
dunēyas m energy (as opposed to matter and spirit)
dundê # twenty
duni v4 move; act (intransitive)
duniciu n animal [‘has movement’]
dunnâ f a movement or passage; (literature) a change in situation, a development; by extension, a scene in an epic or play
duntrâcanavas m judgment, trial, deliberation
duntrâcê v3 judge, divide [‘cut in two’]
dunxuecos m swallow (bird) [‘two-tail’]
dunxuecos usāliex airswallow, mythical bird
dumbodê a active
eāntu vc unify [‘make one’]
ebodû vc fill [causative of bodê ‘full’]
ebotōugas m wanderer; nomad
ebridunas m celebrant, officiant
êca pr then, at that time
ecadas m commander
Ecaîas m Ekaia, the first Eīnalandāua to rebel against Iáinos
ecammisidas m2 yellow arsenic, orpiment (used as a pigment) [‘yellowizing stuff’]
ecivas m servant
ecivei f servant
ecôndas m baker
ecui av there
ecūnas m hero [‘doer of great deeds’]
ecūni narrûi-to knights-and-kings, a chess-like board game
ecūnei f heroine
ecuras m messenger
êcuri v4 accuse, charge (crime, abl.; person, dat.; words, acc.) [‘tell against’]
ecūrita f accusation
edāumiras m troll [‘hard-biter’]
êdi f branch, log [*endi]
edrouvas m one who forms or shapes
eduntrâcas m judge
eduntrâcei f judge
egâsas m icëlan [‘hider’]
eguendas m bowman, archer [‘bender’; cf. guenddâ]
eguendei female archer, esp. one of a legendary race of them
eguōtu vc hurt (someone), punish [‘make hurt’]
ei int uh, um, er (placeholder particle)
eîca f man, human (either male or female) [*wenka]
eîsigo n child [‘child of man’]
eîsigōr m school [‘place of children’]
Eīledan m Eleď (Creative Force) [suffix from *Endānor]
einalandāua f angel [‘first spirit’]
Einātu n the chief of the einalandāuē
eine a first [*ēn]
einco firstly, for the first time
ēisizas m thief
elādu vc send [‘make to go’]
elcár m elcar, dwarf (mountain-dwelling species) [Elkarîl]
elēacu n substance, material
elēinamiēi f platinum [‘mistress of elements’]
Eleisa f Elesa, capital of Cuzei
eleito a Eleitan, of or relating to Eleisa
elereca * f showing, presentation; a play
elerisuas m one who understands (loftier word for landāua) [‘understander’]
elerû vc show; present (a play) [‘cause to see’]
elīxû vc lift, raise [‘make high’]
elūra f wrist [*elūra]
elūvūzo a, n causing to love, inspiring love; aphrodisiac
embesanavas m permission
embesê v1 allow
emê cj because
emissas m speaker
emissei f speaker
emōleca * f softening; indulgence
emōlecalu soex! excuse me!
emōlu vc soften; indulge, spoil
enacadas m ruler (in general), governor
enalādas m rider
Zîtēi Enalādi the Cuzeians [‘great riders’]
enatēras m overseer, master; (Silver Age) general
Enatēras Sonurdaē Master of Arms
Enatēras Pomiē Narrûex Master of the King’s Men
enatērei f overseer, mistress
eneiras m cook (esp. prepare with open flame)
eneirû vc heat, make warm; roast, cook over a fire
eniōreca f adornment, decoration
eniōru vc adorn, decorate, embellish [‘make beautiful’]
enōtivas m sojourner, guest; the Sojourner (epic hero/prophet)
epêtas m singer
erēineca * f cleaning; purge
erēinu vc clean [causative of rēini]
eressâ f west
Eressego n Western barbarian
eresso a western
Eressos m a man’s name
erēto a liquid; wet, moist [‘flowing’]
erēttas m drop of liquid [‘wet thing’]
erirû vc open [causative of rire]
Eruimed m second son of Iriam and Aläna [‘red son’]
eruisû vc make red [causative of ruyisi]
ēruidas m2 cinnabar [‘reddening substance’]
esālādas m trader, seller
esalesas m grasshopper, locust [‘hopper’]
esōlu vc correct, amend [‘make true’]
esc v be (irregular) [*esam]
escoro a present [from esc]
esocadas m regent, guardian (of a minor king) [‘one who commands for (another)’]
Esocadi the second dynasy of Cuzei, from -65
etêia f flower
Etêia Mitano ‘flower of the south’— name of a large southern aure
etēras m shepherd, nomad [‘tender’]
Etiniē f a woman’s name
etolas m table [‘that which supports’]
etuncāu n surety, certainty
etuncāuco surely, certainly; it’s decided
etuncû vc make firm; tie up; ensure, make certain
etunsiu n nail, bolt [‘fastener’]
evexû vc clarify; explain [‘make clear’]
evexias m clarification, explanation
evissalê a priestly, theological
evissas m Knower, priest [‘one who knows (Eīledan)’]
evissei f female Knower
eviû vc deaden, numb
eyayas m hunter
eyēvu vc make right, make up for (offense in acc., beneficiary in dat.)
eyēvvâ f recompense
ēzas m thing, something which exists
ezāu n being, existence
ex pp against [*ax]
exbuīas m battle, combat
excuri v4 debate, argue [‘against-tell’]
excūrita f debate, controversy, argument
exdrayê * v3 raid [‘enter against’]
exdrayêneca f raid
execu n lentil [Meť. eȟeku]
exlûra f vice, defect, sin
exlûrias m evilness, perversity [‘turning against (God)’]
exlûrte a evil, perverse
ēxlûrtû vc pervert, corrupt
exmissê v1 insult [‘speak against’]
exucācu vc abase, enslave [‘put under the heels’]
exucāsias m abasement, enslavement, slavery
exutāne v3 find, discover [‘come against’]
fa pp in, inside, within, among; (with abl.) out of
fabēyi * v4 propose [‘throw among’]
fabēias m proposal
facillê a haunted, foreboding
facis m evil or haunted place [*fakus]
fadrogâ * v2 feel, experience, sense (nom = thing sensed, dat = feeler) [‘inside-touch’]
fadroyas m feeling, experience, sensation
fagu n round bean
falerias m memory [‘inner sight’]
faleriê v3 remember, recall
faraga f cotton [Meť.]
farêxias m acceptance, welcome [‘into the walls’]
farêxivê v1 accept, welcome
fasāu n conduct, behavior, praxis [nominalization of fi]
fâtas m idea, inspiration [*fants]
fatōurrâ f spring; fountain [‘out-flowing’]
fēi f plant [*fegi]
ferêde m deer [*feɣends]
feroe a cold [*froɣes]
Feroicolê m a man’s name
Feroivoras m the planet Caiem [‘cold flame’, a calque on Elkarîl Ñokhbur]
fi v4 do, make [*far]
Bāuros ofel He is called Bāuros
fītê v3 itch, irritate
fītidas m poison ivy
fōre a loud [*fōr]
fōxau n wind
fōxe v1 blow [*fōxek]
fu- v lexical items with this root are imperfective forms of esc ‘to be’ [*fuam]
fuacas m yoke [*fwaks]
fuāliu n leaf; grammatical ending [*fwaliu]
fūca * f color [*fūlka]
fūcate a colorful, coloring
fuli f fern [*fuli]
fūra v2 play (of children; game in ins.) [*furam]
fūrias m game, play
fuse a complete, utter [*futes]
gāema v2 fast; abstain from (+ abl.)
gāemāu n fast
gāeri v4 relax, rest
gāerias m relaxation, rest
gāerisiu n balm, ointment [‘relax-tool’]
gāex * m lizard [*gāx]
gāli f stalk, stem [*gāli]
Ganmes m Ganmech, the first of the elcari [Elkarîl]
gāpas m beech [*gāps]
garas m cunning; stubbornness; the unregenerate nature [*gars]
gâsas m goose [*gans]
gâsi v4 hide [*gaksir]
gâsias m hiding
Gaumê f the Ctelm mountains [Meť. Gauťmene]
gauminiu n ogre [from Gaumê, though popular mythology reversed the derivation]
geōre m castle, fortress [Meť. geur]
girēn m ibis [Meť. girein]
go pr with [*gomu]
go narālu every few months
gobrinâ v2 understand [‘take with’]
gobrineca f understanding
gobrinte a compassionate
gōcas m face [K *golks]
gocivê v1 serve [‘with-submit’, i.e. submit willingly]
gocivēyas m service
gocuri v4 ask (a question) [‘for-tell’, i.e. so they tell you]
gocūrita f question
godrogâ * v2 relate to, connect with [‘touch with’]
godroyas m relation, connection
godroigo n cousin (child of maternal uncle) [‘relation’]
goduelāu n confederacy, league [‘with others’]
goêlu n wheat [*grelū]
goes v take place, occur (conj. like esc)
goezāu n occurence
gofūras m playmate [‘play with’]
gofūrei f playmate
golôdeca f bow, bowing
golôdi v4 bow down, incline oneself (+ dat.) [‘with awe’]
golôdigo n poor person
golôdoro a poor, humble; servile, cringing
golôdorāu n poverty, humility; servile nature
gōngi v sound (horns, trumpets) [imitative]
gōnico av together [go onico ‘with everyone’]
gōnicorāu n integrity, coherence; unity, union
gōnicoro a united, single-minded; coherent, holding together; having integrity
gori f throat; voice [*gorgi]
gorivê v1 swallow
Gorōdias m third son of Iriam and Aläna
gouro n bar, rod
gourite a barred; (phonetics) voiced
gōutāne v3 sleep together, have sex; merge, join [‘come together’]
Goxreme m the planet Hírumor [Elkarîl Ñokhrem]
guendāuas m bend, angle
guendê v3 bend
guenddâ f bow (weapon) [‘bent’]
guendivê v1 bow; greet, salute [from ‘bend’]
guendiveyas m bow; greeting, salutation
guiscue f swamp
guîtas m metal [*gwents]
guōti v4 hurt (intr.), be in pain
guōtias m pain, injury
gūre f lion [*gūre]
Iáinos m Iainos (Idea)
Iáinos Onnamêto Iainos, lord of all
îcâ v2 long for, desire; search for [*wiksam]
Îcaditē f a woman’s name [‘longed-for child’]
Îceīledan m a man’s name; name of the last great prophet of Cuzei [‘longing for Eīledan’]
ida av now
idanô cj however, nonetheless [‘now-but’]
idēca av -ever, no matter, whenever, wherever, whoever [‘now-then’]
idue av here
ilaldas m coin, money [‘silver material’]
ilaldê f silver [from alaldas ‘star’]
ilenda f maiden, virgin
ilendāuas m feminine virginity
ilendellê a maidenly
ilidas m silk [‘iliu substance’]
iliu n iliu (sea-dwelling species)
iliute a ilian, of the iliū
īlo a this [*īl]
Inibē m duke of Metayu, one of four clan leaders during the invasion
Iriand m name of the first iliu (Iriam)
Isiliē f an epic heroine, lover of Antāu
Isrēica f Eärdur river (including its outlet to the sea) [(unknown) + ‘flow’]
itas pr this one
itīran m heart; the will
itīrante a willful
lācasi *t f north
lācato * a northern
Lācatūr m Lacatur, the region north of Sūās
lāda v2 go [*lādam]
lādeca f departure
ladu n olive [Meť.]
lalei a young
laleide f youth
lāmas m flax [*lāns]
lâmiras m linen; sheet
landāua f soul, spirit, reasoning being [from lanê ‘think’]
lanê 1 v1 think [*lanem]
lanebodê a thoughtful, pensive
lanete a thinking, rational
lanêde f thought
lâsi v4 rise [*laksir]
lâsias m rise
lāunas m circle [*lawns]
lāubrissâ f the circle dance, popular in the late Empire
lāure a pretty [*lawres]
lāvoni f tongue [*lāboni]
led pr you (m. sing.) [*let]
lēgra f soup, stew
lei pr you (f. sing.)
lēivas m wolf [*leyfs]
lelîyas m art, culture
lēnas m line [*lēns]
lēnidas m kohl [‘line-material’]
lēnisiu n straightedge, ruler [‘straight-tool’]
lēnitāuas m simplicity, plainness
lēnite a straight; simple, plain
lerê v3 see [*lēlem]
lerete a skillful, clever
lerias m seeing, vision; understanding, mind, Reason
lerisuê v3 understand, perceive; be rational (not animal), possess a lerias
leribodê a full of understanding; perceptive, intelligent
lēsi v4 arrange, set in order
lēsias m arrangement, order
lēsite a ordered, arranged
Lēsindas m a Cuzeian city [‘new city’]
lestas m a lest (a unit of distance, about 2 km)
letâ v2 fly [*letam]
letazū pr we (inclusive)
leube f lip [K *lerbe]
leûri v4 kiss [related to ‘lip’]
leûrias m kiss
lēve a new [*lēbes]
lēvīllei f female novice or acolyte
lēvīllos m novice, acolyte, noob [‘little new’]
licu n bed
licunas m hazelnut [*likuns]
līxase a higher; soprano
līxe a high; alto [*līxes]
līxlāda v2 climb, rise [‘go high’]
līxrōvas m pride
līxrōvo a proud [‘high head’]
lôdas m awe [*londs]
Lôdicūnas m a man’s name [‘awe-inspiring deed’]
lōnas m apple [*lōns]
lovi a strong; (phonology) long, the long-vowel mark
lovīse (phonology) long or circumflexed
lovillê a (phonology) low tone; the ‘circumflex’
lovīras m strength; (phonology) tone
lovitruas m member of a Karazi tribe which lived to the south of Cuzei [‘strong herdsman’; cf. etēras]
Luōre f the Nof river
lûra f twist, turn [*lunɣa]
lûre v5 twist; wrestle, distort
lûrias m wrestling
lusi *t f Glade (consecrated ground, usually outdoors, for worship) [*luti]
lūssa f insanity
lūsste a insane
lūve v1 love [*lūbek]
lūvore m love [*lūbor]
māeca pr no one/nothing (regular noun) [‘no person’]
mai av no, not
nô mai not at all
maida av never
maidue av nowhere
maime particle used in asking negative questions
Mairōusias m proper name, esp. of general who seized power in 601 [‘never failure’]
Marōusigō the dynasty he started
manias m power, might
manibodû vc pay; conjugated as a causative [‘fill the hand’]
manis m hand [*manus]
maniciu n a being of power, such as the giants as well as Soxāeco
manie a powerful [’with (a strong) hand’]
manivê v2 indicate, point
Masāntigo n a Cuzeian or Karazi [‘son of Masāntio’]
Masāntio m the third son of Árrasos, considered the father of the Cuzeians and Karazi [traditionally explained as ‘unexpected’]
Masāntie f a Cuzeian city; a woman’s name [after Masāntio]
mâsei f steward [*maksei]
mâsio n steward (male), upper servant [*maks]
māuas m having, possession
māux pr you (plural) [*maux]
mavordas m iron [‘black substance’]
mavoro a black [*mafor]
v1 have [*mek]
-me negative or interrogative clitic particle
mēau n squid [Meť. mewil]
mēcau n one thousand
medas m son, boy [*meds]
medāuas m prince (son of a king or duke) [‘son’ + nominalizer]
medāuei f princess (daughter of a king or duke)
medei f daughter [feminization of medas]
mēdoro a ancient, venerable, classic [*mēdor]
mēgro n glory
mēgrote a glorious
meireca f swim
meirēi v4 swim [‘water-run’]
Meīro n a mythical river near Asicondār [folk etymology: meyu yero ‘glad water’]
Meīruas m the original home of uncorrupted mankind; by extension, paradise [from Meīro]
mēlate a better [*mēlatses]
melie f bee [*melie]
mēliye f girl (before puberty)
mēliyoro a girlish
mēlure f brain [*mēruɣs]
mēri v4 consider, weigh; read [*mērir]
mērias m reading, literacy
merrâ f topic, subject, phenomenon [‘thing considered’]
ānalu merrâlu as an example
mēse f field [*mēte]
mēsigo n peasant [‘son of the fields’]
metailo n a Meťaiun person
Metauro n Lake Bérunor [Meť. Meťauro]
Metayu n Meťaiu (pre-conquest Monkhayu kingdom) [Meť. Meťaiɣo]
Metōre f the upper Svetla, past Dinceleret (Bažra) [Meťaiun hon. + ‘south’]
mētu n role, job, task, aspect [*mētū]
mētuda v2 entrust, appoint (task in acc., trustee in dat.)
mētudomas m appointment, assignment
mētulerê v3 analyze [‘see role’]
mētulerias m analysis
meūgei f female friend
meūgos m (male) friend [‘one with water’]
mexera f meřa, a type of bitter herb [Meť. meɣra]
meyu n water [*meiu]
mīdore f mother [*mīdor]
mîri v4 bite
misāda f maternal aunt [‘mother-sister’]
misādigo n cousin (child of a misāda)
mīsia f joy
mīsibodê a joyful, joyous
missê v1 speak, say, tell [from mizos ‘word’]
misseca f speech, language
lēve misseca the primordial language, sought by mystics
missīlleca f sentence, utterance; proverb
mitani f south
mitano a southern; the third dynasty of Cuzei, from 327
mizos m word [*mis]
mizida v2 judge, decide (decision in acc., defendant in dat.)
mizidomas m decision, sentence
moêle f woman
moêliboe a effeminate
moêlille a womanly
moêliore a female, feminine
mōgos m crap; excrement, feces
mōlâse a softer; fat
mōle a soft [*mōles]
mōllâ f saddle [‘soft thing’]
motas * m sheep [*mots]
môurê v3 push
moxnaru n Monkhayu [rare— Babblers is the main cite]
Munxeas m Munkhâsh
Munxesilo n Munkhâshi
munxese a Munkhâshi
mūra f wonder [*mūra]
mūreboe a fantastic, imaginative
mūreboede f fantasy, adventure, literary work evoking a sense of wonder
murga f stone, rock
murgā a simple game of chance played with marked pebbles
Murgêde m a man’s name [‘stony’]
Mūrorē f a woman’s name
mūroro a wonderful, wondrous
Mūroros m a man’s name
mûsco av very, quite [abl. of ‘much’]
mûse a much, many [*mukses]
mûsoro a numerous
mûsste a frequent; usual, typical
mûsstole f feldspar [‘common crystal’]
mûstolê v3 suffer [‘bear much’]
mûstoleca f suffering
muza f bug, large insect [*musa]
na pp on top of, over [*nape]
nabrozâ v2 pass (go by); spare; show mercy [‘walk over’]
nabrozeca f passing; mercy
nabrozecalu soex by your mercy, if you would
nacadi v4 rule, reign [‘give orders over’]
nadouzas m shoulder(s) [‘top-back’]
elīxu nadouz shrug
nadouzeca f shrug
nāemê v3 examine; treat (a subject) [‘check over’]
nāemeca f examination
nafāu n building
nafi v4 build, construct, erect [‘do on top of’]
nafias m construction
nalāda v2 ride [‘go on top’]
nalādeca f riding; horsemanship
nalerê v3 respect [‘look up at’]
nalerias m respect, honor
nalûra f lie, distortion
nalûre v5 lie; twist or distort words [‘twist up’]
namâsiê v3 conquer, overpower, beat [‘overmaster’]
Namāsio n a man’s name
namāuas m majesty, lordliness
namecāu n 100,000 [‘over-thousand’]
namiēi f lady (Cuzeian noble, mistress of an aure; or a namo’s wife)
namo n lord (Cuzeian noble, master of an aure; or a namiēi’s husband)
nanne f paternal aunt [babytalk]
nannigo n cousin (child of a nanne)
nāre f place, region [*nāre]
fa nārinu X-gen in place of X, instead of X
nari f moon; month (period of Iliažë) [*naɣi]
narras m kingdom
narrēi f queen
narroro a kingly
narrûos m king (in theory, ruler over an entire sodeyas)
natēre v5 oversee, run [‘tend over’]
nauvere f coat, cloak [‘over-dress’]
nāuxê v3 stretch, reach
navera f sail [Meť. navra]
naxêtê v3 invade to conquer, make war [‘over-raid’]
naxêtiu n war of conquest; cf. būganavas
Nayas m a Little Cuzeian state on the Cayenas river [‘overness’?]
nebu # nine [*nebri]
nebuge a ninth
nêddê # ninety
nega f foot [*naga]
nēge a same, equal [*negnes]
nēgerêsāu n rhyme [‘same ending’]
nēgeyas m sameness, equality
neiro a warm, hot
nêm m box
Neni-Nemi f barbarian (not Karazi) [imitative of babbling]
nepōre m nephew (brother’s son) [*nepou]
nepōre f niece (brother’s daughter) [*nepou]
nepas m hemp [Elkarîl ñêph]
nere f craft, profession [*neɣne]
nēreyas m holiness
nēro a holy [*nēr]
Nērobâtas m one of the theological police maintained by the emperor Enuras
nērodas m pearl [‘holy material’— the iliu considered it sacred]
Nēromurga f the fifth dynasty of Cuzei, from 552 [‘holy stone’]
neron m equipment, the tools used for a craft
nêsei f parley, negotiations between antagonists [Meť. nensei ‘speaking’]
neyas m birth
nexi f starfish
nîdāuas m machine, machinery [‘wheelage’]
nîdo m wheel [Meť. nitno]
nîê v3 snow
nîi f snow [*nīkte]
nimoicu n member of a Karazi tribe which lived to the east of Cuzei [‘lord-men’]
Nîiniōre f second daughter of Iriam and Aläna [‘snow-beauty’]
niōre f beauty
niōro a beautiful; an Imperial dynasty, from 931 [*niwōr]
nîtero a white
nîtas m smoke [*nikts]
nizanda f abasement, a casting down
nizanê v3 bring down, cast down, abase
nizase a bass
nize a low; tenor
cj but
nōre m headman (of a village or tribe) [*anōr]
Norunayas m mythical founder of the Cuzeian people; a city named for him [explained as nōre ‘headman’ + nayas ‘over(lord)ship’, possibly originally a title]
nōtive v5 stay, camp [‘spend (one) night’]
nōtu n night [*nōktu]
nōue v5 rain
nōue f rain [*nōwer]
nōumas m name [*nōyns]
Nōumas soē Niōre ê My name is Niōre
nōunco [+ X-gen.] in the name of X
numiāuas m divinity
nūmicolê a pious, god-loving
nūmicoleyas n piety, devotion to God
nūmiore a divine
nūmiu n god [*nūmiu]
numīcuras m prophet; a pagan priest [‘god-messenger’]
nuore f daughter-in-law
nure v5 suck [*nurer]
nûsiu n hat, cap
obēgelo a favored; the fourth dynasty of Cuzei, from 412
obērelo n monster [‘feared one’]
Obricurelo n a man’s name [‘asked-for one’]
Ocayami f the Meťaiun kingdom of Okiami
ôco n herd, flock [*onkou]
odelo a given
oêlo a that
ogonas m fire [back-formation from ogonî]
ogonas Obondōsiex Zone of Fire
ogonî vp burn, be on fire (only passive forms exist) [*gonek]
ōi pp apart from, away from; distant from
ōibâ v2 put aside, put away; lose [‘put apart’]
ōibardu n cousin (son of paternal uncle) [‘far brother’]
ōicopa v2 fall; (in causative) drop
ōidracê v3 poach, kidnap, entice or lure people or animals [‘cut away’]
ōidracelo n múrtany [‘enticed away’]
ōifi v4 destroy, tear down, demolish [‘do away’]
ōifias m destruction, demolition
ōilādas m stranger [‘one who goes away’]
ōiguōti v4 rescue, save [‘away-harm’]
ōiguōtias m rescue, saving, salvation
ōilēnas m edge, boundary [‘far-line’]
ōimanie a decadent, weakening [‘away from power’]
ōimecāu n 10 million [‘far thousand’]
ōimôurê v3 excrete, expel [‘push away’]
ōina av only, just
ōino a alone, apart
ōinoteyas m purification, refinement; education
ōinote v5 purify, refine; educate, cultivate [from ōino]
ōisādore f cousin (daughter of paternal uncle) [‘far sister’]
ōisile v5 extinguish (a light); kill, murder; future uses -al [‘away-light’]
ōisillâ f killing, murder
ōisīreca f spirituality, asceticism, rejection of the flesh (the material world)
ōisizi v4 steal [‘slip away’]
ōisizias m theft
ole f jewel, crystal
Olesāma f a woman’s name [‘bright jewel’]
olfas m nose [*olfs]
olue v5 hold
oluon m buttress [‘hold element’]
oluyas m holding
omanibodelo n soldier, mercenary [‘one who is paid’]
omî vp there is/exists: fa āetiē tīble omel ‘there’s a horse in the lake’
onāemu n scholarly treatise, text [‘examined’]
ondue av everywhere
onelos m nephew (sister’s son) [from onelo ‘born’]
onela f niece (sister’s daughter)
onî vp be born (only passive forms exist) [*nem]
oniu pr everything, everyone (declines as a regular noun)
orbesiu *c n sunflower
orēinelo a clean
ori v4 hear, listen [*oɣir]
oronde f width; diameter of a circle
orone a wide [*rōn]
Oromo n a man’s name [derivation unknown]
osofusas m teacher, tutor
osofuselo n student; apprentice
osolcê v4 have sex with a man (cf. solci)
oti- -able [from passive of ties ‘can’]
oticreyê a edible
otidracê a cuttable, divisible
otilerê a visible
otivissê a knowable
otorê a audible
oxêselo a far
oxêsias m distance
oxos n gold [*ox]
oxucācelo n slave [‘abased’]
pâdê # fifty
pâtu # five [*pantu]
pâtuge a fifth
pāurâ v2 pursue, track [*pawɣam]
pāuriu n flaid
pāuza f flea [*pawsa]
pelê v1 squeeze [*pelek]
pêtâ v2 sing [*pentam]
Petinūmē f a woman’s name [‘sing to God’]
pêttâ f song
pīdore m father; (in pl.) parents [*pīdor]
pîgê v1 may, might [related to pinco]
pinco a few, several
pisi v4 write
pīsi *t v4 drink [*pītir]
pisias m writing
pissâ f letter
pitue a weak, feeble [*pitwes]
pitudīras m sickness
pitude a sick, ill [from ‘weak’]
po sub that (relativizer)
polos m floor [*pols]
pomas m man, male [*pons]
pomas narrûex King’s Man (soldier attached to Council)
pomas sonurdex armed man (in an aure)
pomāuas m virility, masculinity, manliness
Pomicūnas m a man’s name [‘manly deed’]
pomillê a manly, virile
pomioro a masculine, male; baritone
poronte f marble [‘of Poron’, a town where it was mined]
pose *t a deep [*potes]
poûdâ v2 seem, appear
poûdāu n seeming, appearance
X[-gen] poûdāu mê to look like X
poulu n skin; surface, exterior
pôtāu n hit, blow
pôti v4 hit [imitative]
pūdre a solid [*pūde]
pungillê a foolish
pungilo n fool
pûtas m stomach, belly [*puts]
pûticiu n pregnant woman [‘has a belly’]
rabro n goat [*ɣaprou]
rāci f thigh [*rakni]
radas m buttocks, ass [*ɣads]
radē pr who, what (pl.)
rāe pr who, what (sing.) [*ɣayu]
rāma f frog [*rāma]
rāsi *t f pot [*ɣāti]
rāutillê a principal, leading (e.g. families); royal [‘like Rāuto’]
Rāuto m the first child of Árrasos and Denūra
rāvas m justice, fairness [*rāfs]
rāvibodê a just, fair
rebancāu n (literary) plot
rebancīras m reason, justification
rebanco av why; how (invar.)
rēda av when [*ɣēda]
redê v5 believe, claim [K]
reddâ f belief, claim
rēdue av where
rēi v4 run, flow; (athetics) race, compete [*reyir]
rēica f running, flow; race, competition
rēini v4 clean
rēme m saint, wise man
rēmo a saintly [*ɣrem]
Rēmobēu n a man’s name [‘holy peace’]
rēne v3 count [*rewmem]
rēneca f count, counting
Rēneca sōniē Count of Years
rêsê v3 finish, stop [*ɣeksem]
rêsāu n end
rêste a last, final, ultimate [‘endish’]
rete a which [*ɣet]
retê v3 give birth; raise, rear [*ɣetwem]
retēyas m giving of birth; raising of children
rēva f backbone [*ɣrēba]
revere f ashes [*ɣefer]
rêxiu n wall
ricōre f fat
ricōrimurga f soapstone
rīda f wife [*ɣīra]
rīdadi in-law (through wife)
rīdeciu n husband [‘has a wife’]
rīdeciutu in-law (through husband)
ridi v4 smile, laugh [*ridir]
ridiboe a comic, amusing, funny
ridiboede f comic work, comedy
ridicolê a jovial, merry, mirthful [‘laughter-loving’]
Ridilenda f a woman’s name [‘laughing maiden’]
rire a open (not closed) [*riɣes]
rilima f mountain range, sierra [*ɣilema]
rimidê f emerald [Elkarîl rîmiddên]
Rimidête f the planet Imiri [‘emerald one’]
ripâ v2 boil (intransitive) [*ɣipam]
risi f reed; pen (first pens were made of reeds) [*ɣiksis]
risonda f drawing (art or exemplar)
risoni v4 draw
rîtas m kidney [*ɣrits]
rīxa * v2 look at, observe [*rīxam]
rīxxâ f object of attention; subject, theme
rizas m grain [*ris]
roccâ f epic [‘something told’]
rōcias m telling; story
rōci v4 tell (a story), relate
rogas m horn [*rogs]
rômbi v4 ring, resonate [imitative]
rômbisiu n drum
rômbite a resonant
rōmo a sad
rōmoboe a tragic, pathetic
rōmoboede f tragic work, tragedy
rōpas m fruit [*ɣolps]
rōusi v4 falter, fail
rōusias m faltering, failure
rōvas m head; chief [*ɣōbs]
rōvole f tiara, crown; the name of a star, V. Meme [‘head-jewel’]
ruidâ v2 bless [‘give good’]
ruiddâ f blessing
rūlerê v3 hope, be optimistic [rût- + lerê ‘see good’]
rūlerias m hope, optimism
rūleribodê a hopeful, optimistic
rūma f reckoning; arithmetic [*rewmem]
rusê v1 cause; force [*ɣrukek]
rūtas * m ice [*rūts]
rûte a good [PE *ɣorū + -te]
Rûtexūnas m the last dynasty of Cuzei, 967-1024 [‘good land’]
ruyise *t a red [*rugetes]
ruitas m fox [from ‘red’]
pp between
sāca f pine tree [*sakna]
sāclore m penis [‘between the legs’]
sādore f sister [*sādor]
sāemissas m ambassador [‘between-speaker’]
sālāda v2 trade, sell [‘go between’; i.e. travel, trading along the way]
sālāddâ f sale
sālādeca f trading
salese *t v5 jump, hop [*saleter]
sambas m2 any bright shiny substance [‘bright’ + -das]
same a bright
Samīrex m name of an epic hero
samīras m brightness
sānias m wait, expectation
sāni v4 wait, expect
sāoro a past [sā ‘was’]
Sarēina f a woman’s name
sārine m2 east [*sāren]
sārini a eastern
sārinigo n Caďinorian
sāsi *c v4 seize, grasp (physically or mentally) [*sākir]
sāto cj or [‘between-and’]
sāule m salt [*sāwil]
sāulo a salty
Sauōros m a man’s name
Scóndoro n the main river of Sarnáe [Munkhâshi Shkónodo ‘earth magic’]
sēci a narrow; sharp, acute [*teknis]
sêdê # sixty
sēi pr I (f.)
sēila f rib; (in pl.) side, flank [*teyla]
selirê v1 roll [*selirek]
selirda f scroll, book
sēo pr I (m.) [*sewo]
sêori f octopus [Meť. ťeuri]
sêre v5 stand [K *tenɣer]
sêresiu n stirrup [‘thing for standing’]
seri a every, all [*kseɣi]
serida av always; continually, constantly
seridoro a constant, continual, invariable
sêrrâ f period, shift, time [‘a standing’]
sêrrāuas m epoch, era
sêrrāuas roccaē the age of epics
sêrrāuas ūdite the early kingdom (from -250)
sêrrāuas zîte the golden age (of Cuzei, from 104)
sêrrāuas rûte the silver age (from 440)
sêrrāuas ōimanie the decadent age (from 601)
sêrrāuas exlûriex the age of perversity (814-1024)
sêrrāuas apērex the end times
sierrīllâ f moment, instant [dim. of ‘time’]
sêta # six [*swetsa]
sêtege a sixth
sêtecloros m insect [‘six-leg’]
setāuas m week (The Cuzeian week was six days long)
setos m point, spot [*tets]
sēxo n trunk, chest [*tēxo]
sībiu n emotion, passion (s.gen sibiex; other s. forms have root sibu-) [*tībri]
sicas m willow [*siks]
sicātu n hundred [*sikātu]
sicātuge a hundredth
sīcicolê m drinker, drunkard
sīcondas m sea-foam
sidi a thirsty [*sidis]
sidua f snake [K]
sifa f sand [Meťaiun]
sīe f sea, ocean [*sīwai]
sīipomas m merman (non-sentient manlike race) [‘sea-man’]
sile v5 radiate, shine (as of sun, gods) [*siler]
sillâ f light
Siloi f the Isiza river
sīma f dinner [*tīnama]
silmâ f lightning
silmê v flash with lightning [‘shine-have’]
sindas m2 city, town
sindigo n townsman, bourgeois
sinore f mother-in-law [*sinor]
sīra f body; flesh; corpse [*kīra]
sisi v4 whisper [imitative]
siste a quick, fast
Sistenamo n Guardian of Naunai [‘fast lord’]
Sistenari f the moon Naunai [‘fast moon’]
Sisticiu n the planet Vereon [‘having speed’]
sistīras m speed, quickness
sīxe * f grape [*sīxe]
sīxego n wine
sīxisiu n wine cup, wineglass
siyise f daisy
sizi v4 slip [*kisir]
so pp in support of, for; for the purpose of
socadi v4 rule on behalf of another [‘give orders for’]
socuole m hawk, falcon [K]
sodâ v2 bequeath (recipient in dat.) [‘give for’]
soddâ f bequest, inheritance
sodeyas m lineage; race, nationality: one of the primary divisions of iliū, elcari or men, e.g the Cuzeians; (in pl.) history [from ‘bequeath’]
sodīllas m clan [‘little lineage’]
sofi v4 behave, act [‘do for’]
sofusê v3 perfect; teach (in passive, learn) [fuse ‘complete’]
sofuseca f perfection; teaching
sofuste a perfect
solceca f (act of) sex, sexual intercourse
solci v4 have sex with a woman (osolcê, with a man) [*soklir]
solcite a sexual
sōle a true; correct, right [*sōl]
solēsias m truth
solēsicolê a truthful, honest
Solēsio n a man’s name
somâ v2 dream [*sonam]
sommâ m dream
sōnas m year [*sōns]
X sōni mê to be X years old
Sonordas n capital of Sūās [northern dialect for sonurdas; i.e. the provision of Iáinos]
sonure v5 provide
sonurdas m2 weapon; provision (generally used in plural in either sense)
sôsas m soil, ground [*sons]
Sosillânu n an Imperial dynasty, from 814 [‘for the light’]
Soxāeco n Škagon, evil Power created by Amnās
suale m sky [*kiwal]
Sualilenda f the planet Vlerëi [‘sky-maiden’]
sualixue f sun; day [‘sky-eye’]
Sūās m2 Sūās, northern Cuzei
subēyas m rejection, hatred, curse
subēyi * v4 reject, hate; curse [‘throw repeatedly’]
sûdunas m reaction, response
sûduni v4 react, respond [‘move again’]
suecas m wasp [*sweks]
sûfi v4 continue, last; (esp. in perfective) resume [‘do again’]
sûfite a sustained, continuing
sūelo a of Sūās
guiscue lacatosūelo Nasuael swamp
sulāda v2 return
sulādeca f return
sumēri v4 study [‘read’ + repetitive]
sûmissê v1 reply, respond; answer [‘say again’]
sûmizos m reply, response; answer
suna av again
sûnāuxê v3 wait for, await; lack; need [‘repeatedly stretch’]
sûnāuxias m waiting; lack, need, necessity
sunutāne v3 come back, return [‘come again’]
sunōibâ v2 repent, renounce [‘put aside again’]
sūri a late [*sūris]
surīxa * v2 look back; regret
surīxxâ f a look back; regret
sūro n owl [the name derives from its nocturnal habits]
sûsêre v5 reside, live (somewhere) [‘stand repeatedly’]
tāi pr she, it
taige v5 live (be alive)
taiggâ f life
taiggellê a lifelike
Taileluē f third daughter of Iriam and Aläna
talo a thin
talias m thinness; the waist
talāuas m orange [Meť. talaw]
tasa f cedar [*tsasa]
tâsi v4 pull
tâsimurga f magnet [‘pull-stone’]
tāu pr he, it [*taw]
tāuca * f spot [*tawka]
Taucrēs m the Serea [from Meťaiun Tama Ukares, from Tama the Meť. name of the river + a subordinating form of Ukara, its chief city]
tāvas m ash (tree) [*tsāfs]
tazū pr we (exclusive or general) [*tāsu]
Tefalē Doro f name of a small mountain aure [variant of ‘Tevarē hollow’]
têllê a fair, lovely
Têllênamiēi n the Guardian of Iliažë [‘fair lady’]
Têllênari f the moon Iliacáš [‘fair moon’]
teras m miracle
terate a miraculous
tēre v5 tend (a flock); stand watch; guide [*tsērer]
Tēronelē f a woman’s name [‘miracle born’]
Tēronelo n a man’s name [‘miracle born’]
Tevarē f Teivarei, a Meťaiun kingdom, later a Cuzeian duchy
tīble m horse (irregular s.acc. tībal; and s. dat. etc. tīblanu) [*tīpal]
Tīblixūnas m in legend, the grasslands, full of horses, where the Cuzeians lived before invading the Plain [‘horse-land’]
tici a little, small [*twixis]
ties v can, be able to (conj. like esc)
tiēzeto a possible, doable
tiru n pin, dart
tisāti f spray
-to and (clitic)
tolê v3 support, bear
ton cj and (independent word) [*toɣne]
topas m mole (animal) [*tops]
tôsê v3 be enough, suffice [*toksem]
totas m that one [*tots]
tōura v2 pour, flow [*towram]
tōuresambas m2 mercury [‘flowing bright stuff’]
tōuresiu n cup
Tōurias m a city on the Isrēica, capital of Lānavo
tozas m dew [*tos]
trîgīllo n mark, sign; letter [dim. of ‘ink’]
trîgo n soot; ink [Meť. trigno]
tunco a firm, (held) fast; sure, certain
tūpi v4 spit
tuppâ f spit, saliva
uciro n a forest vine which yields a contraceptive
ūde f dawn
ūdite a early
Ūdinamiēi f the planet Išire [‘dawn-lady’]
uelo a used up, defunct [*uwel]
ūge f nail (finger or toe) [*ugne]
uli f mirror [*ulis]
ulidas m2 steel [‘mirror material’]
ulivê v2 reflect, mirror
uliveyas m reflection
Ulōnē f Ulone (Divine response)
urāci f spider [*urākni]
urezos m bear [*ures]
Urisāma f a daughter of Iriam and Aläna; wife of Évetel
usāle v3 breathe [*ksālem]
usālias m breath; air
usayi * f vagina, vulva [*ksagi]
usēge f pheasant [*ksegne]
useya f neck [*kseya]
usolu n darkness [*ksorū]
usolucolê a heretical, unorthodox; perverse, benighted
usolute a dark
usūta * f pig [*ksūta]
utānar m door [‘place for coming in’]
utāne v3 come [*ktānem]
utâtos m garden, plot [*ktats]
utavio n alphabet [utānar + vionnas, the first and last letters]
utodas m anger, wrath [*ktods]
utodate a angry
utovas m roof [*ktofs]
utūcas m sling [proto-Central-Karazi *ktūks]
utûto a bad [*ktult]
uvere f dress, cloak; by extension, article of clothing [*benɣe]
uverê fi get dressed
uverê xuêsi get undressed
uvericolê a crazy about clothes
uza f louse [*wusa]
vāene f seed
vexeyas m clarity; obviousness
vexeyco of course, obviously
vexi a clear, transparent; obvious, uncomplicated
vionnas m lyre
vissanavas m knowledge, learning
vissê v1 know
visseca f enlightenment; knowledge as a process (a religious term)
vissicolê a curious, wondering
vissivê v1 recognize, take note of; celebrate
vissiveyas m recognition; celebration
voras m flame
vûne v3 allot, distribute [*bwunem]
vûnnâ f allotment, share; part, piece, portion
vûnnâlu in pieces
vûnte a divided, piecemeal, in parts
xariu n luck [Méť. ɣarigo— borrowed late enough that the ɣ didn’t become r ]
xariullê a lucky
xaviu n wild boar
xāede # seventy
xāeps # seven [*xayps]
xāebege a seventh
xaeta n bran, rind [Meť. ɣaita]
xēcu n kind, type [*xēkū]
xēcu X-gen a kind of X
xēcū lanetēi the four Thinking Species
xēcuvissê v1 test, try; prove, demonstrate (imperfective indicates a test rather than a proof) [‘know the type (of)’]
xēcuvisseca f trial; proof, demonstration
xêtê v3 raid, pillage
xêtiu n raid, pillaging
xeunnâ f cloth, fabric [nom. of ‘weave’]
xeunīllâ f toga, wrapped robe [‘little cloth’]
xeundas m strip of fabric; scarf or shawl
xeunê v1 weave [Meť. ɣeuno]
xice f sum, amount (usually used in plural)
Ximāuro n a man’s name
xive f claw
xiviciu n hickory nut [‘with claw’]
xivvê v1 scratch, claw [‘use claw’]
Xlainamo n the Guardian of Iliažë [‘shining lord’]
Xlainari f the moon Iliažë [‘shining moon’]
xlayê v1 shine (as of moon, stars), glow [*glayek]
xogue f barley [*xogre]
xōliu n thunder [imitative]
xōlioro a thundering; roaring, raging
xosê *t v1 want, wish
xosebodê a envious, covetous
xosêyas m desire; will (facility of mind)
xôtas m bone [*xots]
xotāu n a desire or wish (at a particular time)
xôtidorde f socket for a bone [‘bone-hollow’]
xôtillas m tooth [‘little bone’]
xôtilliciu n locust (tree) [‘having teeth’]
xrāte a courageous, valorous
xravas m courage, valor [K *xrabs]
xrêtimo n dragon
xrîso n root (incl. grammatical root) [K *xrinso]
xu pp under, beneath; (time) during, for [*xupe]
xuâca f hip [*ɣwanka]
xudas m hole, burrow; ant-hill [*ɣuds]
xudêrias m subcreation (theological term for human creation as a response to and an imitation of the divine dêrias; in more common use, imitative or derivative creation— not seen as a bad thing in Cuzeian eyes)
xue f eye [*ɣwe]
xuecos * m tail [*ɣwex]
xuêsi v4 remove (passive root oxês-) [*ɣweksir]
xuêsicranas m apology, defense [‘remove-guilt’]
xuevas m snot, mucus
xuevi (pl.) cold, flu
xūnas m land [*xūns]
xuōma f shadow [proto-Karazi-Central *xworma]
xuōnas m ball, sphere [*ɣwōns]
xupêtâ v2 compose music [‘under-sing’, i.e. support the singer]
xupuê v5 vomit [*xupwek]
xuras m clay [*ɣwors]
xusodeyas m one of the major Cuzeian lineages or clans [‘under-lineage’]
xûtâ v2 dig [*ɣutsam]
xuvas m egg [*xufs]
xūvere f tunic; a light dress worn next to the skin [‘under-dress’]
xuzāu n type of freshwater fish
xuzole m donkey [K *xwusol]
intj ho! hey!
yālo n knee [*yālou]
yayê * v3 hunt [*yagem]
Yeâ f Yeâ, an einalāndaua
yēna f beak, bill [*gēna]
yeōre f river [*gēlere]
yereyas n happiness, contentment
yero a glad, content, happy
yēsas m weight, mass; size [*gēks]
yēste a heavy; difficult
yēve a righteous, right (thing to do) [*gēbes]
yēvīras m righteousness, rightness, morality
yêtu n feather [*yektū]
yêtullê a feathery
yēzos m idol [*gēs]
yilināu n length
yilindoro a lustful; base, brutish; dominated by base passions
yilindu n the intestines or bowels [nom. of yilini: ‘the long things’]
yilini a long [*gelinis]
yilinū sausages, salami
yina f young girl [*gina]
yine m young boy [by analogy; cf. *giws]
yinos m family, dynasty [*gens]
yoddê # eighty
yoreta f blue prairie flower [*yorta]
yosi # eight [*yoki]
yosige a eighth
yuli f path, trail [*yuli]
yusiu n worm, larva
yuva f crest; plume (signifying leadership in battle) [K *yuba]
yuvanavas m leadership; generalship, the art of war
yuviciu n prince, duke (ruler below a narrûos)
yuvoro a military
zaloro a future [from ‘will be’]
zamêrê v3 pretend, act
zamêreca f acting; role
zeili a lively
Zeilisio n a man’s name
zeroro a past anterior [from ‘had been’]
zicuê v3 mock, tease; annoy
ziddâ f trouble(s), bother, annoyance
zīde v3 trouble, bother
zīdicolê a bothersome, awful, inconvenient
ziene a fertile
Zienē f a woman’s name
zienīras m fertility
zimbi a Ažimbean
zîte a great, superior [*asītses]
zîtenarrûos m emperor (a king over multiple sodeyi) [‘great king’]
zîteyas m greatness; prime of life
zobê f sorcery, magic
zobilo n sorceror, magician

© 2003, 2014 by Mark Rosenfelder
Virtual Verduria