Posted by Gustavo Pereira on 14:28 9/16/01
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Âdhi eshtûn ku mî!
Mark fetrâ chî fâ buepezmê shkrivê Barakhinei meliê, ak sâ echilê shkrivêâtô ma! Fisnava il Barakhinei meli sîk ê du, ak loki eri sîk sôn mehmê.
Sâ rizundu âl foela a bolhê didh shklel. Dichi tôt epê chî dânî Barakhinei meli sân rizundu irêchu sup zônî 3300 ma. Kadhin meli ê hakni ko Barakhinei meli.
Mukh sîk laodu rhedêâlu, ak ê melhu meli shkrivê Barakhinei meli ma! E lê, Mark, kêt etfetê shkê?
Subra dêna!
Gustava Gersono
May the gods be with you!
Mark had said that it was impossible to learn Barakhinei, but I am trying to learn it! Its grammar isn't hard, although its irregular words are.
I wrote this message in too much time. Maybe because of that documents in Barakhinei only started to be written in the 3300s. Cadhinor, although classical, is much more simple!
You won't believe this, but it's very good to learn Barakhinei! And you, Mark, what do you say about this?? :)
Gustavo Pereira
Holhur ma! Ak sû fetê ku lok "lê", e sî "anu" shkebûr? Laodê rênfetê ku belâk klât!
I'm still amazed to see other people writing Verdurian; Barakhinei is quite astonishing. Of course, if you folks would all learn the same language, you could talk to each other! :)
I noticed one problem... expressions like Kadhin meli are adverbials-- "in Cadhinor", literally "in the Cadhinorian way". To refer to a language as a noun phrase, you say Kadhin rhu "Cadhinorian language" (and this one happends to have a noun of its own: Kadhinu).
--Marko Karoloro