Posted by Philip Newton on 15:27 9/14/01
In reply to: Cuteio Imanulin Nactin posted by Philip Newton on 2:46 9/13/01
(A translation into English is also available.)
Niuman debutio. Dia belgo estes epes. Musceit dia cutilei er geni cicuriae cairiae kekan volint emont. Musceit iat scustebriont. Muscedhes scustebrecoth, kensa colapremet. Er kahe cutevint buscrifont.
De dithan fauculan leiluom, dia nies an kekecoth altres khaep kekemet. Niktos budesset er psiekeda scosit avecorit olocemont.
Er sula scosos Imanulie Nactie bues. Imanulit Nactit precient dia caim colaprement NATO. Falakhit brogont cicuriae musceie, er belgo ctanemet cicurian muscein.
Ibri aeludennoth dia dhunit encairionit noctubriont im Hamburgan. Caith an noctubrae pro ioci zonnin im Harburgan, kedie sumerae, aius Elben celeren aeran, aius doman erin po caemicein sula dhinin.
Filipo Petrei Lebdaney
I really have to admire the word "encairion". I also like the use of "7" as a generic few; it's even compatible with the expression in the Verdurian folk tale-- hepe medh hepei medhei.