
Posted by Philip Newton on 9:26 9/11/01

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For those who don't know, a pangram is a sentence containing each letter of the alphabet at least once. Examples in English include The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog and Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. Here are a few more examples, and some more.

I tried to construct a pangram in Verdurian. For the sake of the exercise, I considered vowels with lenge (umlaut) to be separate characters but vowels with vuáë (accent) to be the same as the normal vowel. I also didn't consider î to be a separate letter (since it isn't usually distinguished in writing). The sentence I came up with is: So shual fsëgdá chümse ab zhöhán er rho cumotere midhä kyolei -- The horse always stinks of beer and doesn't understand a celebration of a dress. Not a very pretty sentence, perhaps, but it contains all consonants and vowels at least once (unless I forgot one). (If you count î as a separate letter, you can easily change the sentence to Soî shualî fsëgdá chümsu ab zhöhán er rho cumoteru midhä kyolei to include it.)

Can someone make a nicer sentence, and/or one using fewer total letters? Or perhaps one that also includes each vowel in the three forms basic (a e i o u), accented (á é í ó ú), and umlauted or circumflexed (ä ë î ö ü)?

If you're interested, the distribution of letters in "Subrel er Aksubrel" is as follows, from most common to least common: e a n i o r s u l m t c d sh p ë y k z v zh b f rh î g dh ä h ü ö ch (or, counting the accented vowels separately, e a n i o r s u l m t c d sh p ë y k z v zh b á f rh î g dh ä h ü ó ö é í ch ú).

Also, can someone construct a palindrome in Verdurian -- that is, a sentence which reads the same way forwards and backwards? An extremely simple one is simply epe - He is able to (or, even simpler, e - He is).

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