Virtual Verduria

Axunašin Lexicon

The gender (m/f/n) is given for all nouns, which almost always determines the correct declension. An (r) in parentheses indicates that the noun follows the pattern of emou (gen. emouriš); if another consonant appears, it replaces the final consonant of the root in oblique forms; e.g. šuz (m) >> gen. šumiš. If more than this is needed, the entire genitive is given, or enough of it to make the form clear.

The gloss refers to the Axunašin meaning. For Xurnáš and Teôši meanings and grammatical notes, see the lexicons of those languages.

Etymologies are given in [brackets]. [*] indicates a lexical item inherited from proto-Eastern; see the proto-Eastern lexicon for the reconstructed form and meaning. W. = Wede:i; OS = Old Skourene.

See the Xurnese Names document for more geographical names. Names of provinces, rivers, gods, and a few key historical figures are entered here.

Like Latin, Axunašin continued to be written long after it died out as an everyday spoken language, and is used in some contexts even today; the vocabulary has been supplemented with modern geographic and proper names, and artistic and scientific terms. These additions have not been listed in the lexicon. Proper names are generally identical to the Xurnáš equivalent, perhaps with a classicized ending.

About 1160 words are currently listed.

Axunašin Xurnese Ṭeôši Gloss
ame am äme # one; (in anaphora) some [*]
amendači andač ämeddäš a complex, complicated
amendex andes a simple, straightforward; the simple past and present tenses [‘one way’]
amomik ammis ämömi v agree [‘think as one’]
amomudo ammudo n agreement
amun amu ämu a unitary, whole
amuri amaur ämür a unified; the same
amuriwa together, alike
Amurineli Amaurnel Ämünel n northern Čeiy [‘united land’]
ančim ayči äṭṭi v wake, wake up
ančokun ayčosu äṭṭošu a awake
Axun Asu Äku m goddess of the Xengi [W. Akśim]
Axuna (r) Asuna Äkunô m Axuna (kingdom and later province) [from Axun]
Axunai Asunai Äkuna n Ancient Axunašin empire, based in Axuna [Axuna + augmentative]
axunari asungri a Axunese, relating to Axuna
axunašin asunaši äkunäši m Axunašin language
axunez (m) asúnes äkunes m Axunemi, inhabitant of Axuna
bayli bayl v amuse oneself, have fun [Jeori balyî, from W. ba:ilu ‘remove’ (i.e remove one’s cares)]
baylus (v) m amusement, diversion
baymisax (k) baymízex bäymisäs m (light) poem [‘amusing words’]
baju baj bäš # four [*]
bajun baju a fourfold, quadruple
banotu banoc n a measurement (0.9 m) [W. baŋotu ‘half-height (of a man)’]
bantino baycino n the sixth hours of the day [W. baŋ tinno ‘six of the day’]
beč (t) beč beš m cock [*]
beide bida bidö f plate, dish [*]
beide dusiš shoulderblade, scapula
beikim bike biši v pinch; geld
beikuvi bisawe bûšübe f ox [‘gelded’]
beikuvideis (m) biswedis m oxenday, about 1.1 acres [‘oxen-day’]
beiri bir bir a original, authentic [*]
beivi bip bip a short, small [*]
beivito biayc bipto n short person, dwarf
beivivati biac bibäs v shorten, reduce; abase
beivuvi biaup a abased, humble
beji bej beḍ v throw (a spear); shoot (an arrow) [*]
belik belis beli v enlighten
beludo belaudo n enlightenment
benki beyk bentš v bless [*]
benkeč (š) béykeč m blessing
ber ber ber m cloud [*]
beriš breš beeš m arm [*]
berivati brivac v smoke
berivax (k) beríex m brotherhood, league
berivu brayp brûbi n brother [*]
berivun brayvu a brotherly, fraternal
berun beyru a cloudy
betik becis besi v strut [beč ‘cock’]
bexi bes bek v become [*]
bez (m) bes bes m road [*]
bezi bez a low [*]
bezisik bezzis bezisi v abase oneself before; pray to, supplicate [bezi]
bezisus (v) bezzuc m prayer, supplication
Besun Bezu m Behu, founder of Behusa religion
Besun mez Beuniš full form, Bezu son of Beon
bideč (š) bídeš m wine
bidi (diš) bic bis n grape
bijem bije v invade, attack (a nation or an army) [*]
bijus (v) bayjuc m invasion, attack
bike bika f fir [W. bika]
biribi brip birip v twist, spin [synaesthetic]
Bitikniz (m) Bicikes m name of the school founded by the philosopher Jugiroz (Jausiros) [W. ‘old white palace’]
biz (m) bim bi m calf, foal [*]
bobi beup a dizzy, woozy
bobušik bovaušis bobüši v faint
bodogik bodeusis v stumble; wander (without purpose)
bodogirti bodeusirc n wanderer
Bolon Bolon m Bolon province [W. Bo:lun ‘northern Bo:’; cf. Bozan]
Bolonari Bonari f the Bonari river [‘of Bolon’; the W. name was Bo:]
bondo bondu n a huge amount [W. bo:ndo ‘46656’]
borez (m) bóres bores m islander
bori beor bör f island [W. bori]
borme borma boome f mountain [*bawrma, metathesis of *bāruma]
bormeï bormai n mountain range (e.g. Dikun Bormai)
bormez (m) bormes m mountaineer, mountain-dweller
boroti v rub
Bosan Bozan m Bozan province [W. Bo:saŋ ‘southern Bo:’; cf. Bolon]
botino n the first hours of the day [W. bo tinno ‘one of the day’]
boume buma bumö f cow [*]
bóumedouz (m) bundus m barn [‘cow-house’]
bouz (m) bus m bull
boyok m sum (of money), price; sum [W.]
boyoki boyeus v count, reckon
briviku briays n male cousin [dim. of ‘brother’]
bumeč (š) búmeč m part [*bwunem ‘distribute’]
bux bux bus m mouth [*]
bugi baus v say, tell, speak
bugus (v) busuc m telling, talk
buguvimi (misiš) busaum m (serious) poem [‘said word’]
buka(r) buka a Bucair (a Karazi barbarian people)
bur bur a solid
burun boru a true
burunis (r) braunic m truth
burundeč (š) brúndeč m promise
burundem brunde burudde v promise [‘give truth’; i.e. swear by one’s integrity]
burunmeli brumel a truthful, honest
čalka čawke m table [W. źalka]
čas (m/b) čam m ash (tree) (acc. čam, pl. cabi) [*]
čeba (r) čeva ṭeô m falcon, hawk; name of an emperor [W. źeba]
Čebevi Čeiy Ṭeô a Čeiyu, relating to Čeiy [ emperor Čeba + -evi]
roz Čebevi Čeiy
čečensem čečinse v send for, order (items) [intensive of ‘send’]
Čedemu Čedim Ṭedôm n an Ezičimi warlord; conqueror of the Xengi valley [‘Čez epoch’]
čeijan čijan n hive; wax [W. źaijiyaŋ]
čeiri čir ṭir v cook, prepare [*]
čeirirti čirirc n cook, chef
čeirudo čirudo n cooking
čejim čeji v bring [*]
čenke čeyke ṭekke f sword
čenkim čeyki v strike, attack (a person), assault [*]
čenkus (v) čeykuc m attack, assault
čenkirti čeykirc ṭenṭšiš n soldier, infantryman
čensagu čensas n a Wede:i chief or foreman [W. źensagu ‘leader’]
čensem čeyse ṭentse v send [W. źensa]
Četazi Četas Ṭetäs n Četas, an emperor; a city in Čeiy [‘Čez lightning’]
Čez (m) Čes m the most powerful of the Ezičimi clans
čeze čezi f cedar [*]
čiaš čaš ṭaš m enemy [*]
činčiem čiyče v thrive, prosper [W. źinźi:u ‘grow rapidly’]
čousik čuzis ṭüsi v break, collapse [imitative]
čujikim čaujisi ṭüḍiši v caress [dim. of ‘touch’]
čujikou čaujiku n caress
čujim čauji ṭüḍi v touch [*]
Čurou Čoru Ṭuru n Tžuro (people)
dam dam a flat, smooth [*]
damoyo dmoyo av really, especially [‘smoothly’]
damus (v) damuc m board, plank [‘flat thing’]
data m Wede:i in-law— parent of a Ezičimi wife taken from the Wede:i [W. ‘father’]
datadou datadu n bride-price [‘in-law gift’]
dax dax däs m compound, mansion, palace
daxum dasu a rich, refined [OS ḍeaksum ‘it is refined’]
dai (da-) da a big
dais (r) daic m bigness
daz (m) das m wool [*]
deimun dimu a daily
Deijubori Jecuor f Jecuor island [W. ‘De:iju island’]
deijun dûḍu a one of the primitive Wede:i of preconquest Čeiy [W. De:iju ‘eastern people’]
deiz (m) dis dis m day [*]
dem de v give [*]
demu (r) deym m time (a moment or period of time)
demujidim denjidze demiḍizi v wait, await [‘bear a time’]
demuri dmaur dômür v continue, last [*]
demuro dmuro pp during, for (a period of time)
demurun dmuru m length, extent (in time)
der der der m door [*]
dex deš des # ten [*]
dexun deysu a tenfold, dectuple
dexuri deysaur dôkür a tenth
dič (d) dzeš m heir [* ‘baby’]
dime dzi zime # three [*]
dimi dzim zim a third [*]
dimun dzaymu a threefold, triple
dindex dzindex ziddes # thirty
diwi dziw ziw f rank, status, position [*]
Doju Doju n Doju river and province [W. ‘east wind’]
dor dor a hard [*]
dou du zu n gift
douga duga dugô m whale [W. douka]
doumun dumu a domestic, familial
douče duče f skin; hide, fur
douz (m) dus dus m house, family compound [*]
douzi duz düs n (legal) court; the court system [‘big house’]
douziun duzyu a legal, judicial
dowo do av none, not [W. dowo]
dowogu duox dooš pr nobody [W. dowogu]
doworavem dworae v disappear, vanish [‘go (to) nothing’]
doworavou dworau n disappearance, vanishing
dowoyo duoyo dooyo pr never, nowhere
dul dzu zu pp between, among, out of
duli dzuw a hollow [*]
dulis (m) dzaul zül m genitals, sex organ [nom. of ‘between’]
dus dzuc m back [*]
dusdem dzudze v trust [‘give the back’]
duso dzus pp in back of, after
dusobugi dzuzovaus v recite, perform [‘say afterward’]
dusobugus (v) m recital, performance
dusočik dzuzočis zusöṭi v follow; obey [verbalization of ‘after’]
dusočus (v) dzučuc m rite, ritual [‘a following’]
dusočuvax (k) dzučúex m book of rituals (esp. that used in Axunai)
dusočuvakei dzučuaki zusoṭäki a orthodox [‘from the book of rituals’]
dusočuvakudo zusoṭäšudo n (Mešaic) orthodoxy
dúsodeiz (m) dzudis pr tomorrow (use in nominative or accusative case when it serves as a subject or object, or is itself modified; for a simple time adverbial, use in the locative case: dusodeimo.) [‘after-day’]
dusokueč (š) m ritual dance of the fathers at a wedding
dusun dzuzu a following, subsequent
dusunoyo afterward, next, then
duxi dzaus v teach, instruct, tutor
duxirti dzausirc n teacher, instructor
duxudo dzusudo n instruction, teaching
duxus (v) dzusuc zukus m lesson
duzu n servant [W. duzul ‘slave’]
ebeime evima ebime f oats [*]
eče eči eṭe m summer [*]
edelmi (r) edum edumir m fool, idiot
edelmirun a foolish, idiotic
eidemu idzum av now, at this time; today
eidi ic is f lake [*]
eige ige ige f thorn [*]
eiguri isaur a sharp
eiguris (m) isauric m something sharp; feature, strong point
eimi im im a first [*]
eimireilem mirile imirile v meet, encounter [‘first see’]
eimiruwik mayrues emûrüi v prefer [‘first want’]
eimiruwou mayrou n preference
eimiše imiše v begin, start [‘first do’]
eimuri imaur a primary, chief
einari inar av here
ejizem ejize v stick, poke
ekeiz (m) ekis ekis m maple [*]
elik elis eli v live, exist (focus on biological life; cf. komi) [*]
elis (v) elic m life, existence
eluri eliri a alive, living
emou (r) emu emu m old man [*]
Emouriz Emuris Emüris m a Mešaic god; the planet Imiri [‘old man bear’]
emourudo murudo n wisdom
emourun muru emuru a wise [‘old-man-like’]
empoji empeuš empöš v allow, let, permit [en- ‘to’ + moji ‘can’]
empojudo empojudo n permission
en e pp to, toward
endax (k) éndex m custom, tradition, precedent [‘way collection’]
ende ende edde f path, way [‘towardness’]
ji ende how?
endebugi endevaus v point the way; advise [‘tell way’]
enke eyka pp for, for the purpose of, in order to, in return for
enkejim eykeji v provide, nourish [‘in order to eat’]
enkejudo eykejaudo n provision, nourishment
enkeravem eykraem ekkeräbe v intend, aim [‘go for’]
enkeravudo eykraudo n intent, purpose; meaning
enkeravun eykraun a purposeful, meaningful
enkeravunači eykraunač a pointless, meaningless
enšega eyšega entšegô m sail [OS nşega]
eriz (w) eris m tree [*]
esi ez a all, every
esidemu ezdeym esidôm av always [‘every day’]
esinari eznar esinär av everywhere
pp against [*]
ešen eši pp back to, returning to [ + en]
ešendem ešinde ešedde v return, give back; curve back; counter [‘back-give’]
ešendus (v) ešindzuc ešenzus m bow (weapon); (anat.) iliac crest [‘curved thing’]
ešenše ešinse ešentse v react, reply [‘do back’]
ešenšeč (š) ešínseč m reaction, reply
ešoyo šoyo av however [‘against-like’]
evo (r) eo a blue [*]
Evonanu Evan n Evan, one of the Mešaic gods; the lake associated with him [‘blue god’; partial translation of W. Tokna:n]
ewez (m) wes m a person of the third sex; ‘gay’, ‘butch’ [‘middle-person’]
ewimo (r) a of the third sex
ewil eyu m middle [*]
ewil a central, middle
ewildeiz (m) eudis m noon [‘mid-day’]
ewis (r) wec m world [*]
ewu (r) ew m grandfather; father-in-law [*]
ewudou egaudo n dowry [‘father-in-law gift’]
ewume euma ömea f grandmother
ezer ezir # thousand [W. eze:r ‘1276’; in very early contexts ezer has this meaning in Axunašin as well]
eziči ezič a great, powerful [*]
ezičiz (m) ezíčis eziṭis m the early Axunaic people
ezičou eziču eziṭu n greatness
gas (m/b) gam m elm [*]
gaš gaš m salamander [*]
geč (d) geč geš m metal [*]
gedigume gedzaysu m elcar [‘metal-man’]
gedun gedzu a metallic
geiji gij n beam, column [W. gaiji]
geili gil gili f stream [*]
geilušik gilaušis gûlüši v cross; ford
geilu gilum gûlu n wheat [*]
geime gima f beak [*]
géiveme geyma f noblewoman, lady
geivez (m) gies m noble, lord
geivari giar a noble, lordly [*]
geivarudo giarudo n nobility
geix gix gis m weight
geixun gisu a heavy
gelmi geun a straight [*]
gelmivati gewmiac gômibäs v straighten
gemem gemi v initiate, accept
genji geji geḍḍ v relate, narrate
genjuvi gejaup f relation, narrative
gerači gerač a insane, mad [‘no-mind’]
geračudo geračudo n insanity, madness
geriči grič v grab, grasp
gerijili grijil v upset (someone), disturb [‘mix mind’]
gerisagi gerizas v understand [‘hold in mind’]
gerisagudo gerizasudo n understanding
ges (geriš) gec ges m mind [*]
gexi ges gek v pretend, imagine [*]
gexou gesu n imagination, pretense
gez ges m goose [*]
gi (giwiš) xiu ži m boy [*]
gime xima žime f girl [*]
giyura xayora f cube, block [OS giurra]
giwez (m) m a young ewez (mid-sexual) [gi- + ewez]
gojisem geujize v feed [W. go:źisa ‘make to eat’]
gókime goma f barrel, canister [W. ŋokma ‘large jar’]
gonas (b) gonap gonäp m thief
gonavi gonay v steal
gonavus (m) gonauc m theft, loss
gonavudo gonaudo n thievery, burglary
gopim geupi göpi v beat (sound) [imitative]
gopus (v) gópuc m beat
goro goro goro n temple
goreš deiz holy day, festival
goreš kejidemu ceremonial feast
tek goro jeimi itinerant priest
Gotanneli Gotanel Gotännel n Gotanel province [W. ‘far Tanel’]
gourten gurcu a south, southern [‘seaward’]
gourtor gurcu a north, northern [‘away from the sea’]
gourtu gurc guš n sea [W. go:rtu]
gourtun a marine, of the sea
gudu xudzum žuzu m rat [*]
guetu xueyc n duck
gule xule žule f wood
gulun xulu a wooden
gume xuma žume m man (excludes ewemi) [W. gu:me]
gumun a male, masculine
gumuri xumaur a human (as substantive, f.)
gupik xaupis v bark (of dogs) [imitative]
gušik xaušis žüši v respect, honor [W. guśu]
gušou xušu n respect, honor
imi (r) im im m prince
Inbamu (r) Imbam Ibbäm m a Mešaic god [*]
ir ir a my [*]
ituri aycaur v read [W. ituri]
iturus (v) ?? m lecture
ituruvax (k) ?? m conference, series of lectures
iturudo ?? n reading
izem ize v be [*]
izudo izaudo n existence
jadi jadze ḍäze f pot, bowl [*]
jadivati jadziac ḍäzibäs v form, shape (a pot)
jadivez (m) jadzíes m potter
jalan jaun ḍälä m wave [W. jalan]
jamu jam ḍäm n thing, matter
japou japum ḍäpu n goat [*]
jatem jate v measure, compare [W. ja:tu]
jaz (d) jad ḍät m buttocks [*]
je ja ḍô f wheel [W. źe:]
jei ji pr who [*]
jeim jin- m priest [*]
jeimuri a priestly, clerical
jeiwe jiwe f spine [*]
Jeiwor Jeor Ḍior m Jeor (ancient kingdom; modern province) [W. Jeiwor ‘west Jei’, Jei being the W. name for the Ideis river]
jeiwuri jigaur a spiny
jen jen ḍe m forest, woods [W.]
jenevi jeniy ḍenep f woodsman, forester
Jenweliz Jewelis Ḍenwelis m a Mešaic goddess; the planet Hírumor [‘old one of the forest]
jerex jérix a merry, glad
jerik jeris a make merry, carouse, have fun; mock
jeti jec v laugh [W. źe:ti]
jexim jese v kill [*]
jexus (v) jeysuc m killing
ji- pr which one [*]
jibeï jivi ḍibei v walk
jibem jive ḍibe v boil [*]
jibeou jivú n walk
jič ješ ḍiš m kidney [*]
jideili jidil cj as a result, because of this [‘and it bore’]
jidemu jideym pr when (interrogative pronoun)
jidim jidze v bear; tolerate [*]
jili jil v stir, mix [W. źili]
jilme jima ḍûme f hill [*]
jilmun a hilly
jinari jinar pr where (interrogative pronoun)
jinarudo jindrudo n contingency, point of view [‘where-ness’]
jire jira ḍire f wife [*]
jirowen m water clock [W.]
jirun f wifely, of the household
jišeigu ješis n sex, gender (male, female, or ewimo) [‘which type’]
jiti jic av question particle [ji ‘which’ + ti ‘this’]
jitu av negative question particle [ji ‘which’ + tu ‘that’]
jixi jis a weak [*]
jixiki jisis a thin
jiximeli jisimel a weak, easily dominated or frustrated
jixito jisayc n weakling, wimp
jokonsiz (m) m bireme, galley [OS ḍokkonşim]
jolas (joupiš) jolac ḍoläs m fruit [*]
jous (v) juc ḍus m blood [*]
jouve jue ḍube f war [related to ‘blood’]
jouvimeli juemel a warlike, bellicose
jouvišik juešis v spill blood to welcome a baby or an ally
jouvišus (v) m bloodletting
jouvito juayc n copper [nom. of ‘blood’]
jouz (v) juc m head [*]
jouguris (k) jusauris m rutabaga [‘head root’]
jučem juče ḍuṭe v plant [*]
jugik jausis v dominate, master [*]
jugirti jausirc n master; nominative case
Jugimex Jausimex m a god, son of Inbamu and Nejimexi [‘master of domination’]
Jugiroz (d) Jausiros Ḍüžiros m name of a philosopher [‘master of the land’]
jugudo jusudo n domination, mastery
juguvi jusaup a subject (of an action); imbalanced (medically); accusative case [‘mastered’]
juguvači jusuač a balanced (medically), sane
jun jun ḍu m bug, insect [W. źuŋ]
juru n goodness, pleasure (archaic) [*]
jurumi (misiš) joraumis m advice, counsel [‘good word’]
jurumii joraumi n baths, hot springs [‘good water’]
jurumik joraumis ḍurümi v advise, counsel
jurumirtax (k) jorumíex n council
jurumirti joraumirc ḍurümiš n councillor, advisor
juruš još a good [‘of goodness’]
juxou jusu ḍuku n spear, pike
juxirti n spearman, pikeman
juz (d) jud ḍut m hole [*]
kago kasum käžu n basket [W. kago]
kakou kaku n heel [*]
Kalei Kali Käli f the Kali river in Bolon [W. Kalye ‘good river’]
kalik kalis käli v please [W. kal ‘good’]
šoban id kali the oatmeal pleases me, I like the oatmeal
kaluvuri kalaur a grateful [from kaluvi ‘pleased’]
kaluvurudo kalorudo n gratitude, thankgsiving
kapi kapi v worship [*]
kapudo kapudo n worship
kapudo goreš temple worship (led by priests)
kapudo komei home worship (led by fathers)
kawaki kagas a dry
kaymi kaym käym v buy [Jeori kaymî, from W. ka:imu]
kaymus (v) káymuc m purchase, sale
kaynesi kaynes v sell [Jeori kaymśi, lexicalized dative-passive of ‘buy’]
kazin kazi a Caďinorian [Caďinor]
Kazineli Kazinel n the Caďinorian empire
keč (d) ked m a type of long bark beetle [*]
keï pr they [*]
keiben kiven a west, western [‘duskward’]
keibu kip kûp n twilight, dusk [*]
keir kir m house, hut (smaller than a douz) [*]
keixi kis kik v grow, expand [*]
keixou n growth
keixokun kissu m shoot, seedling
kejikim v take a bite, eat a little [dim. of ‘eat’]
kejim keji v eat [*]
kejidemu kejideym n meal [‘eating time’]
kenke keyka n shoe [W. keŋka]
kenkeï n boot [augm. of ‘shoe’]
keno keno cj if, if not (follows if-clause expressed in negative mood; followed by subjunctive)
kerez (m) kris m guilt [*]
kešik kešis v split, sunder, chop off [onomatopoeia]
kete keti f 216 (a gross and a half— a common quantity in Xengiman since the days of the Wede:i base 6 system) [W. ke:ta]
kezax (k) m law code
kezi kes v command (said of gods and rulers; cf. yati) [*]
kezus (v) kéyzuc m command, order, law
kie xe še f body [*]
kieravati xeraci v exercise, train [‘body movement’]
kieravatudo xeracudo n exercise, training
kiedem xede v embody, create
kiedou xedu n creation
kimem ximi v put, place, apply
kimin xim m bodily substance, organ [‘body-element’]
kiristeč (š) xiríceč m knot
kiristem xirice v tie, make a knot
kirti xirc n lemon [Caď. citro]
kiul xayu šul m sky [*]
kiun xun a sour
kiuri xaur a bodily, physical
kivi kip šip v swim [poss. based on kizi]
kivinex xínex m pool, fountain [‘swimming basin’]
kizi xis šis v slip, slide [*]
kokem koke koke v knock, hit [imitative]
koku kos n blow, knock, thud
kome koma kome f hearth, home [*]
komu at home
komeli komel a peaceful; sedentary [‘home-loving’]
komeï komei n the secular or physical world [calque on W. komoma]
komi keum v live, inhabit (focus on place; cf. elik)
kominari keunar f residence, habitation
komez (m) m resident, inhabitant
komiki keumis v spend time in, visit (for an extended time)
komroz (d) koros kobros m family [‘hearth folk’]
kon kon ko m jewel [ultimately from Elkarîl]
kokoribi kokrip v whine, rant [intensive of koribi]
koribi keurip köribe v complain
korxe koxa f morel (type of mushroom)
kouli kul v gather, collect [*]
koulax kúlex n pile, heap [‘gatherings’]
koulou kulum kulu n clam [W. ka:ulau]
kouludo kuludo n harvest; autumn
Kouraz Kuras Kuräs m Skouras [OS Skouras]
kourazez (m) kurázes kuräzes m Skourene (person)
kouz kum m louse
kue xua šua f hen [*]
kueč (š) xweč m fight
kuikim xauke v skirmish [‘little fight’]
kuim xwe ši v fight [*]
kulana xulana n cod [W.]
kumeli xumel a argumentative
kumun xumun a wondrous, awesome [from ‘awe’]
Kuranaku Xoranas n The Koranax; Gurdago [OS Skuranaku ‘New Skouras’]
kuranakari xoranakri a Gurdagor, of Gurdago or the Koranax
Kurančal Xorayčau Šuräṭṭäl m the Šurantal (the Skourene sea) [OS Skuranṭal]
kure xora šure a dawn, sunrise
kuren a east, eastern [‘dawnward’]
Kureno Xurno Šureno n Xurno [‘dawning (nation)’]
kuris (k) xauris m root
kurivati xauriac v reach, attain [‘beside’ + causative]
kuro xur pp beside
kuroxamim krosam šurokämi v emerge, branch out [‘side-come’]
kuroxamou krosamu n branch; confluence [‘branching’]
Kurun Kuru m Kurund (Tžuro emperor) [Tžuro]
kurtik xorcis v help [verbalization of kuro ‘beside’]
kurtudo xorcudo n help
kurtudai xorcuda n Adjutance (imperial ministry) [‘help’ + W. localizer]
kus m side [*]
kus (kuriš) xuc m leg [*]
kuwiz xwes m core, pit (of fruit) [*]
kuz (m) xus m wonder, awe [*]
kuzayari xuziar a Cuzeian
Kuzaye Xuzay Šuzäye f Cuzei
kuzun xuzu šuzu m wonder, marvel
laji laj v hit [*]
lajou laju n blow
lavi lay a yellow [*]
laviji laiš läbiš f bee [half-calque on W. źaiji ‘yellow’ + nom.]
leïk leis leyk v glow, glimmer [*]
lejegu lejis n official, bureaucrat [W. leźugu ‘trustee’]
li li cj and
lič (š) leš liš m face
lišo leš pp in front of, facing
lišun layšu a superficial [‘of the face’]
losu los los n moose, elk [W. losu]
louk luk cj so, therefore, because[W. la:uk]
louji luj lüš f money, coin [W. lauji]
loujie dem pay
loujimex lujimex m treasurer [‘master of money’]
dax loujimexiš treasury
lousem luze luse v summon [W. la:usa]
lumi laum lüm v wash [W. lumu, from lu: ‘water’]
lure lora lure f wrist [*]
lučezagu lučas n engineer, builder [W. lu:źensagu ‘irrigation works designer’, lit. ‘water-driver’]
mabik mavis mäbi v love [from babytalk]
mabiou mavyu n love (familial or sexual)
mabirti mavirc n lover
mal mau a bald, bare, barren
malto mauto n bald man
makim mase v defeat, conquer [W. ma:ku]
makokun m conqueror
makou maku n defeat, conquest
manayuma manyuma m the manayuma flower (noted for its spherical head) [W. maŋayuma]
mar mar m warp (of loom) [W. ma:r]
mata ma(t) cj or
megou meysum môžu n glue; dough [*]
medimeli medzimel a (properly) filial, respectful [‘son-hearted’]
Meï Mei Mey f a Mei [from Mei]
meidi mic mis f field [*]
meidemax (k) mídzex m peasantry; the masses, the people
meidez (m) mídes mides m farmer, peasant
Meidimexi Midzimes f the Mešaic earth goddess; the planet Vlerëi [‘field mistress’]
mein min m star [W. ma:in]
meiruj miruj mûruš m brain [*]
meivu mip a rich [*]
meivis (r) miuc m prosperity, wealth
mek mis me v have [*]
melen meli mele m heart [W. melen]
melenuri melinaur a close to one’s heart; friend
Menál Mnau Menäl m Mnau peninsula [OS Melnali]
menalun mnalu a of Mnau; outlandish, shocking
menu meyn môn m hand [*]
menošik mneušis v beckon, make a gesture
menošu mneušu n gesture
Meša (r) Meša Mešô m chief of the pre-Endajué pantheon; the planet Išira [related to mex?]
Meuneli n a Čia-Ša state in Šaxun [Čia-Ša ‘heroic’ + Ax. ‘land’]
mex m master (chiefly used as a suffix) [*]
mexi mes mek f mistress [*]
mez (d) (me)mis mes m son [*]
mi (misiš) (mi-) m word [*]
mibugi mayvaus v recite (poetry) [‘say words’]
midem mide mide v decide, announce [‘give the word’]
midirti midzirc n judge [‘decider’]
migume maysu mûžume m iliu [‘water-man’]
mii mi mi n water [*]
mikwen miswen mišwe m rope, cord; muscle [W.]
mikwen lišoxiei sterno-mastoid
mikwen kuroxiei trapezoid (muscle)
mimeidi mimic f bog, swamp [‘water-field’]
min min m substance, material, element [W. miŋ]
minem mine mine v wrap
minurem mnaur v wear clothes; wear
minus (v) mínuc m robe, wrapped not fitted clothing
minurax (k) mnorex m clothing; outfit
mipivu maypayvu n parent (usually used in plural) [mivu + pivu]
misimeli mizmel a verbose, talky, loquacious [‘word-loving’]
miun myun a watery, liquid
miunšik myušis v water, dilute
miunšeč (š) myúšeč m dilution, solution
mivu mayp mûp n mother [*]
mivuri maybri a maternal
mogolou moglu n oyster [W. mogalau]
mogou mogu n peach [W.]
moji meuš v may, might (auxiliary)
monzi moz monts n girl, maiden [W. mo:nzi]
monzin mozi a girlish, maidenly
moš pr you [*]
mouli mul a soft [*]
mouludo muludo n softness; lovemaking
moulus (v) múluc m blouse, woman’s shirt [‘breast thing’]
moulušik mulaušis mulüši v give suck [‘use the breast’]
moun mun mu m panther, leopard; also the name of a god, and of province [W. maun]
mounevi n a resident of Moun province
mounez (m) muney munep m icëlan [‘of Moun (the god)’]
mous (l) muc mus m breast [PE *mouls ‘soft thing’]
mouz (m) mus m cotton bole
mu mu pp with; by means of [*]
muč (d) mud muš m sheep [*]
muelik mwelis v know, be acquainted or familiar with [‘live with’]
muelis (v) m acquaintance, familiarity
mumurim mure v fold, fold over [intensive of ‘turn’]
Munjaz Múnjas Muḍḍäs m Munkhâsh
murim maure v turn around; change; spiritually advance [W. muri]
mureč (š) moreč m a turn or change; a level or plane of being in Mešaic thought [W. mura]
Sigadu mureši the Hundred Planes, the universe
soumiš mureč a season
murus (v) móruc m change; form, stage; form of a word
X muruvo shaped like X; like X
muruvax (k) morex m (morphological) paradigm; grammar
mutuči mucauč cj moreover, also [mu tuč li ‘and with that’]
muxi maus a many (with pl.), much (with s.) [*]
muxidemu av often, frequently
muxinari mausinar av in many places, all over
muxiwa mausiga av much, a lot
muze muza muzô f mosquito [*]
naka naka näkô m hemp [W.]
nakaz (m) nákam näkä m rope
Namal Namau Nämäl m the Namal [OS]
naya na cj that (subordinated clause precedes)
nanudeč (š) nándeč m sacrifice, offering
nanudem nande nände v sacrifice [loan-trans. of W. na:nku:ru ‘god-give’]
nanuduvi nandzaup a sacred, holy [‘god-given’]
nanu nan nän n god, goddess [W. na:n]
nanudič (d) nándzeš m chimera; child of two gods [‘god-heir’]
nanuminudo namaynudo n superstition [‘god-wrapping’]
nanuri nanaur a godly, divine
narange nange närägge f orange [Caďinor narange]
nari (rei) nar f place [*]
narideč (š) mrídeč m grant of land; monastery
naridečez (m) mridéčes m monk, nun
naridem mride närde v grant, bestow (esp. land) [‘land-give’]
nawuna nauna m peace
nebi nep nep # nine [*]
nebou nevu n nephew, niece [*]
nebun a ninefold, nonuple
neburi neyvaur nôbür a ninth
neč (š) neč neš m birth
nedex nedeš nedes # ninety
nege negi nege f daughter [*]
neičun niču m iron [Elkarîl tñêchôŋ]
neikwen niswen m cart, wagon [W. ŋaikwen]
neir nir nir m fate, destiny [*]
neiri a fateful, predestined
neirxamokun nirzamosu n opportunity, chance [‘come by fate’]
neje neja neḍô f foot [*]
neji n craft, freeman’s work (cf. šigi) [*]
neji nej v work (as a craftsman or freeman); craft, fashion
neji f moon (archaic) [*]
Nejimex Nejimex m the moon Iliažë [‘moon-master’]
Nejimexi Nejimes f the moon Iliacáš [‘moon-mistress’]
Nejimez (d) Nejimémis m the moon Naunai [‘moon-son’]
nelema nelima m shipping container, box [OS ŋlema]
nem ne ne v be born [*]
nemurem neymore nômme v sleep
nemurus (v) neymoruc nômmus m sleep, rest
neruwen neywen m noble’s bed (i.e. not a peasant’s straw bed) [W.]
neruweno wedeï concubine [‘bed-slave’]
nevi ney pp over, above
neviberiš neybreš m upper arm [‘above arm’]
nevičik neičis nebiṭi v descend, sink; become corrupt or sinful
nevičudo neičaudo n descent; corruption, wickedness
nevidus neidzuc nebûzus m shoulder [‘top of back’]
neviwei newe n brow [‘above eye’]
nevivati neyac v cover
nevus (v) néyuc m covering; ewemi cap
nex nex m basin, wide bowl; cradle [unusual nominalization of nem]
nibo nivo n loincloth, underwear [W. ŋiboji]
ninmalevi nimaley n trader, merchant
ninmali nimal nimäl v trade, engage in business [W. niŋmali]
ninmalai nimala n market [W. niŋmala:i]
nive nye nibe f king
nivešuz (m) nyešus m kingdom [‘king-land’]
nivedax nyedax m (royal) court [‘king-mansion’]
niveï nyei nibey n emperor [‘king’ + augmentative]
nivegume m royalist; supporter of the king or emperor
nivelouji nyeluj f taxes [‘king-money’]
nivujez (m) nayvújes nûbuḍes m minister [‘king’s ear’, loan translation of W. moganopaźiwa]
eimi nivujez prime minister
nivuri nyeri a royal, kingly
Nayormen Niormen Näyome m Niormen province [W. Na:iworma:n ‘Greater Na:iwor’]
niwo (r) nio m grace (beauty of movement) [*]
niwun niu a graceful
nixi nis nis f snow [*]
nixik nisi niki v snow
nixo (r) níses a white [‘snowy’]
niyan nyan niyä m linen [W. ŋiyan]
niujem nyuje v rest, nap [OS ŋiuḍḍa ‘nap’]
niz nis m nut [*]
nobiči neuvič nöbiš n redcane (reedy plant used as kindling, roofing, etc.) [W. no:biźi ‘red grass’]
nobiči tešuš clavicle
nolsik nowsis v burn [W. ŋolsu]
nolsuvi nowsú f ashes, remains [‘burnt’]
nolzau nozau n glass; enamel [W. ŋolzau]
notaneli notanel n steppe, desert [W. ŋotaŋeli]
nou n wedding [*]
noumik numis nümi v marry (syntax: S1 mu S2; verb in plural)
noumuvi numaup a married (of women)
noumuvači numuač a unmarried; virginal (of women)
noune nune nune f street [W. ŋa:una]
noui nu nu v rain [*]
nous (nouwiš) nuc nus n rain
noxu nox noku n night [*]
noxun a nightly, nocturnal
nudi nuc nüs f finger [*]
nudišik nudzis v point, indicate
nudišuri f locative (case)
nugi naus nüš f throat [*]
nugišik naušis nüžiši v swallow [‘use the throat’]
nui naui v succor, comfort [*]
Id nu! Alas!
nul nu(mel) a healthy [W. nu:l]
nulači nulač a sick, ill [‘unhealthy’]
nulačito n sick man, patient
nulseč (š) núseč m cure, healing
nulsem nuse nuse v cure, heal [W. nu:lsa]
nulsirti nusirc nusiš n doctor, physician
nulsixavou nusixau n medicine (art)
nuludo n health
numidem naunde v name, give a name to
numišebari naušvar nüšebär v sign; approve [‘sign one’s name’]
numišebareč (š) naušváreč n signature, approval
nuve nue nube f cat
nuvike iweka nübikô f kitten
nuz (m) nus nus m name [*]
omik eumis v think
peš X omik think about X
omonik omeunis omöni v deliberate, seriously consider [intensive of omik]
omou omu n (the facility of) thought; collective opinion
omudeč (š) omúdeč m puzzle, riddle [‘thing of great thought’]
omudečik omudečis v puzzle, confound
omudečuri a puzzling
omus (v) ómuc omus m thought, idea
or o pp out of, away from, from
oravem orae v leave [‘go out of’]
oravou orau n departure
orivati v deviate from, go astray; disobey; commit a crime [verbalization of ‘away’]
orivatus (v) m deviation; disobedient act, crime
vumun orivatus double crime (people accusing each other)
orjibeï ojivi orḍibei v exile oneself, abandon a community; kill oneself [‘walk away’]
orjibirti orjivirc n exile; hermit; suicide
orgume orguma m outsider, stranger
orkimem orkime v hide [‘put away’]
orkimuvi orkaymaup a hidden
orkirti n assassin [‘hider’]
orkirtušik v assassinate
orpuek orpwis v abandon, leave (behind), reject [‘spit away’]
orpuou orpú n abandonment, rejection
ous (v) uc us m nose [*]
pačiwa pačiga m Wede:i king [W. paźiwa ‘king’]
palin pali av more [W. palin ‘again’]
palin more
palindeč (š) páundeč m addition; infix
palindem paunde pälidde v add, increase; embroider [‘give more’]
palindex a additive, added; the non-simple tenses formed by infixation
palindudo paundudo n embroidery
palinma plima av very; extra; con gusto [palin + W. augmentative -ma]
palinun playnu a additional, another
pas (v) pas päs m lips
pavičik payčis päbiṭi v kiss; salute, greet
pavičus (v) payčus päbûṭus m
kiss; greeting
peiji pij v fear, be afraid [W. paiju]
peijou piju piḍu n fear
peijudem pijude v scare, alarm [‘give fear’]
peimem pime pime v take [*]
peivi pip pp before [*]
peivideiz (m) pídis av yesterday (usage: see dúsodeiz)
pejim peje peḍi v stand; stay [*]
pejimeli pejimel a faithful, loyal [‘standing’]
peli pel cj but, although
peliwa peliga cj contrariwise, on the contrary [peli + adv.]
pendex pendex peddes # fifty
penk peyk pekk # five [*]
penkun peyku a fivefold, quintuple
penkuri peykaur pentšür a fifth
peš peš pp around, near; about
pešbugi pebaus pešibüš v discuss
pešenke pešike f (archaic) band; household, establishment
pešikus (v) m vest, half-coat [dim. of ‘coat’]
pešun peyšu a ready, available [‘nearish’]
pešunšik peyšušis pôšuntši v prepare, make ready
pešus (v) peyšuc m coat, cloak [nom. of ‘around’]
petibim pecive pesibi v praise [variant of petim: ‘sing praises of’]
petibou pecivu n praise
petim pece pes v sing [*]
pideč (š) pideč m song
pidi pic pis v drink [*]
pididouz (m) m inn, tavern [‘drink-house’]
pija pija piḍô m dirt, filth [W. ‘mud’]
pijun a dirty, filthy
pijuvati (tiš) payjuac pûḍubäs v pervert, corrupt (sexually) [‘make dirty’]
pijuvatudo payjuacudo n perversion, promiscuity, sexual immorality
pijuvi f pervert, libertine
Pikei Piki Piki f the Piki river in Bolon [W. Pikye ‘green river’]
pilik pilis pili v press (down) [*]
piludo pilaudo n pressure
piluvi plaup pûlüp f paper; felt [‘pressed’]
piluvik páyles m document [‘little paper’]
pinatino picino n the 5th hours of the day [W. pina tinno ‘five of the day’]
pipidi pipic pipis v get drunk [intensive of ‘drink’]
pipidun a drunk
pipidunto n drunkard
pivu payp pûp n father [*]
pivui n sire, lord [‘great father’]
pivuri payvaur a paternal, fatherly
podei podi podi f dog
pojem poje poḍe v drive (animals, a cart) [*]
popoukim pope v drop [reduplication of ‘fall’]
poukim puse püši v fall [onomatopoeia]
poukuvi púsaup f a free Ezičiz fallen into near-slavery
poudex pudex pudes # twenty
poudi puc püs a second [*]
poudik pudzis v repeat, imitate
poudiwa puciga av again; secondly; besides, apart from this
poudixamim puxame püzgämi v return, go back [‘come again’]
poudixamou puxamu n return
poudou n repetition; imitation
pouzem puze v trot (animals) [*]
poze poza pozô f flea [*]
puč puš puš m stomach [*]
pudi a deep [*]
puek puis v spit; hate, reject [imitative]
puou n hatred
pu (r) a few, some
Puro Puro Puro n a river north of the upper Xengi
Puroneli Pronel Puronel n Pronel, the Puro valley
pus (l) puc pus m floor [*]
puteč (š) púteč m spill
putik paucis v spill
puvi paup püp f stone, rock [*]
rabo ravom n hemp cloth [W. ra:bo ‘cloth’]
rabo kuriš woman’s trousers
rabo renkiei man’s skirt
račazi račaze räṭä n whore, prostitute [W. raźazi]
rame rama rämô f frog [*]
ran ray pp in, into, inside
Ran Ran m the Ran river, main river of Rajjay [W. Ra:n]
ranax (k) ránex m intestines, guts [‘in’ + collective]
ranaxun ransu a profound; esoteric, magical [‘guts’ + adjectivizer]
ranaxunudo ransudo n magic, alchemy
Ranjavi Rajjay n of Ranji (town); thus, Rajjay province
ransuzik ransauzis räntsüzi v dig [‘in-earth’]
ransuzinari sauznar f fort [‘diggings’]
ranuri ranaur a interior
monzi ranuri temple courtesan
ras (v) rac räs m justice [*]
rasun a just
rasunači razunači a unjust
rauni raun rôün f tongue [*]
raunišik raunešis v verbally abuse
ravati reac v move [‘make to go’]
ravem rae räbe v go [*]
ravimeli raymel a justice-loving
ravun rau a farther, distant [‘going’]
raxim rase v throw
raz (m) ram m flax [*]
redem rede rede v fly [*]
redou redu n flight
redweli redwel n harefoil (an herb) [‘rabbit-leaf’]
reii ri ri v flow, run [*]
reilači rilač a invisible
reileč (š) ríleč m object, thing, item [‘something seen’]
reildem riwde ride v show, reveal [‘give sight’]
reildudo riwdzudo n revelation
reilim rile v see [*]
X reilozi Here is X (lit., you see X)
X mu C Y reilei X saw Y to be C
reilušik rilaušis rûlüši v seem, appear
reilušeč (š) rilúšeč m seeming, appearance
reimax (k) rímex m outline [‘line collection’]
reimidem rinde v draw [‘give a line’]
reina rina rinô m river [‘flow-thing’]
reis (v) ric ris m wolf [*]
reiz (m) ris m line [*]
reizo (r) rizo a long; extensive
reme rema remô f milk [*]
remevati remyac rembäs v milk
renim rene rene v believe [*]
reneč (š) m belief, faith
renki reyk f thigh [*]
reravirti rerayc räbiš n nomad, barbarian [‘rover’]
reravem rerae v rove, wander (because one has no fixed abode), live nomadically [intensive of ‘go’]
res (d) red ret m rabbit
revi rey a new [*]
n millenialism, the expectation that a revi šarus or new cosmic cycle is beginning
revito n newbie, novice
revudo reudo n newness, novelty
rexi res rek v climb [*]
ri (riziš) ri m seed; semen [*]
ri pr thou [*]
riguz (m) raysum raysaum m chestnut [*]
riji rij a clear, open
rijou (juš) riju n clearing, space; cell, room
rimi rim rim v weave [W. rimu]
rimikou riyku n nest [‘little woven thing’]
rintuka ricuka tsukô m rye beer [W. riŋtuka]
rir rir a your [*]
ririšem rireše ririše v examine, inspect [intensive of ‘look’]
rišem reše v look, look at [*]
riši reš a high; tall [*]
rišidem rešide v raise, lift [‘give height’]
riširavem rešrae v ride [‘go tall’]
rišito rešayc a tall person
rizax (k) rízex m testicles [‘seed container’]
rizi ris v smile [*]
rodun rodzu a popular, vulgar, of the masses [from roz]
rogi reus v imprison, jail
rogu ros(ik) n prison cell
roguvi rosaup rožüp f imprisoned; prisoner
Ronal Ronau Ronäl m Gulf of Ronau
roneč (š) róneč m enclosure
roni reun rön v enclose, cut off [*]
ronus rónuc n wall
rori reu a beautiful [*]
roris (r) réuric röris m beauty (of form)
roriše reuše v beautify, decorate
rorito reurayc n a beautiful man or woman
rotik reucis v pull, drag
roum rum a wide [*]
rous (d) rud m bile
rouz (m) rus rus m apple [*]
roz (d) ros ros m people, folk, nation
ruč (d) ruš ruš m ice [*]
rudem rude v offer [‘give to want’]
rudi ruc f meadow, field [*]
Rudineli Rüzinel n Luduyn [‘ice land’]
ruji rauš f cold [*]
rujis (r) raujic rüḍis m winter
rujun ruju a cold
rujidi rauj a red [*]
ruki raus v scurry, run (small animals or insects), run around (e.g. children) [dim. of ruti ‘run’]
runei runi runi f city [W. ruŋa:i ‘city-state’]
runeiji runije runiḍe f crab (as n, name of a god) [W. rukŋa:iji]
runeiri runir a urban, civic
runi raun rün v govern, rule [W. ruŋu]
runirti raunirc rüniš n governor [‘ruler’]
runje ruje ruḍḍe f bend [*]
runou ruywen runu n grass [*]
runuri a governmental, official [‘ruling’]
ruti rauc rüs v run, rush [W. ruti ‘hurry’]
rutun rucu a hurried; eager
ruwen m loom[W.]
ruwik rues v desire, want [*]
ruwou rou n desire [*]
ruz (g) rus m horn [*]
ruzeneč (š) ruzéneč m request
ruzenem ruzene v ask, request (dative expression) [‘want to know’]
rukweli ruxwel n poplar [‘horn-leaf’]
Sabi f the Sainor people
sagi sas säš v take hold of; sleep with [*]
sagokun a genitive (case), owned
sagokunu n ownership
saguvi sasaup a pregnant [‘slept with’]
sakandik xandzis sägzi v fish
sakane xana skäne f fish [W. sakana]
Sarnari Saynar Särinel f Sarnáe (west half of Dhekhnam) [Caďinor Sarinaren]
saviku says säbûš n female cousin
savu sap säp n sister [*]
seče seči seṭe # six [*]
sečun seyču a sixfold, sextuple
sečuri seyčaur sôṭür a sixth
sedex sedeš sedes # sixty
seirim sire siri v intrans. lie, recline; trans. keep, retain
seješ seješ m clock, mechanical device [OS seṭṭeş]
selidi slic selis v jump [*]
selik seli sli v roll [*]
senke seyki sekke f pine [*]
sewem swe v crawl, slither
sewirti swec n snake [‘slitherer’]
sigadu sigac sigäs n hundred [*]
sikim sisi siši v sting, prick [synaesthetic]
sikirti sisirc n scorpion [‘stinger’]
sili sil sil v shine [*]
silirti silirc siliš n light
sim sim si m character, glyph [W. ‘word’]
simapali simäpäl f senate, assembly [OS smapali]
simax (k) símex simäs m the Axunešin writing system [‘glyph collection’]
sinu sayn sûn n mother-in-law [*]
siši seš siš f berry [*]
sisikim sizike v annoy, bother [intensive of sikim]
siu syu pr I [*]
siweï siwé siwey n pond, puddle [*]
six six m willow [*]
sizi sis a thirsty [*]
sizis (r) sizic m thirst
sol sou a salty [*]
solušik solaušis slüši v add salt to
somin seumi sömi m salt [‘salty substance’]
sor a strong; right (vs. left)
sorači sorač a left
soris (r) seuric söris m strength
souz (m) sus sus m year [*]
soumax (k) súmex m epoch, time
soumirevi sumbrey m spring [calque on W. watasu:]
suki saus süš v penetrate, stab, pierce [*]
sukuri susaur a stabbing, painful; brilliant, incisive
sukurudo sorudo n pain, suffering
sukwenku suswensu n swordfish [from the god Sukwenka]
suli saul a young [*]
sulis (r) saulic m (state of) youth
sulito sulayc sülito n youth, young person
suneč (š) suneč suneš m dream
sunem sune sune v dream [*]
suri saur a late [*]
susuki suzaus v sew [intensive of ‘pierce’]
susunem suzune v long for [intensive of sunem]
suz saus m soil, earth; land [*]
suzik sauzis m dust particle [dim. of ‘soil’]
šagi šas v be missing, be lacking [*]
X en Y šagi Y is missing X
Šagis (r) m a god, son of Meša and Ušimex [from šagi]
šagou šagu n lack, absence
šarem šare a empty
šarus (v) šaruc m emptying; period of time (from the time taken to empty one tier of a water clock); cosmic cycle
revi šarus the next cosmic cycle, the milennium
šašagi šaras v require, need [intensive of ‘lack’]
šašagou šaragu n requirement, need
šašuri šasaur a necessary
šašurači šasorač a unnecessary
še še v do [*]
šebarači a illiterate
šebareč (š) šebreč šebäreš m scroll, book; (process of) writing [‘writing’]
soumiei šebareč chronicle, annals
šebarešimex m chief scribe; master of a scriptorium
šebari ševar v write [W. śebar]
šebarudo ševarudo n (art of) writing, literacy
šeč (t) šeč šešz m spirit, soul [*]
šedem šede v experience, perceive, spend (time); suffer, have (a medical condition) [*]
šedu šec n experience, perception
šedudo šedzudo n state, condition (esp. a medical one)
šegu šeys m burial place [*]
šeguvati šeguac v bury
šeidex šidex šides # seventy
šeidi v fart [*]
šeidou šidzum n fart
šeigu šix n kind, type [*]
šeirvi širp a green [*]
šeis šic šis # seven [*]
šeisun šizu a sevenfold, heptuple
šeisuri šizaur šûsür a seventh
šeji šej f plant [*]
šejiz (d) šejis šeḍis m deer [*]
šel šu šel m uncle [*]
šele šeli f port, harbor [W. śela]
šeme šema f aunt
šemelači šemilač a unable, incapable, incompetent
šemeli šemil a capable, competent [‘deed-hearted’]
X naya šemeli able to X
šenka šeyka m roof, ceiling [W. śenka]
šerin šeri a pretty, lovely
šešedem šešide v recognize, acknowledge [intensive of ‘perceive’]
šešedu šešic n recognition, acknowledgement; classification of sex at puberty
šeï ši(ri) a blunt, dull [W. śeya]
šidou šidu šidu n liver [*]
šigi šis v work, toil [W. śigu]
šigou šigu n work, toil, slave’s labor (cf. neji)
šigokun šigosu a tired [‘having worked’]
šike šika šikô f mouse
šimi šim v push
šimun šaymu a insistent, emphatic; the intensive tenses
Šinkou Šiyku Šikku n the Xengi delta; the province containing it [W. Śimka:u ‘Xengi mouth’]
širtino šircino n the third hours of the day [W. śir tinno ‘three of the day’]
šizenem šizene v be able, know how to [‘know’ + ‘do’]
šoban šovan šobä m oatmeal [W. śoba:n]
šolmiz (m) šómis m sailing ship [OS şoḷmim]
šonax (k) šónex n brush [‘hair collection’]
šone šone f (head of) hair; fur
šonus (v) šonuc m (one) hair; thread
šonuvati šonuac v spin (into thread)
šoum šum a ugly
šour šur a loud [*]
šouširti širc šüs n wind; air
šubik šauvis v vomit
šuč šuš šuš m bone [*]
šučax (k) šúšex m skeleton
šudi a full [*]
šudivati šudziac v fill [‘make full’]
šuem šue v play [*]
šugei šugi šugi f barley [*]
šugeme šuema šgemô f beer
šuidim šwedze v speak (formally), orate, argue (in law) [*]
šuidou šwedu n speech; (legal) argument
šuke šuke f color [*]
šukevati šukeac šukebäs v paint [‘color’]
šun šun šu m language [*]
šurux (k) šors m worm
šus (v) šuc šus m egg [*]
šuvi šaup pp under [*]
šuvičik šwečis šübiṭi v rise, move upward; seek enlightenment and virtue
šuvičudo šwečaudo n rising; spiritual seeking
šuvičirti šwečirc n seeker, novice [‘riser’]
šuvinevi šwenéys av upside-down [‘under-over’]
šuvinevik šweneis šübnebi v turn upside-down, invert
šuvipoukim šwepusi šüppüši v fall short, disappoint [‘fall under’]
šuvipoukudo šwepusudo n disappointment
šuvirijou šweriju šübiriḍu n basement; fundamentals (of a subject) [‘under-room’]
šuvivati šawiac šübibäs v subdue, crush [‘make under’]
šuvivatou šawatu šübätu n victory
šuvokun šwosu a enlightened, spiritually aware; sage, saint [‘risen’]
šuvokunudo šwosudo n enlightenment, living life as if in the next mureč
šuvun šwun a raw, unformed; ore [‘eggish’]
šuvus (v) m men’s shirt [‘underthing’]
šuxau šusau šuka n crystal; gypsum [W. śukzau]
šuz (m) šus šus m province [*]
Šuzebri Šuzep n the province comprising the middle Xengi [‘middle province’]
tagi tas täš v stop, finish [W. taku]
tagus (v) tasuc täžus m ending; halt; coast
tan tan- a fertile [W. tan]
Tandau Tandau Tädda n southern Čeiy [W. ‘fertile city’]
Tanneli Tanel Tännel n Tanel province and peninsula [W. Taŋŋeli ‘fertile land’]
tausetino taucino n the 4th hours of the day [W. tause tinno ‘four of the day’]
taz tas pr we [*]
tazi tas täs n lightning
teč (d) teš teš m spot, dot [*]
tedi tec n large spot, patch [augm. of ‘spot’]
teile tile tile f rib [*]
tej (jiš) tej m tej (Jippirasti state or dynasty)
tek tes pp without
teko (r) tek- a hungry [from ‘without’]
tekorudo tekrudo n hunger
tekoto n the poor, the oppressed [‘the hungry’]
tel tel m weft (on loom) [W. ‘male’]
tenki teyk a narrow [*]
terik teris v shut up, stop speaking
tešu teyš n trunk, chest [*]
teteveč (š) téteč m amputation, cutting off
tetevi tetiy v cut off, chop down, amputate [‘cut’ + intens.]
teveč (š) teč tebeš m half [nom. of ‘cut’]
tevi tep v cut [from ‘knife’]
teviki teys tebiš v scratch [dim. of ‘cut’]
tevu teyp tôp n knife
ti cir pr this
tibel civú sibel m horse [*]
tíbelax (k) cívlex m army [‘horse’ + collective]
tíbelax tibelei cavalry
tíbelax juxei infantry
tíbeldouz (m) m stable [‘horse-house’]
tibelevi civliy f knight, horseman, cavalryman
tíbelez (m) cíbles m steward [originally ‘horse-groom’]
tibelmex civumex m stablemaster
tibi cip sip v feel [*]
tibudo civaudo n feeling
tič ceš pr this one [*]
tidex cidex sides # forty
tidin cidzi sizi a fourth [*]
tidu cic m palm [*]
tidemu cideym pr then, when (relative pronoun)
tiei ci- pr our
tijamu cj therefore, for that reason [ti jamu ‘for that thing’]
tikeno cj if (reversed form of keno)
tilouk ciluk cj because (reason follows) [‘because of that’]
Timai Cimai Sima n the first emperor of Axunai
time cima f gathering [*]
timi cim v sit [from ‘chair’]
tinari cinar pr there; where (relative pronoun)
tinaya cj that (subordinated clause follows) [ti- + naya]
tip cip sip m ring [Elkarîl thîp]
tiši a timid, shy [*]
tiz (m) cis sis m chair
tizi n throne [augmentative of ‘chair’]
to to pr he/she [*]
toge toge toge f circle [*]
togun tosu a circular
tore tora f fire [*]
toreï torei torey n sun [‘great fire’]
toro toro a hot, warm
torun a fiery
totoxim toteuse totöki v be too much [intensive of ‘be enough’]
totoxou totosu n overabundance, excess, surfeit
totoxuri tosaur a overabundant, excessive
touno tun pr why [W. ta:uno]
toxim teuse töki v be enough, suffice [*]
toxou n the right amount; what’s necessary
toxurači tosorač a insufficient
toxuri tosaur a sufficient, enough
tu cu pr that
tu (tusiš) cu su m dew [*]
tuč (d) cuš suš m dance
tuč cuš pr that one [*]
tuči cauč suš v dance
tučirti caučirc suṭiš n dancer
tuka cuka sukô m rye [W.]
tumiwa caunga cj rather, preferably [‘that-firstly’]
tuli caul v blow [*]
tuni caun a rotten, spoiled
tunišik caunešis v rot, spoil; become decadent, decline
Tural Curau Suräl m Curau (ancient capital of Xurno) [W. Tu:ral ‘crossroads oracle’]
tus (b) cup m mole [*]
tusagi cuzas v choose, select [‘take that’]
tusageč (š) cugeč sägeš m choice, selection
tuwem cue sue v pour [*]
ubimeli auvimel a happy, prosperous
ujez (m) újes uḍe m ear [‘hearer’]
uji auš üš v hear, listen; (in negative) ignore [*]
ujikalou aujikalu üḍikälu n music [‘ear pleasing’]
ujivateč (š) aujateč üḍibäteš m story, tale
ujivati aujiac v tell, recount
uli aul a bright, shiny
ulis (r) aulic ülis m honor, glory [‘shiningness’]
uliridem auride v pay (tribute or taxes) [‘give honor’]
ulirideč (š) aurideč ülirideš m tribute; taxes
uliax aušex ülas m the best of anything; the elite; the classics
ulivati auliac ülibäs v explain, clarify
ulivatou auliatu n explanation, clarification
unkez (m) úykes ukkes m herdsman, shepherd
unki uyk f fingernail [*]
unkou uyku ukku n herd [*]
unkoše ukoš v watch over, tend, care for [‘do herd’]
uriz auris üris m bear [*]
urizun urayzu a clumsy, awkward [‘bearish’]
us m happiness, prosperity [*]
m gold [*]
Ušimex Aušimex Üšimes m a Mešaic god; the planet Caiem [‘golden lord’]
ušun ušu a golden
varax bárex n claw, talon
vayma bayma m ship [Jeori vaymə, from W. wa:ima ‘big ship’]
vaymevi baymey f sailor
vetik beycis vesi v stink
veturi beycaur a stinking, noisome
voneč (š) boneč voneš m rip, tear; wound
vonem bone v rip, tear
vume buma vume # two [*]
vumetel buntel m secondary weft; brocade [‘two-weft’]
vumevati bumeac vumebäs v double; pass, overtake
vumun bumu a twofold, binary, double
wanke ayke ökke f hip [*]
šuč wankei pelvis
wanki aykye öntše f spider [*]
waruz (m) árus örus m eagle [*]
wawa aga ö m baby [W. wawa]
wax (g) wag ök m yoke [*]
we we f eye [*]
wedeï edem ödi n Wede:i (sing. noun); (Imperial times) slave
wedešin edeši ödeši m Wede:i language
weimeimex imimex ümimes m captain (of a ship) [’ship-master’]
Weinex Inex Ünes m Inex, capital of Axunai and of Xurno [‘ship-cradle’]
wel wu a old [*]
welax (k) élex m spray of leaves; line of text, verse
Welevo Eleo Ölebo n a Mešaic god [‘old blue’, since he was once associated with Vlerëi before Midzim was]
Welezi Elis Öles n one of the Mešaic gods; the planet Vereon [‘great old one’]
weli wel n leaf [*]
welto n old person
wen wen- m luck
wenke eyke f somebody; person, individual [*]
wenun eynu a lucky
wenunači eynunač a unlucky
werdu werc öš m bird [*]
wereme erima örmô f cheese [‘old milk’]
weš weš öš(šuš) m tail [*]
wešim eši v build, construct [W. we:śi]
wete wete öte f birch [W. wete]
wetešik etešis v whip, cane [done with a birch cane]
weun weun a by eye, by sight; apparent
wexi wes v remove; subtract, save
wexou wesu n removal
wimixem imise v find; notice [intensive of ‘look for’]
witim ice üsi v divide; apportion
witou itu n division
wituvei f estate (used in pl.) [‘shares’ (of land)]
wituvi aycaup f share, portion
wiu ayu üy n owl [*]
wixem ise üke v look for [*]
wixeč (š) íseč m search
wogi weus v feel disgust or horror [W. woŋi]
wogou n disgust, horror
woumun a round, spherical
wouz (m) wus wus m ball [*]
wus (r) wur ur m clay [*]
xalim xale zäli v breathe [*]
xalirti xalirc n animal [‘breather’]
xalu xal zäl n breath
xalus (v) xalc m one breath
xamim xame zämi v come [*]
xamirti xamirc n guest, newcomer [‘comer’]
xamirtudo xangrudo n hospitality
xamou xamu n arrival
xavik xais zäbi v study
xavou xau zäbu f study
xawixeč (š) m expectation
xawixem v expect, think will happen [‘looks to come’]
X naya zawixoi I expect X, X is likely
xawixiki xwesix zäwikiš v think might happen
X naya zawixikeu X is possible
xeč xeč zeš m garden [*]
xeji xeje f vagina [*]
Xengi Xengi Zentš n Xengi river [W. Akśim]
Xengiman Xengiman Zenžimä n the Southern plain [‘greater Xengi’]
xenki xeyk zentš f gull [*]
xidi xic a fast, quick
xie xe(yk) ze f neck [*]
Xinor Xinor Zinor m Šinour river [Old Skourene Skinor]
Xivazi Xiaz Zibäs n the World Ocean; the goddess of the sea
xuči xauč a dead [*]
xučideiz (m) m day of remembrance for the dead [‘dead-day’]
xučidouz (m) xaučidus m mausoleum, tomb [‘dead-house’]
xučik xaučis züṭi v die
xučis (v) xaučip züṭif m death
xude xuda zudô f pig [*]
xul xu zul a evil [*]
xul nanu demon [‘evil god’]
xuldem xude zude v cheat, defraud [‘give evil’]
xulis (v) zaulip zülif m evil
xulkimem xukime v bewitch, enchant [‘put evil’]
xulkimou xukimu n spell, enchantment
xulve xuba zube f elbow; handle [*]
xumidem xaunde v lie, tell lies [‘give evil words’]
xumidun xaundzu a false, wrong
xumidus (v) xáunduc m lie, falsehood
Xuris (r) m a late Mešaic cosmic being, above the gods [‘the black one’]
xuren xoren a black
xuru xor zur n blackness [*]
xus (b) (xauvis) m helmet, male headgear [*]
yaginari yasinar f hunting preserve [‘hunt-place’]
yaji yaš yäš v hunt [*]
yalou yalu yälu n knee [*]
yati yac yäs v order, command (a person)
yati yac yäs n order, command (said of masters, teachers, parents, etc.; cf. kezi) [W. yatu]
yatez (m) yátes yätes m master, one who gives orders
yatezmeli yatezmel a free, noble, with the character of a master not a slave
yaz (g) yas m hunt
yaz (m) yas m cheek
Yedeveiz Ideis Yedebis m Ideis river [W. Yedo ‘at the river’ + an uncertain suffix]
yexu yeys yôk n feather [*]
yoji yeuš v peel [W. yoži]
yokrin yokri yokri m vinegar [W. yokriŋ]
yokrindem yokrinde v pickle
youji yuš f beetle [W. yauji]
yoxino yeucino n the second hours of the day [W. yok tinno ‘two of the day’]
yoxu yos n scissors, clipper [W. yokto]
yoxuvati yosuac v trim, clip, cut with a scissors
yudex yudex yudes # eighty
yugi yauš yüš # eight [*]
yugun yusu a eightfold, octuple
yuguri yusaur yužür a eighth
yun yu a good [unknown but ancient origin]
yunmin yumin m medicine (item) [‘good substance’]
yus (v) yuc yus m fat, oil
yute yute yute f flower [*]
yuvu (r) yup- a tasty, delicious
yuvurus (v) wóruc m dainty, delicacy
zalai zalay f general [Jeori zælay, from W. sela:i ‘warlord’]
zendem zende zedde v teach [‘give knowledge’]
zendevi zendey n teacher
zendudo zendzudo zenzudo n teaching, education
zenem zene v know (things, not people) [W. ze:n]
zenmelez (m) zeméles m philosopher, savant [‘intelligent one’]
zenmeli a knowledgable, intelligent [‘knowledge-hearted’]
zenudo zenaudo zônudo n knowledge
zenuvači zeynač a unknown
zetik zecis zesi v limit, bound
zetu zeyc zôs n edge, boundary
zetudo n limit, restriction
zetuvi zeycaup a limited, restricted, bounded
zetuvači zeycuač zôsubäš a unlimited, unrestricted, unbounded, infinite
zezenem zezine v learn, come to know; record [intensive of ‘know’]
zezenus (v) zinuc zezônus m record, document
zidi zic zis v shudder, tremble [synaesthetic]
zim zim zi m woman (excludes ewemi) [W. zimi]
zimik m maiden, young woman
zimikun zimaysu a maidenly
zimun zimu a female, feminine
zoči zeuč a apart, alone
zočuri zočaur a different; heretical
zočurudo zočrudo n heresy, cult
zou zu n sand [W. zau]
zouun a sandy
zunax (k) zúnex zunäs m quiver
zunirti zaunirc züniš n bowman
zunu zun zun n arrow
zurte zorte f lust [W. zurtaa ‘desire, love’]
zurtun zorcu a lustful

Answer to The cheating Skourene

Kourazez eimiwa šebarei, li en murei. Axunez murus en omonu. Tumiwa en šuvinevu.
© 2004 by Mark Rosenfelder
Virtual Verduria